Twenty plus Five

Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With


mashimaro-ing [block] on 5-25-2012 12:56:26 says: And then suddenly I shipped Baekhyun and Na Young


oh my gosh D: at least Baekhyun's there to help her.

To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of amnesia stories too xD So I'm glad you have something else planned for this story ^^ But akldsfjk I hope she's alright
x  @mashimaro-ing Hm :D yeah amnesia stories get a bit on my nerves. Eh. 

Exosaranghaee [block] on 5-25-2012 12:08:37 says: Omo, is she going to receive TWO confessions after this? I really hope she's not going to die! ;(@Exosaranghaee Maybeeeeeee

xg_chunjae [block] on 5-25-2012 11:35:24 says: taco- hell to you and your brother. oh no!  @g_chunjae TACO lololol I thought of it in science class. 

xbluesujulove15 [block] on 5-25-2012 09:48:42 says: baekhyun needs to take care of her and it sounds like he likes her hehehe   @bluesujulove15 mmmmmm maybe... ;D

xundertherapy [block] on 5-25-2012 09:24:38 says: "No, Na Young. You can't die on me. Not now, not ever."

Okay, care to explain this Baekhyun? o.O

Okay Luhan, I want to know how long you can suppress your feelings for Nayoung, now that she's in a life and death situation~  @undertherapy Hehe it will be explained hereerree

xcamillebartolo08 [block] on 5-25-2012 08:43:04 says: OMO! I HOPE NAYOUNG WILL BE OKAY. UPDATE SOON! =)  @camillebartolo08 :D okies.

xburbburb [block] on 5-25-2012 08:33:05 says: OMG, Nayoung no!!
and hey hey hey, Baekhyun cares for Nayoung, what's this all about? XD @burbburb Hehe I guess a friendly kind of love..

xhappytaemint [block] on 5-25-2012 08:23:16 says: OMG BAEKHYUN AND NAYOUNG   @happytaemint :)

xpinkypn [block] on 5-25-2012 06:42:14 says: I ship baekhyun and nayoung too  @pinkypn :)

xChristaLee [block] on 5-25-2012 05:38:19 says: OH COME ON. CURSE YOU STUPID EARPHONES.
ALSDJFLKAJSDFKJABFLIWGDKFJGAGKJSGJGFSD. @ChristaLee I know, yeesh earphones are the cause of everything D:

xchocoluv [block] on 5-25-2012 05:32:15 says: Aww. I ship baekhyun and nayoung very much   @chocoluv :)

xnell_santos [block] on 5-25-2012 05:22:23 says: 'No, Na Young. You can't die on me. Not now, not ever.'

Does Baekhyun likes her??? Or he's just worried???  @nell_santos maybe.. hehe read this chapter...:)

xVIAN__ [block] on 5-25-2012 04:36:35 says: By any chance, does Baekhyun like Nayoung? Oh and LOL, when I was reading the Kris part, I felt really awkward cos my name's Vivian too HAHAHA.
OMG Luhan just break up with Mina already!    @VIAN_ maybe. :) LOL heheh

xSaranghaeILY [block] on 5-25-2012 03:28:43 says: OMG YOU CAN'T DIEEEE!! mouth to mouth someone!! (preferably luhan XD)
But seriously.......She's too young to die!! You can't kill her author!!
Asdfghjkl update soon!! x   @SaranghaeILY   LOL mouth to mouth aww that would be nice! :D she is to young. Eh, let't not kill her off. I love how I can control these things. 

xDefineBeautyandLove [block] on 5-25-2012 02:53:35 says: WAE!! Nayoung!! Don't die!!! @DefineBeautyandLove  Hopefully she wont..:)

xlilhania [block] on 5-25-2012 02:40:57 says: oh hell no! u can't die nayoung! T__T  @lilhania omona. :)

xjasarana16 [block] on 5-25-2012 02:32:27 says: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! OMO!!! >< Hope she'll be fine!! TT^TT But at the 'flashback' part I was a bit excited because it says that Na Young is 12 and my age right now is 12! XD AHAHAHAHAHA! @jasarana16  No way! Hehe 

xaxrawr617 [block] on 5-25-2012 02:25:33 says: Na young!!! Stay strong!!!
Stupid lu han and mina pda cause all this!!! @axrawr617  :D maybe... :) 

xNanaBunanaaaaa [block] on 5-25-2012 01:12:35 says: OH MY FREAKING GOSHHHHH O,O
CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE  @NanaBunanaaaaa  Read on to find out aaahahehehee.

xsushi_roll101 [block] on 5-25-2012 01:12:04 says: OMG LUHAN BRING UR GODDAMN CONVERTIBLE AND SAVE THE HELL OUT OF NAYOUNG OMFG UPDATE SOON AUTHORNIM @sushi_roll101   LOL here you go :D 

xaozora [block] on 5-25-2012 00:41:17 says: Omg is it just me? I can't find twenty plus three so I don't really understand about vivian and kris. AND OMG NAYOUNG HUHUHUHU NOOOOO luhan you stupid omg both of you are stupid to not realize each other feelings  @aozora comment replied :)

xIgotsmiles1 [block] on 5-25-2012 00:13:01 says: She better wake up!! :( update soon!  @Igotsmiles1  hehehe let's seeee

xAriizzeSann [block] on 5-25-2012 00:07:26 says: /JAWS DROPPED/



x-yeongbaby [block] on 5-25-2012 00:02:12 says: omfg nayoung you better wake up.
/sobbing.    @-yeongbaby   :) hopefully....

xTheKpopfreak4life [block] on 5-24-2012 23:52:48 says: *speechless* ......NA YOUNG YOU CAN NOT DIE! NO! LUHAN NEEDS YOU! BAEKON NEEDS YOU OMG!.....I did not expect this at all...i was expecting something more along the lines of her helping Kris and Vivian and walking home with like Chanyeol or something, idk! Just not a car accident! >___@TheKpopfreak4life  Ehhehee dramamtic twist- :D

xShineeShawol_34 [block] on 5-24-2012 23:50:55 says: ...........for some reason i am shipping bacon and nayoung more than luhan and nayoung..even though i started this story because it was a luhan fanfic. o.ox   @ShineeShawol HUH. weird..

shikshin28 [block] on 5-24-2012 23:47:55 says: ..... NOOOOOOOO !!! it was beginning to get better with Kris and Vivian being together . aigoooo ...@ Shikshin28   hehe I love drama.

xKai-MyBaby [block] on 5-24-2012 23:44:00 says: ANIYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!     @Kai-MyBaby   ANDWAEEEEE...

xiLoveExo12 [block] on 5-24-2012 23:24:30 says: no. . !!!!
she shouldn't die. . 
update soon :))      @iLoveExo12 :) 

xaNONAmous [block] on 5-24-2012 23:21:40 says: T-T ANDWAEEEEEEEE!! Baekhyun was there! I thought it'd be Luhan!! C: KrisVian! Sooo KAYOOOOT! OMONA! What's gonna happen next! So much drama... I LOVE IT!!     @aNONAmous Hehe twist! I'm glad you like KrisVian :) 

xburdieburd [block] on 5-24-2012 23:02:37 says: AHHHH. NO!
This is so sad!
fjdklas;fjdkls;ajfkld;sajfkld;sa      @burdieburd     D: ak;sdjbfdiuabrewiobv

xKosianfanfics [block] on 5-24-2012 23:01:35 says: Kyaaa! great double update. hmm does Baekhyun like her?? @Kosianfanfics maybe! Thanks for your comment :)

xg_chunjae [block] on 5-24-2012 22:57:22 says: HOLY. DOES BACON LIKE NAYOUNG?!?!?

I PROMOTED YOUUUUUUU~~~~       @g_chunjae hm... maybe ;) gacias muchacha.

xP33K-AB00 [block] on 5-24-2012 22:56:07 says: ..... Vivian is my real name :P      @P33k-AB00 NO way :D

xxafxsjx [block] on 5-24-2012 22:39:17 says: NAYOUNG. WHAAA NOOOOOOO D:
Wait I get the feeling she's going to wake up with her memory wiped.. And all she remembers is her happy childhood with Luhan 0.0
Hm Baekhyun: 'No, Na Young. You can't die on me. Not now, not ever.' Is someone.. Caring as a friend or another way..?  @xafxsjx LOL ohohoh bacon.... 

xKYUisKYUT [block] on 5-24-2012 22:38:05 says: Omygod kill me now!!! Nayoung i'm going to cry if you die. Huhuhuhu save her!!!   @KYUisKYUT D: Im dying too.

xElesise [block] on 5-24-2012 22:28:29 says: whut. whut. whut!        @Elesise yes.  ;)

Na Young's P.O.V






My mind was surely awake. But I was sure that my body wasn't. I can hear and feel everything around me, but my eyes refuse to open. It's like they're glued shut.

Oh great. How did I get into this state again?

Hm, last night... rain... oh, right. I was hit by a taco truck.

Now come to think of it, I don't really mind. Nothing really mattered these days. Training was important to me, then family, and Soo Jin, but anything other than that refused to strike me in any way. Maybe except Lu Han.

All I could feel was pain in my limbs. My legs felt extremely sore and my whole body felt like it had been crushed under a thousand pounds.

So this is what it feels like to be hit my a moving vehicle. Sigh.

The metal door screeches open, and the following footsteps echo the room. It's a quiet shuffle; the sound of nurse shoes. 

Good, it wasn't anybody I knew.

That brought me to think, how long was I out? A day? A week? Oh no, then I would've missed the weekly showcase. All that practicing, for nothing. 

The nurse fiddles with the IV while I just play dead. She shakes in some pain killers- probably- and heads out of the room. A couple of minuets later, more footsteps echo the room. This time, I can tell that it's two people. One pair of steps are heavy, thumping against the tile floor, while the other's is light. Almost like a ballerina's footsteps.

"Oh, God," a whispy voice echoes. I recognize it. It's Soo Jin.

The other pair of steps must be Se Hun, then. He hasn't said anything. 

Soo Jin steps closer to the bed, kneeling down. "This can't be happening. My best friend... is dying." Her voice is thick with guilt for some reason. I wanted to say something, anything to comfort her. Of course it wasn't her fault. It was the taco truck's fault for crying out loud.

"How long has she been out?" Se Hun's light voice asks. I imagine him patting Soo Jin's back gently, like any caring boyfriend would. Yes, by now, even if they were trying to hide it, I knew that they were dating. Don't you even think of hiding if from me.

"About two days." Soo Jin chokes. "I didn't get to visit her yesterday. Jinah told me about it this morning." She brushes the hair off my forehead while Kris pats my arm gently.

"Oh, Jinah's here," Soo Jin's voice is distant now, like she's walking away. "We'll be back Na Young," She whispers. Se Hun is probably thinking about a lot of things judging from his lack of words.

I am left alone.


About thirty minuets later, the door slams open. This time, the sound of footsteps is one that I can detect from miles away. It's Jinah. Her fashionably yet tomboyish combat boots squeak against the tile floor, mercilessly pacing towards me. 

She stops abruptly about three feet from me. I am confused.

"Na Young..." She cries. I can imagine tears b her wide eyes. "What happened? Who did this? I swear- if you die on me-" She chokes. Another muffled sob is released.

My insides fold with guilt. Did I really cause this much worry? How were my parents? Oh no.

A feeling of dread is swept through me as the metal door opens again. Who could it be this time?

"Jinah," My mom's voice echoes. It's coated with concern and worry. My stomach twists with a longing to see their faces. But my stupid eyes just had to keep shut. Silent tears are shed while my dad sighs deeply in the corner. I can imagine him massaging his temple in worry.

The doctor appears from behind them. His unfamiliar voice says, "We think that she will wake in the next forty eight hours. We're lucky that she hasn't fell into a coma."

"Oh thank goodness," My mother sighs. I can imagine her putting a hand to her chest. 

Jinah mumbles something, but I can't quite catch it.

"She has a few broken bones," The doctor continues. "But no permanent organ damage. She's quite lucky to be able to survive. But.."

"But?" My dad gets up from the chair.

"We have taken scans of her brain activity, which have been down for the past few days proving her unconsciousness. It seems as if the normal brain activity in her Temporal lobe has been down. She might suffer from slight amnesia."

I inwardly rolled my eyes at this. I'm perfectly fine, doctor, and remember everything. Goodness, is this some kind of television drama?

My mother gasps. "Will she be able to remember us? What about her name?" Oh mom, being overly dramatic as usual.

"Slight amnesia," The doctor reminds her. "She might not be able to recall the happenings of the past few weeks, but other than that she'll be fine."

Jinah my arm again in worry. I inwardly sigh. If only I could tell them that I was okay.


I can feel it, it's evening. No one has visited me for the past few hours, leaving me to think by myself.

It's nice. Peaceful, quiet. But that's interrupted once again.

The metal door opens softly again, and this time another pair of footsteps echo through the room. It sounds unfamiliar. 

"Na Young..." The voice trails. I recognize it. Baekhyun.

He sighs. I can imagine him running a hand through his hair in frustration. You don't have to worry. I'm fine.

"I was too late. I could've stopped it..." He trails while pulling a stool in front of the bed. For a while, it is silent. He's studying me, I suppose, or lapsed into deep thought.

"I heard about your amnesia," He adds, almost as if he was having a conversation with me. The silence fills my expected reply.

"I hope you'll remember me." Baekhyun lets out a sigh. "I'm just glad that you'll be okay. If you died..." He trails again.

"I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. You mean so much to everyone. Your family, that girl Soo Jin, me... Lu Han." He pauses before continuing. "You're special to me to Na Young. But I can't bring myself to say that I like you, though. You're more like a sister that I'll love for and care for and beat the crap out of anyone who messes with you..." He chuckles. The room grows silent. I didn't know that he felt that way.

"But that kid... he loves you. I can see it. even though he's dating that idiot, you can just see it. He only has eyes for you."

Baekhyun takes my hand. It's warm and soft, like a blanket straight from the dryer.

"Just get better. Okay?" I can imagine him smiling while preparing to leave. He lets go of my hand and exits the room. It's too quiet now, and I inwardly sigh.

Was by any chance, 'this kid', Lu Han?

Baekhyun's words echo through my mind. "But that kid... he loves you."

My heart leaps with joy. But of course, it probably wasn't true. Judging from the way that he looks at me, I couldn't see the 'love'.

Maybe I was blind. Love blind, that is.


A little while passes it's probably past visiting hours. There, I knew I shouldn't have expected anything. Baekhyun would be my last visit while everyone else would live their lives like I hadn't existed. Well, I didn't have many friends, so it made sense.

Maybe I should go to sleep and try waking up around the next forty eight hours like the doctor had sai-

"Na Young."

I freeze. Well okay, I didn't freeze. It was impossible. I couldn't move my body. But, my mind seemed to freeze because I recognized that voice. I could recognize it in a baseball stadium filled with thousands of raging fans.

The voice sighs while proceeding to walk towards me. The footsteps lightly tap against the floor. They are delicate, soft, and fragile. It made me second guess my assumpmtion.

The figure takes a seat on the stool that is propped next to my bed. I can feel it's gaze on me, studying my face. I hope that I didn't look horrible. Heck, my hair was probably all over the place while my cheek was stained with dried saliva. What a mood-killer.

I tried opening my eyes one more time, and to my surprise, they twitched. Hey, it was something. I kept them closed, just to be safe. It's quite funny how when you're pretending to sleep, people tell you things that you normally wouldn't hear.

Lu Han's soft voice sighs once more before reaching out to push my sprawled hair out of my face. His fingertips are cool and calming, just like they usually were. I guess some things just don't change.

"I'm such an idiot Na Young, you have no idea."

Oh, yes I do.

"I suppose you hate me now. But that's the way it's supposed to be." He says, sadness thick in his voice.

Huh? What the- that is not the way it's supposed to be. I was supposed to come back, and we were supposed to resume our relationship together and live happily ever after. That's how it was supposed to be.

"I wish I could just tell you... how much you actually mean to me. So here I am, telling you, although you're still unconscious. I guess things will just go back to the way that they're meant to be."

My mind goes blank while his voice echoes through my mind. Baekhyun's words remind me once more. "But that kid...he loves you."

After a bit of silence, Lu Han continues again. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that... "

My left hand stiffens. Yes! I was regaining control of my body. I would be able to wake soon. 

"I still love you."

My hand clenches into a fist. He... loves me? No. I couldn't believe it. Not with the way he was acting towards me all this time... But could it really be?

I argue with myself continuously before Lu Han gently replaces my hand back to my side.

"I don't think I ever let you go. I was too stubborn to do it. I..." He trails, struggling for the right words. "I have to leave soon, Na Young.  Exo's debut is right around the corner... and I couldn't bear to tell you how I felt. And I'm pretty sure that you're over me by now. But by some crazy chance, by some crazy miracle, if you told me that you loved me too... You would be heartbroken once I left. I couldn't put you through that again. Not after what your mother told me three weeks ago. You never told me... about your depression."

I wanted to cry. I wanted to break down, right then and there and just sob. 

"I'm so sorry I put you through that. I never wanted to leave. Once I did, I tried to forget about you. But, I couldn't. I mean, who could?" He laughs bitterly. "I tried replacing you with other girls, but all I ever did was break more hearts. All I could ever think about was you. And still is you."

He pauses and the room grows silent. 

I love you too, Lu Han. You idiot. I still...

My eyes flutter open miraculously. They both balance on Lu Han's angelic face, trying to capture everything before they close again. My eyes strain but I struggle to keep them wide open. His eyes grow wide when he notices my consciousness.

"Na Young..."

"You... idiot," I croak. My voice is raspy and dry, but I continue. "You're such an idiot. I still..." I manage to choke out before my eyes close on his shocked face.

"Love you."

Then it grows dark. Again.

(Like seriously, why do I always pass out when it comes to these important moments? God.)




I'm really sorry to anyone who shipped Na Young and Bacon :( But I did tell you guys that they wouldn't end up together... D: I'm really sorry. But of course, it doesn't end here! More drama and twists to come. So lulu and youngie's relationship will get even more complex.

And trouble maker is coming don't worry :)

So I guess what I'm saying is that bacon is going to cause a bit of drama, too :D

Thanks for subscribing and and commenting! Love you alllll





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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)