First Day

Best, Absolute, ERTED.


I-I-I-I-I-I-I'll be there gir--

I slapped my bedside table several times before hitting my target and successfully silencing the alarm. Slowly opening my eyes, I caught a glimpse and blushed at the poster of Taeyang hanging on the wall that Soojung had gotten for me for Christmas. The abs of my ultimate bias were such eye candy. I blew a kiss to the poster, a habit usually reserved for special days like today. Rolling onto my back, I stared at the ceiling, settling in the peaceful morning atmosphere while taking deep breathes in and out. Today was going to be my first day of my internship, and I was determined to make a lasting impression.

The thoughtful mood was suddenly ruined when an ajumma-like voice interrupted. "KIIIIIIIIINAAAA! Good morning sunshine!" The bedroom door burst open and a very caffeinated Kim Kibum trampled out of the door. "Come on, I made you breakfast! Oppa is going to drive you to work today too!"

"Oppa? More like umma. You're like my second mother, Kibum," I rolled my eyes.

"Aigoo, just get ready! Make sure to dress nicely. Put your hair in a bun or something. Use only a bit of makeup. You don't want to distract the patients with your beauty, don't you? AND THE HEELS! They are a must unless you want no one to see you. Be down in ten, okay? Your pancakes will get cold!" Kibum blabbered before leaving.

"I bet they already are with all that talking you did!" I shouted.

"Hush! I'll just use the microwave!" he yelled back before heading downstairs. Shaking my head, I dragged myself out of my bed and into the bathroom to freshen up.



"Alrighty. Have a nice day, sissy! Don't do anything funny! Make sure to smile and don't talk back to others! And call me when you're do-" I slammed the car door quickly, cutting Kibum off before he grew s and turned into a woman. After smoothing back my hair and straightening my posture I headed into the building.

As serene and welcoming the exterior looked, the inside was bustling with hasty business. Fellow interns like me were wandering around confused, with workers shoving their way past. Package deliverers carrying bulky boxes filled with important documents were of no help either as they ate up the scarce amount of room left. It was pretty chaotic, opposed to the peace of mind normally offered from psychologists.

Suddenly, the intercom beeped loudly, startling everybody. "Goooood morning!" a deep voice I recognized as Dr. Lee's boomed, causing everybody to halt and listen. "Today is a very special day, as we would like to welcome our summer interns!" He paused for a moment, giving time for some scattered applauses. "Now, I want all of the interns to go to the director's office in a few moments. In a list designated outside the room, all your names paired with your assigned staff members and their office numbers will be there. They will be your teachers, training and assisting you to the best extent that they can. Our lovely workers will help you earn a great experience in this field. I hope you all have a great time for the next few months, and I wish to see you working here in the future as well. Have a nice day!"

As soon as the announcement ended, mobs of students began working their way to his office. I followed closely behind and tried pushing my way up front, but it was no use as everybody was packed like sardines. When we finally reached Dr Lee's room, the crowds around the list were too dense for me to see anything. After waiting for minutes, I made my way to the paper and skimmed through it until I saw my name and the worker I was with.

9. Kim Kina- Ms. Park Bom, rm 26

I slid my way out of the other students trying to reach the list. The director’s office was Room 20, so 26 should be within range. After wandering down the stretch of the hallway I found her office. I briskly knocked twice on the door before clearing my throat. Moments later, a middle aged woman opened the door and greeted me with a bright smile. "I'm guessing you're Kina?" she asked, her eyes emitting warmth.

"Yes, I am," I nodded in agreement.

"Awesome! I'm Park Bom, but you can just call me Bom. No formalities needed, I hate those. I hope we get along!" she beamed as she stuck out a sleek manicured hand.

"Me too," I smiled as I took out mine and shook hers.

"Aww, what are we doing here? Come on in!" she opened the door wider and beckoned me in her office. My eyes quickly scanned the walls decked with photos and posters, the vibrant colors of the premises, and the neatly organized stacks of books and papers on the shelves.

"So this is where I work! I hope it's not giving you a headache with all the decorations and all," Bom giggled awkwardly.

"No, of course not! In fact, I love it! It's very cheerful and all," I assured her.

Bom's smile grew even wider. "Ah, thanks! Anyway, I think I need to explain what we're gonna do this whole summer, okay?" I nodded and faced her as she continued. "Now, I'm not gonna make you my personal slave or anything that'll cook and clean, don't worry! But I'm going to show you how things work around here and how to deal with patients and their different situations. Right now I work with a good amount of people right now, their backgrounds ranging over a variety of things. I'll let you in on a bit of their lives and you can offer some of your own analysis and solutions. That way, it'll train you and you'll be able to help others in real life as well! How's that sound?"

"Sounds good!" I beamed.

"Yay! We're going to have lots of fun!" She clapped. "So to get started, how about you fetch me a coffee?"

"Er..." The smile plastered on my face was wiped off and replaced with confusion. "What happened to me not being your slave?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know you're not. But I kinda need my morning jolt or else I'll pass out at lunch. So, uh, just this once?" Bom gave me a sheepish smile.

"Alright," I shrugged. "So what do you want? Espresso?"

"Yes, and with lots of cream and sugar!" She chirped as she gently motioned me out of her room.



It's a quarter past 2, which meant only 45 minutes left today. So far, I had been Bom's little pet, clinging on to her like glue everywhere she went. She even introduced me to some of her coworkers, including her best friend Park Sandara and a dark handsome man named Choi Seunghyun (who was making her blush madly the whole time...I smell love). I glanced at the styrofoam bowl of sweet corn in my hands that I scooped from the salad bar and shook my head. In contrast to her earlier words, she was still asking me to get her food and drinks and carry some of her papers around. Not that I was complaining, though. I got to explore the whole building and even run across some classmates from school. With some friends working alongside me, this summer might turn out more enjoyable than I expected.

Just as I reached Bom's office, I noticed that the door was closed. Maybe she has one of her patients in right now? Unfortunately, the window on her door was partially covered with the blinds but I managed to peek around and get a narrow view of the inside. I saw the back of whom I recognized as Bom, and I also saw two well-dressed men across from her. But from the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a flurry of blonde heads.

Eh? What's this? I wondered as I got on my tip toes to get a better view. The men were pointing to the blondes and with their creased, unpleasant faces, it seemed as if they were complaining about them. Curious, I pressed my ear against the crack of the door and tried picking bits and pieces of what I could hear.

"-never pay attention in class-"

"-harassing the girls-"

"-watching and reading inappropriate material-"

"-naughty hands-"

"Er, excuse me," I finally managed to recognize Bom's voice interrupt the men on a rampage. "I'm not so sure that this is really a significant psychological problem. I believe it’s just a normal part of puberty that all people go through during their adolescent years.” From the shakiness in her voice I knew that she was trying desperately hard not to laugh at the uncanny situation.

“No, miss! This is much more than just “normal!” It’s outrageous! Their behavior is distracting and causing others to feel rather uncomfortable around them. It’s’s like they think they world would end without !”

Well, technically, the world would end without it...yeah. I snorted as the lame remark that came from full grown men that normally should’ve known better. When I looked back through the window, though, my eyes were met with Bom’s glare as she raised a defined brow at me.

Great, I let my voice get the better of me. The men looked at her questioningly as she strode towards the door. I took a few steps back, giving room for the opening door. She stuck her head out and opened to speak, and I bit my lip nervously, ready for her to scold me for snooping in on them like that. But all she did was give me a lopsided smile and smirk, “Come on in, Kina. There are some people you need to meet.”





Ooh, look who we found here ;)

So I just HAD to put my ultimate bias Key-umma there^^ And Bom. And Dara. And TOP. AND TAEYANG. Oh yes, YG Family.

BAPISCOMINGBACKSOONOMG. "I GOT THE POWUH!" An oomph from "Wuhh-ree-uhh!" Yeah, I'm psyched, but who isn't?!

Thanks for reading and commenting <3

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Zoey123 #2
Chapter 4: plzzzzzzzz update
Chapter 4: I really want to know more pleaseee ?
Chapter 4: I really miss this story! :( Are you ever going to update it? It's written so well, it would be a shame to let it go to waste!!
seriously when are u going to update? it's almost 2013...........
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON!!!! ^^
Plz update soon!!~~
aww~ pls. update soon~ :(
imfeelinggood #9
"Alrighty. Have a nice day, sissy! Don't do anything funny! Make sure to smile and don't talk back to others! And call me when you're do-" I slammed the car door quickly, cutting Kibum off before he grew s and turned into a woman.

^ HAHA! This made me giggle to myself XD
Love your story update soon~~!!
I rawb this story!! You have write really well unnie!!