
Best, Absolute, ERTED.

"Kim Kina, you're next."

A woman holding a clipboard called my name as she checked something off of a list. I took a deep breath in, stood up from the waiting bench, and smoothed down the crinkles in my skirt. After rolling back my shoulders I began following the lady. Wobbling my way to the head director's office door, I carefully tried not to trip in the brand new pumps my mother splurged on for me for formal occassions. Finally, I reached the office door. "Good luck," the woman gave me a smile.

"Thank you," I bowed and faced the door. Taking in one more deep breath, I twisted the doorknob and entered the room before shutting it gently behind me. "Hello, Dr. Lee-ssi."

The 50-or so year old man peered up from his desk and waved his hand over. "Hello! Come sit down." I nodded and made my way over to the chair in front of his desk. I sat down and made myself comfortable before facing him.

"So," his gruff voice started as he picked up my application packet and skimmed it. "Kim Kina. Born on July 21, 1994. Will be a senior in Seoul High School this coming school year. Born and raised in Seoul. Blood type B. Height is 163 centimeters, weight is 52 kilograms-ah, really?"

"W-what?" I stammered, taken aback by his remark about my body size. "Do you, like, not believe me or something?"

"Oh, I see you like to talk back," he noted. My eyes widened and I bit my lip to prevent myself from blurting anything else. "But of course that's not the case, dear! I'm just surprised that you actually gave me your measurements."

"Well, am I not supposed to or something?" I asked, still dumbfounded, before I realized my mistake and sealed my lips together again.

"Most people usually put question marks in that area instead, or they whine about how this is an invasion of personal privacy and whatnot. But I can usually decipher which students are the most worthy of the internship offered here through those simple things. I can figure out who is honest and knows how to adjust in situations," he explained.

"Ah, I see," I nodded slowly in semi-understandment.

"Well, your grades are exceptional, your references seem to do their job nicely enough, and your application is well-written. So, Kina," Dr. Lee picked up a packet of paper and dropped it in front of me. "Here is all you need to know about this internship. I expect to see you here, 8am sharp next Monday morning. Alright?"

"Really?!" I gasped, not believing my luck.

"Yes, really. Now enjoy your summer while it lasts. You'll be working a ton once you start."

"Alright! Thank you SO much! I promise I won't let you down! Thank you again!"  I fought back the urge to hug the old man as I hopped out of the room, all giddy and flailing around until my feet gave way and my bottom plopped onto the rough carpet floor. I avoided all eye contact with any witnesses as I pushed myself up and rushed out of the hallway. Away from my embarrassment, I pulled out my phone and dialed in the numbers of several of my friends. "Girls. Cozi Cafe in 15. I got some big news!"



"KINA!" Soojung and Sohyun shrieked as soon as their twinkling eyes caught sight of me. I waved like an idiot at them before waddling as fast as I could, with kill heels on and a sore to boot.

"YOU GUYSSSSS!" I finally reached my friends and enveloped them in a giant bear hug. "Guess what?"

"WHAT?!" the two muffled from underneath.

"I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!" I screamed into their ears.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" We jumped up and down excitedly, passerbys giving us strange looks and wondering what kind of drugs we were on.

"Where are Minji and Jinri?" I huffed after calming down a few minutes.

"Yo," a voice called from behind. We spun around and saw Minji with her hands in her hoodie pockets, looking as chill as ever. "Were you guys seriously celebrating without m-"

"MINNNNNNJIIIIII!!!" We nearly tackled her to the ground as we surrounded her with another bonecrushing hug. I heard Minji groan but I knew she was elated to see us.

"So what's the news, guys?" Minji asked after pulling back from the hug.

"Guess!" Soojung squealed.

"Hmm...oh! It's a girl!" Minji gasped as she pointed to Soojung's stomach.

"Excuse me?!" the latter stomped her foot as the rest of us cracked up. "This is about Kina, not me. And for the last time, I AM NOT PREGNANT! I did not do it with Minho at that party!"

"Do what?" I turned my head and found the doe-eyed Jinri, looking at us curiously.

"Hey Jin! Oh, uh, nothing," Soojung blushed. "Kina, tell them the real news."

"Well..I got the internship at the psychologists!" I cheered. Before I knew it, all of us were flailing around idiotically once more except for Jinri.

"Why arent you happy for Kina?" Sohyun mused to the bored looking girl.

"What? Oh, I am! It's just that...isnt it gonna take away your free time during summer? I mean the point of break is to relax, you know?" Jinri pointed out.

"Yeah, but I only need to work 5 days a week from 8am to 3pm. It's not too bad, right?" I answered.

"Hm, I guess not," Jinri shrugged. Her phone in her hands suddenly vibrated with a new message. She glanced at the screen, scanned the text, and the tips of suddenly twitched upwards into a grin.

"What is it?" Sohyun wondered.

"It's who, and it's Taemin. He wants to see a movie with me," Jinri beamed.

"When?" Soojung asked.


"But we're going out to celebrate with Kina!" Minji exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know," she sighed. "But I really wanna go!"

"Woah woah woah! What happened to chicks before ?" Soojung protested.

"Does Taemin even have one?" Minji snickered.

"Kina," Jinri ignored her and turned to me pleadingly. "I'm really proud of you for getting that internship. I really am! know I've liked Taemin for so long and this is the first time he asked me out, so...please? Just this once?" she gave me her giant, guilt-provoking puppy dog eyes and I knew I couldnt say no.

"Fine, go. We'll hang out some other time," I sighed.

"Aw, thanks Kina! You're the best!" Jinri pulled me in for a quick hug. "Bye guys!" After waving to the rest of the girls she skipped off, bubbling with newfound energy.

"Funsucker," Soojung stuck her tongue out behind Jinri's back. "You're usually not this nice, girl."

"Hey, that's mean. And yes she is!" Sohyun defended as she hooked her arm around mine.

"Whatevs, guys. Just didn't want her sulking around while the rest of us are enjoying ourselves," I shrugged before lightening up. "Now, let's have some fun!" The remaining 3 girls brightened up and we spent the rest of the day making the most out of summer before work came.




17 subbies with just my foreword? Let me rub some love on you all :3

The wonders of my shameless advertising on my other fics, ohoho.

Awkward start, I know. But we'll see what happens next...*wink wink nudge nudge*

And yes, I had to put my 94-line biases here...just had to.

So yup, that is all for now. See you later babes!

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Zoey123 #2
Chapter 4: plzzzzzzzz update
Chapter 4: I really want to know more pleaseee ?
Chapter 4: I really miss this story! :( Are you ever going to update it? It's written so well, it would be a shame to let it go to waste!!
seriously when are u going to update? it's almost 2013...........
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON!!!! ^^
Plz update soon!!~~
aww~ pls. update soon~ :(
imfeelinggood #9
"Alrighty. Have a nice day, sissy! Don't do anything funny! Make sure to smile and don't talk back to others! And call me when you're do-" I slammed the car door quickly, cutting Kibum off before he grew s and turned into a woman.

^ HAHA! This made me giggle to myself XD
Love your story update soon~~!!
I rawb this story!! You have write really well unnie!!