

In Switzerland...

Key's POV (Kim Kibum)

     Why did we choose to go to Switzerland for the holidays? The last thing I need right now is being isolated in the middle of nowhere with her when I'm suffering because of her. We're complete opposites; how can I fall for her?? No, I must be just hallucinating, or just needed someone to love. I can't love her! She's Seungri's girlfriend and I can't betray a friend. Besides, even if I was infatuated with her, she definitely wouldn't like me. We always disagree and bicker about everything.

     No, no matter what, I cannot love her.


Jennifer's POV

     "Kibum, why are you trying to avoid me? Why are you acting so strange around me now?" I finally got him alone, atop the ski hill, though he was ignoring me with all his might.

     "Telling you would be a privilege for you, not telling you would be a right to me. I choose not to tell." Kibum replied curtly. Fine, if he doesn't want to tell me, I won't press him to. I push off the edge of the hill, trying to not let him see the pain he inflicted on me.

     "AHH!" How stupid am I! I forgot to tighten my skis beforehand, and now look, I'm swerving out of control.

     "Jen! Try to stay near the center of the slope!" I turn my head slightly, and saw, to my surprise, Kibum ripping down the slopes to help me. Just as I was about to crash into a fir tree, Kibum's arm yanked me away to the side, and we tumbled down the hill, with Kibum's arms wrapped around me in an attempt to protect me.

     After we rolled into a ditch, I carefully kneeled and observed the damage done to us. I only got off with a few bruises and scratches, but Key lays immobile, with bruises and scratches covering his limbs. He moaned quietly, cradling his left arm, while his right foot was bent in an awkward angle.

     "Kibum! Are you okay?! Why'd you hurt yourself to save me? Don't you hate me? Talk to me! Don't die on meeee!" I wailed and cried. I knew I was going into shock, and we were going to get a cold, if not hypothermia, if we continued to stay in the snow.

     "...don'" Kibum murmured, his eyes slowly opening.

     "What? What did you say? I didn't hear..." Don't? You? Is he trying to say...he doesn't like me?

     "How can I not save you? I don't hate you."  Here, Kibum fully opened his eyes and stared me in the eye, trapping me in those dark, determined eyes.

     "I'm not going to let myself die yet, because I still haven't had a chance to tell you this. I love you." And with that, he closed his eyes and fainted.


Seungri's POV

     "Jen!" "Key!" "Where are you guys??" Those calls resounded all around me as we search for the pair who disappeared without a trace. Some said they saw two people who resembled them on top of the ski hill 2 hours ago, so that's where we went in search of them. What if they encountered a dangerous animal? What if they got hurt? Worse yet, what if they died??

     My eyes wandered towards a ditch where the snow looked disturbed, so I walked over there, careful not to get too close to the edge, and peeked down. Lying at the bottom of the ditch, with a girl cradling a boy's head, was Jennifer and Kibum. Sensing my presence, Jen turned her face towards me, with her eyes lingering on Key for a second longer. Her face was streaked with tears, and her eyes betrayed her. Kibum had told her about his feelings. I suspected that Key started to like Jen when he started avoiding her, and now I can see that my suspicions were correct.

     Who will she choose now?

     "Guys! I found them!"


Key's POV (Kim Kibum)

     "I love you." I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I let them close, but not before seeing Jen's stunned face. I finally voiced my feelings. With that being the last thing I see, I fell into a state between sleep and consciousness. Through that haze, I heard her cry.

     Why are you crying Jen? I'm not going to let myself die. I still need to hug you and kiss you and stay with you forever. What seemed like days later, but was only a few hours, I thought I heard Seungri's voice saying he found them.

      Them? Does he mean us? Crap. He can't know that I told Jen. I felt myself being lifted and placed onto something soft and warm.

     What about Jen? Where is she? You didn't leaver her in the ditch, did you? While thinking that, I finally fell into a deep sleep.

Jennifer's POV

     I bombarded the doctor with questions, all of them concerning Kibum's health.

     "He's alright. Hush now child, you both will be okay. You have a slight flu, as well as cuts and bruises, but otherwise, you're okay. It's quite surprising, actually, considering the fact that you were the one who didn't tighten your skis properly. I'd have expected a broken ankle at least. That young man who came in with you? Kibum, was it? He, on the other hand, suffered a twisted ankle and a fractured arm, along with cuts, bruises, and a small fever. No, no, it's nothing we can't fix with the proper treatment and a minimum 6 weeks of rest. He'll be up and around in no time. That boy must love you a lot, my dear. He got hurt a lot more in saving you. You should feel really thankful that you have a boyfriend who loves you that much."

     Wasting no time in visiting Kibum, I got up and ran to his room, earning a few disapproving looks from the older nurses along the way. The others have left for our hotel after I insisted that them being here wouldn't do anything except make me worried about their health. Seeing him lie there, looking so frail, caused a stab of guilt to run through me. I walked over to his bedside and held his hand. Why did he have to save me? Why'd he say he love me? Does he mean what he said? His hand squeezed mine, and I looked up to find him awake and staring at me.

     "I meant everything I said back there in the ditch." Kibum said, and I believed him, because his eyes showed that he is absolutely serious about it.

     "I...I don't know." do I not know? The one I love is Seungri, right? Why would I even consider the possibility of loving him? But looking into his eyes, I can't help but doubt myself. A fist of pain squeezed my heart as I see his face adopt a look of downcast.

     "I understand. You like Seungri. I'm okay, really. I just came too late, didn't I?" Kibum looked up with a sad and resigned smile. "Go, I'm fine. You shouldn't hang around me too much, or else Seungri might get the wrong idea."

     "So you're pushing me away now? After the mess you made out of my heart? You tell me that you love me, and now you push me towards another man's embrace? How indecisive of you." I struggled to maintain a look of indifference, turned around, and stalked towards the door. A slight pause, and, "Thank you for saving me. Goodbye."

     I strode through the door, never turning back once.

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