First Meetings


Jennifer’s POV

     I stood within the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of them as they pass by. When I first heard that they were coming to Ontario, my shriek of pure ecstasy could be heard for miles. For days, I waited anxiously for today, when their plane will arrive today. I've been dreaming about the day when I'll finally meet them, and now ---

      "OHMYGOD THEY'RE HERE!" A few overly hyped up fans screamed for the world to know. I scan the crowd, trying to find them (or more specifically, one of them) when suddenly, a girl came out of nowhere and bumped me really hard, causing me to careen into a person behind me.

      "Are you...okay?" I glanced up, and nearly collapsed. There, in a simple outfit that couldn’t have fitted him better (, was Seungri with a look of amazement etched upon his face. Oh. my. freaking. god. I tried to look casual, but I knew my face was as red as a sun-ripened tomato. Realizing we're standing amongst a crowd and acutely aware that I was still in his arms, I quickly righted myself and shifted a bit to put a little distance between us. Lowering my head, I peeked up at him from under my lashes, and was shocked to see a slight frown appear on his face.

     Can it be that he's annoyed that I fell into him?

Seungri’s POV

     While walking out the airport gates, I find myself holding up a girl who looked no more than 2 or 3 years younger than me. As she looked up towards me, I knew. She was the one, the one who I would run away with, the one who I can spend an eternity with. Suddenly, she pulled out of my arms and shifted away a bit. I stared at her with a look of bewilderment. Can't she feel the connection between us? This damned crowd is suffocating.

     "Come here for a second." I led her towards the car waiting for me at the front of the airport.

     "What is your name?" "Jennifer," she replied hesitantly.

     "Jennifer, do you like me?" "I...what?" She looks stunned.

     "Give me your phone." I took her phone after she found it in her purse. Punching in my number, I waited for my phone to ring.

     "There, now we have each other's numbers. I'll text you later to arrange a date with you!" Smiling, I slid into the car and waited for my group members to join me.


A few weeks later...


Jennifer's POV

     As I was cleaning up my room, I accidentally knocked over a photo frame. Standing it back up, I stared at the picture within lovingly. It's been 3 weeks now, and I still can't believe I'm dating Seungri of Big Bang. It feels like such a dream, a dream that could evaporate any second. I made so many new friends because of Seungri oppa, and they were all so nice to me, it seems surreal. The only thing that seems remotely realistic is Kim Kibum. Maybe it's because we have opposite opinions about nearly everything, but everytime we had to decide on something, Kibum and I always disagree vehemently with each other.

     Recently, however, he seemed kind of off. Whereas he would always protest my suggestions in the past, now he just silently sits off to the side. The strangest thing is, sometimes, he would just stare at me for long lengths of time, and whenever I turn to stare at him, he'd avert my eyes and walk away. I need to talk to him to know why he's acting like this, but everytime I try to get him alone, he'd start talking to someone or say he's busy.

     Aiya no time to think about that, since Seungri and I and our friends decided to go to Switzerland and Paris for the winter holidays, and I need to get to the airport in 4 hours.

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