

Seungri's POV

     We've landed in Paris, eager to celebrate New Year's in the city of romance. After getting discharged from the hospital, Jennifer and Kibum seemed to avoid each other. When one enters a room, the other would exit to another room. From time to time, however, I would see one of them glance at the other with a look filled with sadness and pain.


December 30th

     "Seungri, I ---" "I know." I don't want to hear it, so I must acknowledge it. She hesitated,

     "How long?" I can tell she's trying her best not to hurt me any more than needed.

     "Ever since I found you two in the snow. I knew he liked you for a long time, but I didn't want to lose you, so I ignored it. But now I know. You're like an empty shell right now. You're lost without him." I tried to smile, but I'm sure my eyes gave me away. "Go find him and bring both your souls back."

     "I don't think he even wants me now..." She smiled bitterly.

     "He does. He longed for you in the past, wanted you in the present, and will continue to pine for you in the future if you don't go to him now."

     "I'm sor--" "No, don't say that. It will just make me want to keep you here. Go while I'm still forgiving. You don't want me to take him for myself, do you?" I , hoping to end it on a good note.

     "Fine. I'll say thank you then. Thank you, and goodbye." She bowed her head and turned towards the door.

     "Jen." She tilted her head to me. "It's not goodbye. It's see you again. We are, afterall, still friends, are we not?" She smiled in acknowledgement.


December 31st

Key's POV (Kim Kibum)

     I hugged my knees to my chest, staring at couples milling around the base of he tower. Jen must be among those couples with Seungri, lost in each other's eyes. Someone stepped in front of me, and I saw the face I thought I'd never see again.

     "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep the happiness out of my voice.

     "I'm here to get you to join in the festivities below." She waved a hand away from the trees towards the couples that are excited for New Year's.

     "Where is Seungri? I thought you'd be celebrating with ----"

     "I broke up with him." She said with just a hint of sadness.

     "Why? You were happy with him weren't you? Why would..." I was cut off, shocked by a sudden kiss she planted on my right cheek.

     "Why, you ask? Because I'm certain I'm going to be happier with you." She smiled at me, staring into my eyes with complete faith. "Now...if you don't feel happy with me, I'll turn right around and go back to Seungri. Should you love me, however, I think..." she trailed off, pointing her finger towards her luscious lips. No way was I going to pass up this chance. I held her in my arms, and placed my lips right against hers. I could feel her smiling against my lips, and as the crowd did their countdown and the fireworks exploded in the sky, I know I'll never let go of her.

     "Were we a little early for the New Year kiss?" She asked with a smile.

     "Don't worry, there'll be many more New Year's kisses in the future."

     And that is one thing I'm sure of.

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