Getting to Know

To Be or Not To Be?
Listen to: Clap- Teen Top ------------------------------------


Purple- Korean

L.joe slid the door open to your first class, English. You heard the girls gasp at why you were with a Korean idol. And the guys were just off thinking things like, " whoa! Who's the hottie?" or " where'd she come from?" either way, it made you uncomfortable even with L.joe with you.

"Relax,________-ah, I'll do mos of the talking and you just be comfortable, it's English class, your native language, you'll be fine," L.joe said, comfrting you, " Hey teacher, this is Park _______, the new kid."

" Annyeonghasayo. It's nice to meet you," You introduced, bowing at a 90 degree angle.

" Oh, hello, lovely to meet you, I'm Mr. Kwon and I'm going to teach you more English. Why don't you introduce yourself in English? L.Joe, go sit down," the teacher instructed.

You turned around slowly to face the crowd of having 60 eyes was quite intimidating," Hi everyone! I'm Park ______. nice to meet you," you said politely.

You made your way back to the corner were L.Joe was sitting. You could feel the laser beams of the girls' eyes on you while you walked.

" Huh! What's so special about that foreigner?! Why does she get special treatment? I should be the one sitting next to L.Joe oppa! Not her!" you heard a girl say while you passed by.

Your head was concentrated on translating what she said into something nice and trying to convince yourself that the entire girl student body disliked you. But while you were in your trans, a girl further back stuck her leg out, and being as clumsy as you were, you somehow landed first on the floor, making a loud CRASH.

" What's going on?!" Mr. Kwon yelled, hearing your crash.

"I'm sorry, I was just moving back and I tripped," you said, coming up with an excuse so you wouldn't be gated on my the girl who tripped you's minions.

" Ok, but go sit down quickly," Mr. Kwon directed.

You quickly scurried to the sear next to L.Joe.

" Hey, you alright? It seemed like that hurt... A lot," L.Joe wispered, examining you if you got hurt.

" It's ok, I'm used to it," you said, fixing your skirt and socks while you sat down.

*Aish, those girls, they always cause everyone trouble*" L.Joe thought, looking at you worriedly.

L.Joe spotted a cut on your arm, and the bruise from earlier," ______, what happened?" he asked, worried as heck.

" Don't worry about it, I'm used to these types of things from dancing with Jay and the rest of AOM," you stated, shrugging it off.


It was finally tome for lunch and you were famished. You walked into the cafeteria alone. You were completely lost, so you decided to go outside to eat. But when you got outside, all the tables in the courtyard were taken. You walked a little further away and you saw an amazing garden ,even though it was deserted. You sat on the floor and started to unpack your food that Kevin made you the day before. You love his cooking, it always reminded you of Australia when you were away. Ever since the time you tried to fry rice, he's made food for you, because you were the type of person who burned water. You were halfway done when you heard footsteps. You looked up to see Teen Top.

" Um, Annyeonghasayo." you said akwarldy since you were eating.

" _______, what're you doing here?" L.Joe asked.

" Eating, if you want me to go somewhere else, then I'll move," you said, starting to clean up your food.

" No! Nunna! Stay!" Ricky said, taking your stuff from you and putting it back on the floor and sitting next to you.

" Ok." You said shyly, sitting back down.

" Ok, everyone, this is Park _______, she's from Australia, so speak Korean slower then you usually do." L.Joe explained," Alright ________, that's CAP, Chunji, Changjo, Neil, and you already met Ricky, and you know me. That's Teen Top." pointing to the person when he called their names.

You guys talked and laughed the entire lunch. By now, you just found out that they were younger then me other than CAP, L.Joe and Chunji. The day flew by and it was your last class, music. At lunch, Teen Top said that there was both dance studios and music producing studios. But there was a room that was "haunted." By past students that didn't pass the dance test and that they were dropped from the program.

You were weakling down the music hallway and you notices that all the rooms were taken exept one. You slipped into the room. And flicked on the lights. The room was amazing. Mirrors ccered the walls and there was a boom box in the corner. You put your things next to it, took off your glasses and let your hair down so no one could recognize you.

* I wonder why no one's in here?* You thought.

You plugged in your iPod. The music blaster throught the speakers, thank goodness that the room was sound proof! Just let the music sweep you away. You started to dance to whatever came on, for the ones you watched music videos or performances to. When Teen Top's song,, Clap, you danced to it perfectly.

Teen Top was walking down the music hall too since they also had this class too. They were heading to the dance studio, but the light was already on.

" Hyung, who could be in there? We already told everyone that it was haunted," Ricky asked.

" I don't know, but that person sure has guts" CAP said.

You didn't notice Teen Top come into the room because you were doing Jay's dance to Succesful. Teen Top didn't recognize who you were, until you turned around and almost tripped because you hadn't notice them until the song ended.

" _______? Is that you?" Neil asked.

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Chapter 23: update soon :)
luv_teenfinitexo #2
Chapter 23: Update soon :)
Chapter 23: New reade and hope youre gonna continue this story^^
m0zarts0nata-- #4
** New reader alert! **

Gonna read this nao! :P
yuxuan #5
update soon
YoruxRuki #7
HAH THAT GIRL JUST GOT PWNEDDDDDDDDDDD LOL. (XD Sorry I like it too much when the bad girl finally gets what she deserves and all) Please update soon!
YoruxRuki #8
:o Is Jay gonna tell the truth? Like her being his sister and all?! :O Please update soon!
YoruxRuki #9
T_______T Evil girls....wahhh
YoruxRuki #10
I love the speaking English part. <3 XD It's hilarious seeing the weirded out faces of the MCs and all~