She needed help, so I'm helping her

Too Ugly to Love You

Guy's PoV

I knew I was late for class, but didn't bother to run. I'm late already so what's the point of running. I decided to take my time, walking slowly with my friend Hyukjae, who everyone calls Eunhyuk. We were chatting nicely until we came across some scattered books. In the middle of everything, was a girl. She was looking at the floor, clearly not noticing that we were there. Her legs were all bloody and damaged, not a pretty sight for me or Eunhyuk. She looked like she was trying not to cry. I stared at her for a while. She didn't look like she was mean or normal. This girl looked so alone. I thought to myself, Why didn't any of the teachers help her. She was right in front of them. Why didn't the students around her help before? She's human. She's right there.

I was about to help her, but felt a tug on my arm. Eunhyuk was ushering me not to go to her and go on to class. That angered me. Not even my best friend wanted to help. Doesn't anyone feel sorry for her? I pulled myself away and went towards her. I tapped her shoulder lightly, but she didn't respond. She looked rather bitter so she continued to stare at the floor. I looked to Eunhyuk for help, but he looked impatient. Is there something bad about her? I shrugged that off and this time talked to her.

"Hey uh, do you need help? You need to see the nurse. Do you need support?" I must've surprised her, because she looked up slowly, her eyes wide and full of hope and pain. She looked a little too shocked to respond, so I said," Here, let me help you." At first, she looked happy to be helped, but her closed smile slanted downwards. She looked back down, and murmured to herself. Although it was for herself only, I heard it clearly.

"Why are you helping me? Why is someone finally helping me, but only until now...." their was so much pain in her voice, and tears dropped down her cheeks. I felt so angry at myself and everyone else. This is what she must be feeling for a long time. No one bothering to help her, not even me. She looked so lifeless and miserable. She continued on her own," I'm a human as well. Not a pretty human, but a human. Why am I ignored until now? Why is he helping me?" I couldn't help but respond.

"I'm helping you," she stopped muttering, still looking at the floor. "I'm helping you because you need help. You're a person. You deserve the same help as everyone else. It's doesn't matter if your not the best looking person. To tell you the truth, you don't look ugly. Everyone is beautiful." At that statement, I was guessing. I didn't actually see her clearly, but when she looked up after what I said, it was the truth. She had beautiful eyes, but wasn't noticed because of her glasses. Her skin was bruised, but it was still silky looking. Her lips were bloody and braced, but they still looked rather pretty. In conclusion, she looked rather pretty in my eyes, but not in everyone's. She gave my a closed smile, and I felt warm.

"Thank you," she whispered softly. She took her glasses off and tried to stare at them, but it was obvious that she couldn't actually look at the damage. I bent down to her and asked her to give me the glasses. She looked cautious, but handed over the glasses. They were damaged a lot. I them looked around, and spot her legs clearly. They had heel marks. I looked back at the glasses, and realized that she must've been intended to be hurt. It wasn't just some accident of falling, but people actually hurting her intentionally. I looked at her, and surprisingly, she looked so happy. She stared back at me blankly, looking so innocent. This made me so angry because people beat her up for no reason. I felt like I was one of those people.

Then, I felt something wet roll down my cheek. Tears. That one tear that she couldn't see alarmed her. Her small smile turned into a frown. Slowly but cautiously, her hand reached up to my cheek and wiped it away. I started to cry more, while she wiped my tears away.

"I'm sorry if I caused this pain to you. You're such a nice person. Everyone is. Don't cry please," she gave another soft smile. She was so sweet to others, even though she is treated so unfairly. I stopped crying and smile back.

"Your a nice person as well you know." Before she could reply I stood up and said," Well come on then. Let's go to the nurse!"

"How are going to get there?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. She really never had help before.

"I carry you of course," I replied casually. She looked rather shocked at what I said, and shook her head.

"Oh no. I'll stain your uniform, and I'll be heavy. It's okay if you don't help me. I don't want to be a burden to you." I couldn't help but smile at that sentence. She was worried for people other than herself. I knelt down and looked at her in the eyes.

"Well how am I supposed to get you there. I want to help you. It's what I chose to do."

"Um... you could... just support me by letting me hold you while I walk." I agreed and we went to work. Eunhyuk already left a long time ago, so I helped alone. I talked to her while supporting to get her not to notice the pain. She was a good listener, and replied all the time happily. I told her about things I couldn't tell to my friends; about my past and troubles. She told me about her past as well, how her dad died when she was little and how she was picked on a lot. Her past wasn't very happy, like mine. Both of us got to find our similarities.

"Oh! I forgot. What's your name?" I asked as we were almost there. She looked at me weirdly, but gave a small smile.

"Yoona. Im Yoona. May I..." she trailed off, looking at the floor. I gave a chuckle.

"You want to know what my name is?" She nodded slowly. I gave her a bright smile," My name is Donghae. Lee Donghae." With that, I pushed the door of the nurses office open.


Ahh! I spent the whole morning working on this but it'd soo short :(

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Chapter 4: update soon please
So mean people but eunhae and taeyeon is not :$
update soon, nice story <3
Update soon! Yoona don't be a babo, Donghae would never do that to you -_-
Julettums #5
@Sawa93821- happy that you liked it! I thought it wasn't going to be good, but I'm happy to know that you liked it (oops said that twice. must be really happy)
@ILoveYoonTaem- I will don't worry :)
@Melinda- I'll update today
@Lynsa23- Thanks! Your Daebakk

Thanks for the comments you guys!
sawa93821 #6
really looking forward to what will happen next is the person that is going to help yoona, Donghae??? update soon ^^
ILoveYoonTaem #7
Update soon!
Update soon please.. Your first chapter was daebakk
sawa93821 #10
Really like you foreword seems really interesting update soon ^^