That One Girl


Three words that describe what's on my mind. That one girl.

Three popular high school groups. One girl.



The Leads


    Kim Haejoon (you)

          - Talented

          - Extremely smart

          - Has three older brothers whom she lives with

          - Not afraid to say whatever's on her mind


    EXO (The Male Leads)

           - Will do a lot to get what they want

           - Kingka group with 12 people


    NU'EST (The Male Leads)

           - Badass Kingka group

           - Fight a lot

           - Group with 5 people

           - Goes to the same school as you


     BTOB (The Male Leads)

            - Another kingka group

            - Group with 7 people



A story about a young girl who falls into a messy story with three of the whole state's most popular boys.


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nice story ^^
monday2sunday #2
This story is so cute! Update soon! Pretty please ^^
Lol.. So cute... Please update soon! ^^
haha this is cute~ curious as how it will turn out like. =]
LalaCakesFlies #5
I love this c: Lol Aron xD
powerducks #6
Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe!~ update soon! :)
oooh good story ^^ update soon!
angeltears-315 #8
interesting~! new reader here~!
hope you update soon ^__^
your story seems very interesting...Update soon ^_^