I Said Stop Bickering ~for prettyangel25~

To Be or Not to Be, That Isn't the Question. ~One-Shot Shop~

Couple: Ahn Camille and Kai (EXO) or Himchan (B.A.P)

Song: SHINee - Quasimodo

"Camille~" Kai called to Camille who was sitting under a blossoming tree.

"Hmm?" she said turning to Kai smiling. He walked to her and hugged her.

"Hi," he said elongating the end and smiling.

"Hey!" She hugged him and turned back to her sketch book.

"Sketching again, I see?" He looked over her shoulder and saw a sketch of a bird on a branch. She picked up her pencil and started to add tiny details onto the picture. Kai sat next to her and observed every movement.

It was getting late and Camille was still sketching, but not a bird. She was sketching the landscape and everything that she could. Kai was looking at his watch and then to the sky. The moon started to rise and clouds covered most of the sky. While the clouds moved he tried to count the stars, but found that it was close to impossible. Camille closed her sketch book and stood up to stretch.

"You ready?" Kai asked with his head cocked to one side watching Camille stretch. She smiled and nodded, grabbing all of her things and putting them into her bag. Kai grabbed Camille's hand and laced his fingers through hers. She sighed and smiled.

"It's such a beautiful night!" Camille said looking up to see a full moon, not noticing clouds covering up the sky surrounding the moon. Kai had a confused look on his face looking up.

"Don't you see the clouds?" he said gazing at her after thinking for a short moment.

"Yes, but it brings a different meaning, more intensifying meaning. I like clouds, they seem to have their own personality, like the ones shaped like bunnies, they want to move fast, not caring about the situation that it's in. And the ones shaped like hearts, raining down the love that is kept in them," Camille said explaining the multiple reasons of liking the clouds the way she does. In all of her sketches you can find clouds, shaped like a star, or heart, or other shapes, giving the sketch a metaphorical meaning.

Kai smiled as they ended up infront of Camille's house.

"Well, I guess this is good night," Kai said sticking his hands in his pockets and smiling, Camille kissed his cheek and headed into her house putting her back on the door. Her heart was beating like her adrenaline was kicking in.

"Yah, babo. Stop~ He is my boyfriend remember," she said putting her hand over her heart and smiling. She walked over to her backdoor and opened it. She walked onto the patio and over to a lounging chair that she sat on at night. She sighed and looked at the sky watching the clouds, stars, and moon move slowly.

"I thought we talked about staying up late, bunny," a voice called from the gate. She abruptly sat up and looked to the figure. Her heart started to race again.

"What is this feeling?" She thought to herself, questioning her heart's motives.

"H-H-Himch-an," she said stuttering like shes had a problem with it all her life.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" he said walking over to her and patting her head. She smiled and hugged him.

"It's alright~ How was your night?" she asked looking up to him.

"Ah, boring as usual. Did you miss me? Or to busy hanging out with," he stopped for a moment, not wanting to say his name, "Kai..."

"I missed you a lot! Has Zelo been nice to you? I told him I would kick if he wasn't?" She asked laughing lightly. Himchan and his group were very close to Camille. They were the first to greet her when she moved to Korea.

"He's been fine," Himchan said smirking slightly, but quickly frowning.

"What's wrong?" She said looking worriedly over to him.

"Camille-yah, I have a confession. Even though I know it's too late and you already belong to someone," he paused moving closer, grabbing my hand and holding it in between his, "I love you, I always have." Camille's heart stopped. Everything around her seemed to move in slow motion. Three simple words that one person could say stopped her heart. But it wasn't just one person, but her best friend. Her first friend. The boy she had secretly liked, but never wanted to risk her friendship with him. She tried to forget him by going out with Kai, but it didn't work. Her heart beats faster for Himchan than it does for Kai. She honestly didn't know how to control her heart.

She sat there for a long time, thinking about what to say. Himchan sat there, knowing he had confused her. He didn't know if he should leave or stay. He stayed just incase Camille broke down into tears, had a heart attack, or had the same feelings, hoping it was the last choice.

Camille took a long deep breath and opened to speak, "Himchan, I'm so sorry, but I can't return your feelings. I love Kai and I am in a relationship with him."

Himchan sighed and stood up, "I know. I just wanted to tell you before it was too late."

"What do you mean 'too late' it is already late. Why did you tell me this now?" Camille said while her eyes started to water. Himchan ignored the comment and left her back yard. She sat there dumbfounded and now starting to cry.

"Himchan-ah... Why now, of all times?" She cried out starting to hit her chair in anger. She closed her eyes and laid down on the chair again, drifting off into the deep sleep she need.

"Camille, why did you do this?" A voice said to me as it was getting brighter. I looked in amazement around me. Trees, flowers, and ponds were around me in beautiful placement. This place was beautiful and everything looked perfect until I looked upon a boy crying. I walked over to him and sat next to him on the earthy ground.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked patting his back. He looked up to me and I saw his face, covered in tears, as if he was crying for a long time. I stopped and backed up soon running into a tree.

"What is this place?" I said as it turned black.

"Camille. You need to choose," I heard another voice say as the it was getting brighter but not to bright so I could only see the surroundings.

"Who's there?" I asked reaching my hand out, trying to find something to grab onto. Suddenly something grabbed my wrist and pulled me down into a pond.

"What the-" Camille said as she jumped up in her chair scared.

"Phew, it was just a dream. Thank god," She said rubbing her head and looking around. It was still dark, but the moon was closer to the horizon. She frowned remembering what had happened between her and Himchan. She walked into her house and walked to the kitchen. She walked to the fridge and drank some water then hurried up to bed to rest more before the morning came.

~In the Morning~

The curtains were partly open letting in the stray rays of sunlight through them into Camille's room. She woke up and sat up in bed and looked at her phone.

"One new message~,"  she sang aloud to herself.

"Good morning Camille~ I shall pick you up for school!" She exclaimed to her self and remembered it was a Monday. She prepared herself and ate breakfast. Her doorbell rang and she walked to the front door and slipped on her shoes.

"Annyeong!" Kai said to her after she opened the door.

"Annyeong~" She sang joyfully as she stepped out of the house.

"How are you?" He asked her holding her hand and smiling.

"I am great, how about you?"

"I'm doing well!" They walked to school quietly and when the arrived she saw Himchan with another girl holding hands and kissing.

"What. The. Hell," She said staring at them in disbelief.

"What?" Kai asked not knowing what Camille was looking at.

"Nothing," she said trying to cover it up and walk into the school with Kai. She walked to her locker and opened it and out came a bunch of paper.

"Seriously? It's a Monday and you are already harassing me?" She said picking up each and every paper and looking through each of them. There was about 15 papers, crumbled up and had words written on them.

"Camille.... Sorry....... Too Late....... Choose...." she said words that caught her eyes and realized they were lyrics.

"Himchan...." she said and thought back to what she saw before school and became furious. She stood up and stuffed everything in her locker taking out her books that she needed and went to find Himchan. She went to where she saw him this morning and still found him making out with the girl. She coughed lightly to break up the make-out session.

"Um, excuse me, I need to talk to your friend," she said to the girl who was staring at her with hatred for making them stop. She let go of his hand.

"I'll see you later, honey," she said pecking his nose and walking into the school.

"Wow, I see that you move on fast," she said to Himchan who wasn't facing her.

"Well, what would you except? You have known me forever and you still are sheltered to the fact of my relationships. Well it's time for you to take a big step in reality and face the fact that I am over you. O.V.E.R. Y.O.U." he said harshly to Camille. Tears formed in her eyes again as she watched him stand up and look at her with sheer hatred.

"Now if you would excuse me, I have business to be attending to," he said ramming his shoulder into her causing her to fall to the ground. She let out a short cry in pain.

"Himchan! What happened to you? I thought we were friends!" Camille shouted at him as he left, ignoring everything she said. She sat on the ground for a couple minutes debating to go back to talk to him or just tell the teacher she feels sick.

She stood up, dusted of her pants, and walked into school to her class room.

"Annyeong, Mrs. Kwon, I don't feel good. May I go home?"

"Sure Ms. Ahn, here is your homework for tonight. I hope you feel better soon," she said to Camille as she put the homework into her folder and put her backpack on.

"Thank you," Camille bowed and walked out of the class room bumping into Kai.

"Where are you going?" he asked her.

"I am feeling sick... I am going home," she said avoiding his touch. He frowned but then smiled.

"Alright, get home safely. I'll call you later," he said to her kissing her forehead which scared Camille and he left to his class. She walked out of school and went to a nearby cafe to get some tea to drink. She walked to the cashier and bought two green teas to go and left to her house.

"Where did I put my key?" she said looking through her backpack, not finding the key. She searched her pockets and found it in her back pocket. She opened the door and walked to the kitchen to put one of the teas in the fridge.

"What will I do now?" She said talking to herself and frowning, "Maybe lay outside and sketch." She grabbed her tea and her sketch book and walked outside to the same chair as last night.

"Hmm, what to sketch?" Camille said aloud fast enough to hear giggling from next door, Himchan's house.

"Eh, I thought he went to school," Camille said to herself listening. Another set of giggles came from next door.

"Okay, that's not right," she said setting down her sketch pad and walking over to the gate and going next door. She gasped when she saw what was happening.

"Himchan! What are you doing?!? You have school," she said covering and ducking. She crawled over to the gate and hopped over it quickly and hid under her porch. She heard the gate open and saw girl shoes walk out and then boy shoes chase after the girl.

"Wait! No, that was nothing you were hearing things," Himchan said to the girl as he cussed under his breath after he stopped chasing the girl.

"Alright, Camille, look what you did now!" He shouted walking into her back yard and walking back out. He stopped infront of the porch and Camille hid her breath. He soon went back into his back yard. Camille climbed out and ran into her house after grabbing her stuff.

After watching T.V. for a couple of hours her door bell rang. She looked through a side window and saw it was Kai.

"I thought you said you would call," she said opening the door to see a frowning Kai.

"We need to talk," he said to her grabbing her hand and taking her out to sit on the steps infront of her house.

"Yes, Kai?" she asked him tilting her head.

"Don't 'Yes, Kai' me! I know why you skipped school! You know Himchan was out of school to, right?!?! Of course you did! You were with him weren't you?" Kai shouted at Camille. She scooted to the far edge of the steps, but only to be pulled back closer to Kai.

"Let go," she said sternly.

"No! You were the one who cheated!" he shouted tightening the grip on her wrist.

"No I didn't! Since you are making false accusations I have the right to say you cheated on me and you were feeling guilty and decided you could make yourself feel better by accusing me! Now let go!" She shouted back pulling her wrist back and almost falling but catching her balance. Kai frowned.

"You are right," he said standing up, "I don't like you anymore. I hate you in fact. I don't want to see you again. Good-bye."

"Fine. I see how it is. Don't come running back to me when she breaks your heart," she said harshly standing up and going back into her house to sit on the couch and cry. She never would cheat on someone, and to think that he cheated on her hurts her more. She got up and grabbed the other tea out of the fridge and microwaved it. She took it out side and sat on her chair and sighed taking a sip. She wiped her eyes and looked at the sky.

"The cloud that separated into two, that was once in the form of a heart, but now in the for of a retard oval. I see you know what my future holds, clouds," Camille said to herself and heard giggling from next door again.

"Great, now is the same girl or a different?" she said setting down the cup and walking next door.

"Himchan, I know you could move on fast, but not as fast as this," she said as she saw another girl in the pool with him.

"Well excuse me, Miss Know-It-All, but I don't know what you are talking about. But all I know is that you will be forever alone," he said smirking getting out of the pool and drying off. Camille frowned and turned around.

"Hey, come here real quick," he said to her. She obeyed and walked over. He swiftly picked her up and threw her into the pool.

"WHAT THE HELL HIMCHAN!" She screamed in the pool.

"Well, that's what you get for making me drown in my own tears making me wait for you, now you can wait for me," he said whispering. Camille got out and walked over to him.

"You should never treat a girl like that, because every girl is capable of murder, It's that I'm just to nice to kill a poor soul like yours," she said smirking.

"I'm not going to cry over you, even though you are my everything, because I know I can't have you. But three simple words make everything better. I. Love. You," Camille whispered into Himchan's ear. He gaped and froze in his spot. She smirked and pushed him into the pool.

"Don't mess with me, you'll get burned, baby," she said turning around and walking next door to sit on the chair.

"Oh, honey don't worry about her, she is a bish," the girl with Himchan said helping him out of the pool. He hit the pool water making it splash and let out a frustrated shout.

"I. Hate. Ahn. Camille," he said quietly, "but I still love her," and with that he got out of the pool.

As Camille was sitting in her backyard that night she smiled and watched as the stars were covered by clouds and it started to rain. She finally had a reason to cry, because the connection that she had always wanted was blocked by a sad event that happened.

A/N: Here you go prettyangel25 !!!! I hope you enjoy it! I put some of the song lyrics scattered throughout the story (the English lyrics).

I hope you like it and if you don't I will re-write it for you!

Also I would like to credit Cady Groves - This Little Girl for the song lyrics "You should never treat a girl like that" and "Every girl is capable of murder".

Oh and I made that poster for this chapter :D

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Hey guys :D working on prettyangel25 's one shot^^


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CUTE!!! :) I am requesting AGAIN!!! :)
Wow that was crazy O_o
Kai cheated on her
HimChan being an
I really really liked it THANK YOU SOO MUCH ^^
Wow, 7 years is quite long though and they still holding their promises! His character indeed gentlemen though and well organize his things.
The whole story you wrote it beautifully in every scenes.
I enjoyed reading it and Thank you so much!!!!! :)
good job! it's really awesome! :)
so excited ^^
whats mary sue ._. im dumb. lol.