


"Ji", I began, addressing my best friend since grade school. "My landlord kicked me out yesterday..."

We stared straight ahead at the oblivious preschoolers worried only about constructing the perfect sand castles. It was another crazy idea of his - to visit the play park across from the YG building we both worked long hours at. The swing I sat on slightly swaying, my arms were even more tired from pushing Jiyong than from the four-hour rehearsal we had just endured.

"Push me!" he had screamed.


"Push me!"


"Push m-"

"Alright!” he didn't let up easy. I wasn't surprised.  I marched over there and harshly shoved him, causing him to cry out.

We laughed and joked around and reminisced the old days until our energy levels were running low. I told him about my current predicament but he merely brushed it aside and took hold of my hand, grabbing our packs and leading me to the streets.

“Let’s go shopping!” he grinned widely. Because of his schedules and my dance training, we both haven’t had time to enjoy one of our favourite past times together. I didn’t mind. I sure as hell didn’t want to go home only to be kicked out again.

We decided to walk. There was a surprisingly small amount of pedestrians wandering the streets of Seoul on this chilly Friday afternoon. The mall was a short walk away – the exercise was good for your physique and your brain.

“Cake!” my best friend practically screamed even before we entered the supermarket. “I’ll pay – you get the forks!” he instructed, already on his way to the cashier. That’s Jiyong for you… the cake maniac.

“Ji, I’m thirsty!” I complained, exhausted from all the exercise I had done today.

He looked up at me from his snack and plainly said, “Go buy a drink. It’s only $0.45.”

“No, buy it for me!” I whined, already reaching for my wallet.

“Mmkay”, he mumbled, sticking his hand in his pocket and passing me the spare change, a smile breaking out on his face. “Get the orange one. Share!” he called.

Finishing our mini meal, we walked and browsed stores for a couple hours. Our trip ended with a few pairs of earrings for me, some new tops for him, and enough chocolate to last us at least a few weeks.

“What do I do now…”, I mumbled to myself, honestly not knowing what the possibilities are. We were walking towards my house yet I wasn’t sure if I could stay the night or not.

“You can come over”, my buddy suggested all of a sudden, looking me in the eyes. Nothing in his voice hinted betrayal.

“Hm, really? But you have a busy day tomorrow. You have to start rehearsal of new choreogra-“

“Aish, I know that. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t mean it, and I do, so that means I already considered everything!” he yelled, pointing a finger accusingly at me.

“Ji…” I smiled at him, grabbing him around the neck, my shopping bags colliding with his back. “Komapsumnida!”

“Ah! My spine! I’m gonna become crippled! You’re so heavy! No more cake for you! Get off!” he screamed. He took hold of my waist but instead of pushing me off, he held me in place, secure by his side.

We called a taxi, leaving the driver a generous top. I unlocked my door and quickly slipped inside, packing enough clothes for a few nights away.

“Jiiii!” I yelled outside.

“Whaat..” he yelled back, fake annoyance in his voice.

“Help me grab my books!” I yelled back. I worked for YG, but I was also a night-time student. Last year of university! He walked in and leaned down to pick up the messy stacks of books.

“Ugh… so. heavy..” he crooned.

I was surprised at his lack of strength, but when I looked over, his muscular arms were lifting the piles with ease. He saw my expression and smiled.

“Hehe. Are you ready? Let’s go eat! Omo, cook for me! Oh, I can’t wait! I get to eat your cooking! Yay!” he screamed excitedly, running outside to my parked car.

“W-what. Wait! No! Who says I’m cooking! Ji! Come back, I’m not done!”

He crept back in empty-handed, and helped me pack the rest of my supplies. He led me to the car, hands held out, gesturing for the car keys.

“Ji…my car has no gas”, I said with a straight face although his expression had me close to peeing my pants.

“W-what? Aiiisshhh… why, you little..! Making me pack all this stuff!” he complained, but immediately got to work.

You could always count on him to find a way. This time, he called a YG driver who was all too willing to the star of Seoul, G-Dragon. And his friend.

We got to his our destination 20 minutes away, and the driver helped us unload, staying longer than necessary, offering her help over and over again. She wouldn’t leave until Ji gently pushed her back to the car, breathing ever-grateful thanks in her ear and finally, giving her a small peck. Then he had to practically carry her to the car, and slam the door in her face.

Man, my twelve year old Ji was such a woman-eater. As if. Having watching him do this countless times, the picture of him crying over spilt milk had more feeling to it. My Ji the theatre major. I, personally, would be forever disgusted if he ever acted that way with me… Besides, we all knew he had a thing for the Big Seunghyun… Wink wink, nudge nudge.

“Welcome to my humble … dorm?”

We looked up and realized our ditzy driver brought us to Big Bang’s dorm. Wow.

“Well, whatever.” I muttered, pushing past him and dumping my bag on the floor.

“Uhh..” he began, getting cut off by the steady stream of boys greeting us at the door.

“Noona! Annyeong~” the maknae called.

“Annyeong, Little Seunghyun. Did you get the new choreography I sent you guys?”

“Mm”, Big Seunghyun and Daesung nodded.

“Not that you’re not welcome here – because you always are – but why do you have so many bags?” Taeyang chirped up from the back of the crowd.

“My landlord kicked me out. He gave me one week to get out. I hope you guys don’t mind me staying here for the night. I’ll relocate to Ji’s tomorrow.”

I was also good friends with the rest of BB since their trainee days. I babysat all of them at one point, even if the majority of them were older than me.

“Alright. You know where the washroom is. I’ll room with Daesungie – take my room”, my best friend said.

“Goodnight!” the maknae gave me a hug.

“See you in the morning”, I closed the door to Ji’s room – but not before he could sneak in with my remaining two bags.

He called out my name softly and I turned to find my face buried in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, and patted my back soothingly.

“Are you okay?” he asked tentatively.

“Yeah, I’m fine”, I replied, trying hard to get my already-quivering lip to stop. His embrace was familiar. I felt safe.

“No you aren’t”, he said. Then he said no more as I started shaking in his arms.

He didn’t end up rooming with Daesung that night. He didn’t even sleep that night. He held me, and calmed me down. He cracked jokes and I laughed at his pathetic attempts to stop my teary eyes. He made me my favourite milkshake at two in the morning. He sang me songs and made sure I had enough pillows. Point was, he didn’t let me cry alone that night.

“Thanks Ji…” I mumbled as I drifted off to sleep in the comfy bed that smelled like him.

Always. Forever."


- the end -


A:N/ Yay~ part two is done. :D

omg, i admit, this is the most times i've ever reread my work this many times.

it was supposed to be up on Friday, but the computer didn't save it. ><;


*do you guys think it's okay to end it as "always, forever" all the time? lolol

leave comments and suggestions for me~

i will love you forever.

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hehe.. get ready for a part two! man more fluff/angst scenarios to come, as i have decided to 'continue' with this fic. :D


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Chapter 4: Ahahahaahhaah oh, how I dearly wish to walk in on a sight like that!
Chapter 4: I love this one~ I've been looking long for a story with this type of friendship genre <3 hope you'll update it :) (btw can the one GD like is TOP?) heeheehee xD
jiyonglurver #3
Chapter 4: Omg~~ update soon...
T-O-P-oppa #4
So good ilike it a lot please do more!
Uh, thanks. I was so excited and then you did this to me....AWWWW! You are so sweet! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
You need to update! I need to see what happens next! Haha :)
Seunghyun? Seungri? OMG
cormia06 #8
weyoungbe #9
Woooow, how cute to have a best friend like him (♥͡.̮♥͡) thanks for the update :)