Gift Shopping... with Sehun?

My 12 Best Friends

You woke up to the sound of Joon’s voice. He was yelling over the phone. You covered your face with your fluffy bunny pillow that Daehyun gave you as a birthday gift before.
*Why is he yelling so loudly at this hour!* you looked at your alarm clock. It was already 9:00am.
*Oh shoot! I better get up!* you flung the pillow and blankets right of and rolled onto the floor. You rubbed your back as you opened the door and walked to the bathroom.
After you did your morning routine, you went downstairs for breakfast.
“Yah, oppa why were you yelling earlier? Who were you talking to?” you asked while pouring some milk in your cereal.
“It was appa and umma. They said that they can’t come home for Christmas.”
You almost spilled your milk. “What?! Why?! It’s Christmas! It’s a special occasion they have to come!” you said, tears already forming.
“They’re in London right now. There’s a blizzard happening there right now so they can’t book a flight.”
Your parents were always on business trips around the world. They only visit if it's a special occasion such as birthdays and Christmas.
“That’s not fair! We only see them like three times a year!” you said angrily.
“Su Jin, calm down. It’s important that they’re safe and it’s good that they told us…” he held your hand. You gripped it tightly.
“I guess it’ll just be me and you. Oh and Hae Mi and her family will be visiting so don’t worry. Appa and umma promised to video call us if they could.” He assured.
“Alright… It's better than nothing.”

2 hours later…
“OPPA!” you screamed coming down the stairs. You had on casual clothes. A sweater, a large knit scarf, skinny jeans and boots.
“WHAT!” he yelled back, frustrated he couldn’t solve his crossword puzzle, “Why are you wearing those clothes? Where are you going?”
“Can you bring me to the mall please? I need to go gift shopping~” you pleaded.
“But I’m too lazy~” he whined.
“Lazy my ! Fine I’ll just walk there. Ten blocks. In the freezing cold air on the icy sidewalks and roads… probably an easy target for a rapi--“
“Okay okay, shut up and I’ll take you.” Joon groaned and grabbed his coat. You thanked him and backhugged him. “Thank youu~”

“Okay just call me when you want me to pick up, arraso?” Joon pointed his cell phone at you. “Keep your volume on the highest setting in case.”
“Neh, I know, I know.”
“Okay I’m leaving now, bye!” he went out through the exit.  You checked your bag.
“Wallet, check. Phone, check. List of people I should get gifts for, check.” You made sure everything was there. “Okay, I already got Ha Jung and Hae Mi something…. AISH! I have to go shopping for guys! Omo…. I have like more than a dozen guys to shop for…. Including my brother…” you pulled your hair.
“Okay, let’s start with Exo!” You searched all around stores for something that would be gift-worthy.
There was a small shop that sold cooking materials. You curiously looked around until you saw an apron that caught your attention.
“EVERYONE’S FAVORITE COOK” is what the words said on the apron. It reminded you of D.O when he told you he liked to cook. You also giggled when you remembered how some members complained about his cooking. It also had a very cool pattern.
“Keke, I think I’ll get this for Kyungsoo oppa.” You purchased it and left the store. “One down, 11 more to go…”
Once again you strolled around until someone caught your attention. You could’ve sworn you just saw Sehun walk out of the Men’s department store a second ago. You tugged your scarf high enough to hide your face and walked slowly past the guy.
“Hmm… I wonder there Luhan is….” You heard him say.
“SHOOT! It is Sehun!” you cursed as you passed him awkwardly.
“Excuse me miss, have you seen a guy who kind of looks like me around here?” he asked you. You froze in your tracks, trying to not to laugh at what he just said. You cleared your throat and used a deep voice.
“Uhm, no. Bye!” you tried to flee until he grasped your hand.
“Su Jin. I know it’s you. Pabo.” He knocked on your head. You pulled down your scarf and stuck your tongue out at him.
“You made me look stupid…” you crossed your arms.
“Haha that was so funny! And to think I can’t recognize you? Seriously I’ve seen you wear that scarf before.”
“Pshh… whatever… what are you doing here anyways?” you hid the bags behind your back.
“I’m just chilling around here with Luhan...” he said, “what are you doing here?”
“I’m…. just chilling here… alone…” you said pathetically.
“You’re alone?! That’s dangerous!” he gasped.
“No it’s not, I’ve been here many times alone.”
“Well, not anymore. Why don’t we walk around together?” he smiled.
You wanted to say no so you could still shop for gifts without them knowing but of course you couldn’t refuse.
“Okay.” You walked into shops with Sehun. But you took this as an opportunity to get some ideas of what to get the others.
“Hey what do you think Kai or Xiu Min would like?” you asked him.
Sehun was too distracted by a moving toy. “Uh… Xiu Min likes Buns… you should get him a package of steamed buns! But Kai on the other hand… I don’t know. He likes Calvin Klein underwear.”
You gave him a weird look. “That’s something I don’t really want to get him.”
“Well, I think all of us wear Calvin Klein anyways.”
“And why are you telling me about the brand of underwear you wear?”
“Keke, I actually don’t know.. well ignore that. Luhan likes anything you would give him. Same for me. Kris likes facial products… get him some cologne or something!” he said. “I remember Baekhyun said he wanted a new nightlight for the room he shares with Chanyeol. Get Suho some insoles and Chanyeol a hat. Tao loves pandas and cake, Lay probably needs a new sleeping mask and Chen wants a karaoke set.”
You spaced out with all the information he was giving you, but was really happy that he helped get ideas of what to get the other members.
“Ahaha okay, thanks Sehun oppa~” you hugged him. Sehun flushed baby pink momentarily.
“Y-yeah, no problem, why don’t we look for a panda plushie for Tao?”
“Okies” you two went into a plush toy store and found the perfect panda for Tao.
“Oh what a cute couple you are!” the saleslady in her late 50’s said. She gazed at you and Sehun.
“When I was your age, my husband would take me to places like this all the time!” She reminisced.
After she finished placing the panda in the shopping bag, she handed you something.
“Here, these are couple bracelets. I’ll give these to you for free because you are the cutest couple I’ve seen!” She reached out to hand them to you.

Noona, I'm sorry but we aren't a cou---
Be sure to take care of your relationship." she cut him off winked at you both.
You and Sehun looked at each other awkwardly. “ Kamsahamnida, noona.” Sehun bowed and you did too. After you exited the store you sat down on a bench and  gave Sehun the other bracelet.
“What was that about?!” you looked at the silver bracelet on the palm of your hand.
“I don’t know, she started saying we were a couple!” Sehun stared at it as well. You felt a bit uncomfortable in this situation.
“Aigoo… well, this can be our friendship bracelet then.” You placed it on your wrist and held it up.
“It’s actually really cute” you smiled. Sehun was examining too closely but felt his heart stop when you put on the bracelet.
“OH SEHUN.” Luhan yelled from behind. Sehun quickly wore the bracelet and faced him.
“What’s up Lulu?” he said casually.
“Where have you been?! I was searching the whole dang place for you!” Luhan exploded.
“I was with Su Jin.” Sehun replied.


They are like always together.
Awh. :3


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I finally got my lost chapter back! -happy dance- will be updating again~


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how did i just find this gem, haha < 3
Chapter 38: aww, what a cute book. (winks) update soon. (smiles) :D
Chapter 38: update!! plz!
its okay author nim!! i will wait for you~ if ever you decide to finish this sorry : )
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 38: I feel you high school is a . But at least you informed rather than being MIA. And I wish you luck and can you give me story recommendation
Chapter 36: Turns out it's not February 1st. It's December 23rd. Nearly a year.
Chapter 36: From the comments,it seems like you updated this chapter on February 1st. Now it is December 11. 10 months and 10 days. Is that amount of time too short for you to update? Or at least write an author's note about why you haven't updated this story? If you are going to abandon this story or put this story on hold,you should at least have the DECENCY to inform us right? Don't make all of us waste our time hoping and waiting for you to update your story. Say,you lost this account. How about creating another account and then telling us? Simple and easy. Oh,I nearly forgot. What about that PROMISE you made about updating soon? It seems to all of us(or at least to me) that the promise means so little to you. So now we know what type of a person you are right? And don't give me all that "promises/rules all meant to be broken" stuff.

All I am asking for is for you to have the decency to inform us if you are not going to continue.

DECENCY. Don't know what that is? Search it up on the dictionary. And yes,there is such a word.
I want to read this but... is it abandoned?
Chapter 36: -jumps in front of you- HI there^^!! Author -nim^^ hiiihhhihihi^^ new reader in town btw.

author -nim ....CLIFF HANGER... TT_TT i want to know what will happen next..^^ update soon!~ loooking forward for your next update^^ fighting!!