
My 12 Best Friends

“SANCTUARY AT LAST!” Chunji yelled as he burst through the door and dropped to the floor. You and Daehyun were startled, while all the customers stared at him.  Chunji hugged himself and blew into his gloves. The customers were looking at him weirdly, even Exo. 

"What's wrong with that guy?" Luhan said.
 Niel and L. Joe came in after, covered in snow. Niel looked around curiously, but soon turned sad. "Dawh, Hae Mi isn't here..."
"Get up Chunji, you're causing a scene." L. Joe covered his face. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” Jongup called, “You’re making the floor wet! Step on the carpet!”
They apologized and rubbed their shoes on the mat. You dusted off the snow on L. Joe’s hair and coat.
“Geez, you look like a fat marshmallow” you laughed. L. Joe wrinkled his nose and swatted your hands away.
"Hey!" Daehyun called. 
L. Joe saw him and grinned, "Daehyun Hyung!" 
Daehyun ran around the counter and they did a man-hug. They started talking together and laughing then Niel entered the conversation and they became quiet.
Chunji stood up and dusted himself off. He went to the nearest table and removed his jacket. He sat down and crossed his arms.

While you were there, Exo was talking about the dance.
“Yah, any of you have dates yet?” Baekhyun said.
“Nope…” Kai said.
“No” Sehun replied.
Chanyeol and Luhan shook their heads.
Himchan over heard them talking and came over when he was cleaning up some tables.

“You know guys, all of the good girls will be taken soon. If you don’t make a move, you guys are in trouble.”
They all gulped. “I suggest you ask a girl you like as soon as you can, or you’ll be stuck with the ones no one wants” he sighed and brought the empty cups he collected to the back.
Chanyeol stood up, “He’s right, we should…”
Baekhyun felt uneasy. “So who are you planning to ask you guys?”
They all became silent.
Baekhyun cleared his throat. “Don’t tell me that you all are thinking of the same person."
Kai shifted, “I think we are...”
Sehun’s eyes followed you in your direction and you were heading towards them.  “Hey, she’s coming!”
“You guys enjoying your hot chocolates?” you smiled and sat down next to Luhan. “Why aren’t you guys talking?”
“Nothing, we just ran out of a topic to talk about…”
“Oh…. Why don’t you talk about the dance! Did you guys get any dates yet?” you smiled. “If you did, I wanna meet them!” you clapped.
They all stood silent again.
“Hello? Aish, you guys are kind of scaring me…” you made a worried face.
“Do you have one yet Su Jin?” Luhan asked, his voice a bit dry. Kai and Sehun listened carefully.
You stopped for a moment and thought hard. Once you thought of something, you grinned.
“Yes. His name is Kim Jonghyun.”
“WHAT?!” they all screamed. You jumped a little by their reaction. Even Chunji screamed in the background. L. Joe smacked him in the head. Niel was too busy consuming three pieces of brownies all at once.
“You’re going with our hyung?!” they exclaimed.
“I wish I was…” you frowned, “but I’m just joking… eheheh…” You felt awkward now. Did they actually believe you?
They all groaned and sighed in relief at the same time. You rubbed your arm, “Why were you guys like that? Gosh… Is it wrong for me to at least think about someone I want to go with?” you crossed your arms and marched back to Daehyun.
“What’s with all the shouting and screaming back there?”  Daehyun asked.
“They got upset that I wanted to go to the dance with Jonghyun from Shinee”
“Ugh, you and your fantasies” Daehyun rolled his eyes and chuckled. You smacked his arm. “Yah! You know I’m a fangirl”
“Duh” he stuck his tongue out.
You glared at him before walking towards L. Joe.
“Byunghyunnnnn oppa~” you whined, “Daehyun is being a ”
“Well, he’s older than me. What can I do?”
Just then Chunji popped up behind you. “Hey can I talk to you?”
You hesitated, but nodded.
“Will you go to the dance with me?” Chunji asked again, but actually looked serious.
“Look I’m sorry if I can’t remember who you are, but I know that you’re really familiar. That’s maybe why I’m already comfortable around you” He gave you a smile. The smile that melted your heart. But that was all in the past.
“It’s Su Jin, SU JIN!” L. Joe gritted his teeth. “Why can’t you remember her, but you remember Hae Mi!”
“You remember Hae Mi and not me?” that really hurt you.
“Well, she was mostly in the same classes with me" he said.
“You know, Su Jin and I was too” L. Joe said.
“Ahh!” Daehyun came over to break everything up. “Just leave Chan Hee alone. He’s going to get Alzheimer’s when he grows old anyways.”
“Ye- HEY!” Chunji stomped. "And call me Chunji!"
You and L. Joe started laughing, “That was a good one, Daehyun hyung” L. Joe said.
"Soon, you'll even forget your wife and children" Daehyun said.
"If he even gets a wife" L. Joe murmured. 
You hit him, "Shh, that's mean!" 
"I said if he doesn't get one, seesh."
You turned your attention back to Chunji. "I'll think about during the weekend, okay?" you said. 
"Okay" he smiled, then glared at L. Joe. "I will get marr
Suddenly your phone beeped. You checked the caller ID and you screamed in happiness and joy.
"JOON OPPA IS BACK!" You read the text:

From: Joon Oppa 

YAH. Lee Su Jin, I just came back after two weeks and you're not even home?! Come home now! Where can you be at a time like this?! Look  at the weather outside! You better be here within 30 minutes, okay?!

You ran over to Exo and told them that you had to leave. They nodded and put on their coats. Daehyun stopped you before you left. 
"Can I come?" he asked. 
"What about your shift?" you said. 
"Well, the cafe is going to close anyway. My shift is already over, Yongguk and Himchan hyung will take care of everything." 
You smiled, "Then let's go! Bye Zelo, Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup oppas!" They all smiled and waved goodbye. 
"I'm coming too!" L. Joe held onto you, while Chunji and Niel came behind. You all trudged through the snow. Huddling together to keep warm. Your face started to feel numb and you held your cheeks. 
Chanyeol noticed and cupped your face. "My hands are warm aren't they?" 
Surprisingly, they were really warm. You started to feel less chilly and he walk behind you with his hands on your face. Daehyun and the others were behind you and Chanyeol. 
"What is he doing!" Chunji said, trying to walk closer to you guys. 
"Aish, Chanyeol always does the things we don't have the guts to do, man" Kai frowned. 
"Right?" Sehun said. Luhan walked over and pushed Chanyeol aside. 
"I'll take over from here" he thought this was a good time to ask you to the dance. 
Chanyeol wanted to refuse, but gave in. You started to shake again. Luhan placed his hands on your cheek and you pushed them away. "Your hands are freezing!" you made a ">.<" face. 
Luhan couldn't feel his hands. He thought they were hot. 
"You sure?" he touched your cheek. 
"Kyaaa! It's cold I tell you!"
"Haha, come on! It's not that cold, right?" he went to Kai and Sehun patted their cheeks. They screamed and ran away from Luhan. 
"Luhan! Did you stick your hands in snow for 5 hours?!" Sehun started wrapping his scarf tighter. Kai buried his face deep into his coat. 
"Luhan is the human snowman!" Chanyeol laughed.
Daehyun wrapped his scarf around your face. Now you had two layers of scarves. You felt bad because his face was exposed and his cheeks were already turning pink from the cold. 
"Ani, wear it!" you insisted. 
"It's fine! I still have my mask!" he pulled it out and placed it over his mouth. 
You were about to protest until you realized you already reached your house. You straightened yourself up and told them to all wait outside. 
"It won't be for long okay?" You tossed Daehyun's scarf back to him and unlocked the front door. Suddenly Luhan remembered that he was supposed to ask you. He mentally slapped himself. Chanyeol and Baekhyun just remembered that they were going to do so too. They looked up at the sky and faceplamed.


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I finally got my lost chapter back! -happy dance- will be updating again~


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how did i just find this gem, haha < 3
Chapter 38: aww, what a cute book. (winks) update soon. (smiles) :D
Chapter 38: update!! plz!
its okay author nim!! i will wait for you~ if ever you decide to finish this sorry : )
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 38: I feel you high school is a . But at least you informed rather than being MIA. And I wish you luck and can you give me story recommendation
Chapter 36: Turns out it's not February 1st. It's December 23rd. Nearly a year.
Chapter 36: From the comments,it seems like you updated this chapter on February 1st. Now it is December 11. 10 months and 10 days. Is that amount of time too short for you to update? Or at least write an author's note about why you haven't updated this story? If you are going to abandon this story or put this story on hold,you should at least have the DECENCY to inform us right? Don't make all of us waste our time hoping and waiting for you to update your story. Say,you lost this account. How about creating another account and then telling us? Simple and easy. Oh,I nearly forgot. What about that PROMISE you made about updating soon? It seems to all of us(or at least to me) that the promise means so little to you. So now we know what type of a person you are right? And don't give me all that "promises/rules all meant to be broken" stuff.

All I am asking for is for you to have the decency to inform us if you are not going to continue.

DECENCY. Don't know what that is? Search it up on the dictionary. And yes,there is such a word.
I want to read this but... is it abandoned?
Chapter 36: -jumps in front of you- HI there^^!! Author -nim^^ hiiihhhihihi^^ new reader in town btw.

author -nim ....CLIFF HANGER... TT_TT i want to know what will happen next..^^ update soon!~ loooking forward for your next update^^ fighting!!