First Crush

My 12 Best Friends

“Hey, you!” The red head called. You kept walking, hoping he wasn’t talking to you.
“You know that I’m talking to you!” he caught up with you and grabbed onto your wrist. You felt a jolt of electricity run up your arm. “Wha…?”
Everyone’s eyes were on you two.

“I know I’m new and all… but I heard there’s a dance next week, and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me” he smiled.
You gave him a weird look. *WHAT?! WHY ME?"you yelled in your head.
Now the lunchroom was filled with noise.
“I’m Chunji by the way” he held his hand out, ignoring the volume. You stared at his hand before giving it a quick shake. He smiled even more. *Chunji?* you thought. *Okay can he stop smiling? I’m getting creeped out but it looks so recognizable... * You felt yourself melting under his smile. You felt this before.
“Su Jin!” you turned around, only to be embraced by the other guy again.
“Why’d you walk away from me!” he pinched your cheek hard, making an angry face.  Now you knew who he was. It was Byunghun.
“BYUNGHUNNNIIIEEEEEEE!” you squealed. He made a satisfying smile, knowing that you remembered him.  
“What took you so long?!” he stared at you for an explanation.
 “What did you do to your hair?” you reached up and felt his hair.
“I dyed it. HEY. Don’t change the subject!” he wiggled his finger and glared.
“It’s because… you changed so much since I last saw you! But you're still kinda short"
He shot you his death glare and you shut up.
“Oh, so  it seems you don’t remember him, don’t ya?” he pointed to Chunji with his thumb.
“He looks familiar…” you murmured. Chunji was tapping his foot, clearly irritated by Byunghun’s interruption.
“Yah, L. Joe, you know I was talking to her right?” Chunj said.
“L.Joe?” you were surprise by the name.
“Yeah, just call me L. Joe from now on, okay?” he smiled.
“Pfft, sure L. Joe” you put emphasis on his name.
“Hey what’s that?” he pointed at your stomach.
“What?” you looked down, but L. Joe flicked you on the nose.
“Ha! Made you look.” He evilly grinned. You twitched and started hitting him. “Yah! That’s not cool!”
Chunji grew super annoyed already.
“Chill, Chan Hee, chill” L. Joe waved his hands up and down.
“CH-chan Hee?”  Your mind filled with memories.
Chunji raised an eyebrow. You backed up a little.

Meanwhile, Exo was just sitting down, watching the whole thing.
What’s going on over there?” Kris asked.
“Isn’t that the new guy?”  Baekhyun asked Ha Jung.
She nodded.  “It’s’ no fair she gets to talk to him!” she whined.  “I saw him first!”
Luhan grew suspicious. “What does he want?” he stood up to go confront you guys.
“Hey what’s going on?” he asked you.
You didn’t say anything.
“Oh! I’m just asking her to the dance” he said casually.
Luhan spaced out.  *WHAT?!* She can’t possibly go with this guy!*
All the girls were complaining and screaming. They were envious.
“Why does she always get to be with the hot guys? That’s so not fair!” They protested.
You chuckled, *I don’t know but I’m wondering why myself…*
“So is that a yes or no?” he asked.
“No.” Luhan said as he dragged you back to the table, leaving you and Chunji speechless.

You sat down in between Tao and D.O. They made some space for you. You didn’t eat anymore and just stared at the table wondering why of all people, he had to ask you. You buried your face in your hands.
Luhan sat back down.
“Who was that guy? Why are you hiding your face?” D.O. asked you.
“That was Chan Hee”
“Who’s he? You know him?” Luhan wanted to know.
You nodded slowly, “Yes I know him… he’s my first crush.”
Exo’s including, Ha Jung’s eyes bugged out.
“First crush?!”
You nodded again, but you hid your face to cover the redness forming on your cheeks.
“Him?! Why?!” Luhan didn’t understand.
“How am I supposed to know why? Well, doesn’t everyone have a first crush?”
“Yes, my first crush was a complete jerk” Ha Jung stated.
“My first crush… is probably across the globe right now” Kris sighed, “But I don’t like her anymore.”
“Well, it’s not like I still like him… I think” You wondered in thought if you still did or not.
You always called him Chan Hee oppa. Now that he goes by Chunji, it feels really different. You knew them ever since kindergarten until 6th grade. You would always try to get his attention or talk to him by giving him gifts or playing with him. But Chan Hee never actually paid any interest in you. He would always be around the guys or flirt with the girls. You were just those quiet, shy ones that rarely made friends.
Byunghyun always tried to help you because Chan Hee was his best friend. You two would always play pranks on each other or do random things. You knew Byunghun way before you knew Daehyun. 

“Oh, I have to tell Daehyun!” you said.
Luhan cringed hearing his name. *Not him again*
“Oh, he knows him too?” Chanyeol said.
“Yup, of course” I knew Daehyun since 3rd grade, but I’ve known Byunghun--- I mean L.Joe and Chunji  since kindergarten.”
They understood and Ha Jung poked you, “Hey, introduce me to them later okay?” she smiled and left.
The aura around the table seemed different. It was awkward.
“So… how’s everyone?” you tried to break the ice.
“Fine” Luhan said. But when he said it, it sounded cold.
“Well… that’s good..” you suddenly felt guilty, even though you don’t really know why.
Chanyeol hugged you, “It’s okay, Luhan has weird mood swing sometimes.” He looked over at Luhan who was fuming. 
"Sometimes we really think he's a girl..."
Kai and Sehun frowned at Chanyeol.
“Why does he always hug her like that!” Kai whispered.
“I can’t even do that…” Sehun looked down.
“That’s because you two are  awkward turtles” Tao said, laughing.
Sehun stuck his tongue at Tao. "We're not!"
Kai glanced at the clock and stood up. “Heh, just in time.”


I did tell you in the foreword that there will be a lot of cameos, so don't say I didn't warn you!
& Yes, it is Teen Top! Some of you guys are really good guessers. :P

Did you guy's see Twinkle yet?
Ohmy, Chanyeol is one handsome photogrpher. 
Baekhyun, that Snsd fanboy xD
Kai and Sehun were just.. random. 

Say hi to Chunji & L. Joe :D


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I finally got my lost chapter back! -happy dance- will be updating again~


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how did i just find this gem, haha < 3
Chapter 38: aww, what a cute book. (winks) update soon. (smiles) :D
Chapter 38: update!! plz!
its okay author nim!! i will wait for you~ if ever you decide to finish this sorry : )
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 38: I feel you high school is a . But at least you informed rather than being MIA. And I wish you luck and can you give me story recommendation
Chapter 36: Turns out it's not February 1st. It's December 23rd. Nearly a year.
Chapter 36: From the comments,it seems like you updated this chapter on February 1st. Now it is December 11. 10 months and 10 days. Is that amount of time too short for you to update? Or at least write an author's note about why you haven't updated this story? If you are going to abandon this story or put this story on hold,you should at least have the DECENCY to inform us right? Don't make all of us waste our time hoping and waiting for you to update your story. Say,you lost this account. How about creating another account and then telling us? Simple and easy. Oh,I nearly forgot. What about that PROMISE you made about updating soon? It seems to all of us(or at least to me) that the promise means so little to you. So now we know what type of a person you are right? And don't give me all that "promises/rules all meant to be broken" stuff.

All I am asking for is for you to have the decency to inform us if you are not going to continue.

DECENCY. Don't know what that is? Search it up on the dictionary. And yes,there is such a word.
I want to read this but... is it abandoned?
Chapter 36: -jumps in front of you- HI there^^!! Author -nim^^ hiiihhhihihi^^ new reader in town btw.

author -nim ....CLIFF HANGER... TT_TT i want to know what will happen next..^^ update soon!~ loooking forward for your next update^^ fighting!!