B.A.P meets Exo

My 12 Best Friends

Daehyun kept struggling under your grasp. 
"Oppa! Why are you so scared... It's not like I'm introducing you to a girl or something." you puffed you cheeks.
"No! It's not that...its----" You were already in front of Exo. You smiled and pushed Daehyun forward. He quickly turned around. 
"You can introduce me once I introduce you to B.A.P." 
"Who is B.A.P.?" you asked in wonder. 
"You know all of us blondies? Yeah, we call ourselves B.A.P" 
"Pfft, you're just like Exo...and what does that even stand for?!" you yelled quietly because you thought it was ridiculous.
"It means Best Absolute Perfect." 
You covered you mouth to stop yourself from laughing. "Seriously Daehyun? Best Absolute Perfect?" you asked in disbelief. 
"Yeah, I know, don't ask anymore. It wasn't my idea." he shrugged.
"Well, I don't know why you people name yourselves like you're going to be a k-pop group or something." He let out a nervous laugh. You raised your eyebrow. "What?" He waved his hands and dragged you towards "B.A.P"

Exo was confused. 
"Didn't she want to introduce us?" Sehun asked.
"Y-yeah, but that guy just dragged her away" Baekhyun said. They all looked at the counter where you were standing in front of six blondes. 
"Hey, what's up with their hair?" Kai said. They either wanted to laugh or take you away from them. 

"Just to tell you, I already met Zelo, Jongup and Himchan oppas" you told Daehyun.
"Okay, so this is Bang Yong Guk and Youngjae. You guys, this is Su Jin, my best friend" Yongguk put down the rag he was holding to wipe the counter, "It's nice too meet you!" And he flashed his pearly whites. You swore that he had the most gorgeous smile. 
"Same here!" Youngjae said enthusiatically. 
You bowed, "It's really nice too meet all of you!" 
"Daehyun has a pretty best friend" Zelo whispered to Jongup. You could hear them.
"Yea.... what what? No Zelo you can't hit on Su Jin!" Jongup snapped.
"Why not?" They started to quietly argue.
You felt kinda uncomfortable. "HEY, now that you introduced me, it's time I introduce you guys to Exo." You signalled them to follow you. 

"Hey, hey! Guys stop balancing the spoons on your noses! They're coming!" Kris started panicking. 
"HAHA that was fun but weird" Baekhyun laughed. Exo started fixing themselves up.
You skipped and stopped. "Guys, first of all, I want you to meet my childhood best friend, Daehyun." You pointed to Daehyun. Exo finally understood now. Chanyeol nudged Luhan and Sehun, "I told you she knew him"
Luhan ignored him, "I'm Luhan" he said as he stood up from his chair. Sehun followed after and soon the rest.
"You can just call us Exo if you want." they all sat down. Now it was B.A.P's turn. 
"I'm Yongguk, this is Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup and our little boy, Zelo." Zelo fumed a bit. *I'm not a little boy* he pouted. They bowed simultaneously, "You can just call us B.A.P." 
You glared at them as you saw the expressions on their faces. 
"B.A.P?" Kai asked sarcastically.
"Exo?" Jongup dared. There was a little tension heating up. 
"Oh...kay! Now we're all friends and know each other!" you tried to break the tension. "Maybe no--" The door opened and a bunch of girls came in. 
"More customers!" Zelo jumped excitedly. 
"Sorry Su Jin, since we just opened, we're going to be busy." Himchan said apologetically.
"Oh! It's fine I understand" you turned to Exo, "we've been here for a long time already, we should go." They all agreed and got up to leave. Daehyun quickly grabbed your arm, "You have a phone right? Give me your number because I just got one."
You smiled, "Okay, I have SO many things to ask you later." You punched in your digits and followed Exo out the door. 


*Ahh, that was so nice! This is like the best day... I saw Daehyun again..* you smiled to yourself. Luhan snapped his fingers in front of you. 
"Yah, stop day dreaming!" You pouted. 
"Why? It's not bad right?" 
He scoffed, "Not bad? You almost ran into that pole!" he pointed to a pole. You blinked, "Really?! I'm sorry!" 
"No you weren't, Su Jin. Luhan is just messing with you." Chanyeol glared at Luhan. Luhan crossed his arms. 
"Oppa, why're you acting like that?" you asked, confused. 
"Nothing! I'm not acting like anything! I'm just being Luhan!" 
Kai turned, "Luhan, calm down!"  
You drooped your head, "Did I do something wrong?"
Baekhyun and Chanyeol walked on both of your sides. "He's just being stubborn, that's all" Chanyeol patted your head. 
"Stubborn? He's like the oldest out of all of you! (Well except for Xiu Min)" 
Baekhyun leaned over and whispered into your ear, "He's just being jealous" Chanyeol nodded. Inside though, they too were a bit jealous.
"What for? There's nothing to be jealous about!" you tried to reason, "What's the reason?" All of them just kept walking. "Fine! I'll just go home by myself!" You starting running the other direction. Everyone turned and their eyes widened. "Su Jin!" You ignored their yelling and turned the corner into a tiny shop. You hid behind the door, but Sehun had a feeling you were inside. 
"Guys, I think she's in here" They entered the store and searched. You hid behind a shelf full of cute mugs and lunchboxes. *Omo these are adorable!* you reached out and touched one. You giggled. Suddenly you felt an arm wrap around you. 
"Found you" 


Sorry I haven't updated D: Busy with school.
I bet you guys saw Zelo's and Jongup's Teaser pic, huh? I have to admit... Jongup looks... kinda.. *cough* hawt xD (he looks like a mix of  Kim Jonghyun and Yoon Doojon to me, idk why)
&& So did ya guys see Youngjae's and Daehyun's? It just came out! Omigosh. Daehyun's nose is shiny but his hair looks the same... (Oh well, gotta love him anyways ♥) Youngjae like, shaved half his head! :O   

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I finally got my lost chapter back! -happy dance- will be updating again~


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how did i just find this gem, haha < 3
Chapter 38: aww, what a cute book. (winks) update soon. (smiles) :D
Chapter 38: update!! plz!
its okay author nim!! i will wait for you~ if ever you decide to finish this sorry : )
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 38: I feel you high school is a . But at least you informed rather than being MIA. And I wish you luck and can you give me story recommendation
Chapter 36: Turns out it's not February 1st. It's December 23rd. Nearly a year.
Chapter 36: From the comments,it seems like you updated this chapter on February 1st. Now it is December 11. 10 months and 10 days. Is that amount of time too short for you to update? Or at least write an author's note about why you haven't updated this story? If you are going to abandon this story or put this story on hold,you should at least have the DECENCY to inform us right? Don't make all of us waste our time hoping and waiting for you to update your story. Say,you lost this account. How about creating another account and then telling us? Simple and easy. Oh,I nearly forgot. What about that PROMISE you made about updating soon? It seems to all of us(or at least to me) that the promise means so little to you. So now we know what type of a person you are right? And don't give me all that "promises/rules all meant to be broken" stuff.

All I am asking for is for you to have the decency to inform us if you are not going to continue.

DECENCY. Don't know what that is? Search it up on the dictionary. And yes,there is such a word.
I want to read this but... is it abandoned?
Chapter 36: -jumps in front of you- HI there^^!! Author -nim^^ hiiihhhihihi^^ new reader in town btw.

author -nim ....CLIFF HANGER... TT_TT i want to know what will happen next..^^ update soon!~ loooking forward for your next update^^ fighting!!