Jello Tokki Cafe

My 12 Best Friends

You were on your desk studying your math homework. "UGH I can't think.... I'm in so much pain right now" Joon came upstairs with some ice and medication.
"Yah, Su Jin, how long are you going to put up with this? Huh?  Everyday you came home with bruises and you've been trying to hide it from me."
"Sorry oppa...." you put your head down as he put some ice on your arm. "Tch, ahh.." you groaned.
"Aish, Su Jin, it's like elementary again."
You faced your brother, "I know, but I survived because of Hae Mi" He stopped dabbing the ice on your arm.
"Don't you have friends at your school? Aren't they helping you?" Joon asked. You suddenly remembered all those times Exo would try to talk to you and ask you what's wrong. You started feeling guilty. You haven't even eaten with them since.
"I do, I have very great friends...they tried to help me."
"Then why don't you accept their help?" he started dabbing your cheek.
"Because they're the reason why I'm in this mess" He stopped again.
"Why?" You shook your head, but Joon kept pressing you to tell him. You eventually gave in. You told him the whole story responsible for the bruises.
He closed his eyes and thought for a moment.
"Can I drive you to school tomorrow?" he asked.
"SO I CAN TEACH THEM A LESSON. NO ONE HURTS MY LITTLE SISTER. NO ONE. I'M GOING TO KICK THEIR PRETTY LITTLE A----!!!" He clenched his fist and looked really scary. He stopped himself from saying a bad word, since you can't tolerate them. You tried to calm him down. 
He realized something also, "AND WHO ARE THESE GUYS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT?! You know how I am when you hang out around guys!" 
"Oppa, please, I'm fine. The guys are nice to me. They're... like my new best friends in this school...It's not their fault."
"Fine my , Su Jin. You couldn't even get through elementary if Hae Mi or he wasn't there" he put his hand your head, "you need to stand up for yourself." 
"Maybe I can.... If I see Hae Mi again." You pleaded Joon to find a possible way. He sighed.
"I'll see If I can arrange something, ottoke? Just don't het your hopes up kiddo" he smiled and picked up the ice and medicine, "I'll go downstairs. Please at least get some rest" You nodded and placed your pencil on your desk. *I might be able to see Hae Mi... tomorrow... I'll try and talk to Exo.* It was only Thursay, so after tomorrow it would be the weekend. You sighed in relief.

You skipped through the hallways and hummed a tune. Yura walked passed you. You started to slowly walk and you stopped humming. You opened your locker. Then you closed it and a note dropped to the floor.

Dear Su Jin,
Why are you avoiding us? Why aren't you saying anything? We're really worried about you! Do you think we're blind? We can see that you're hurt and you need us!
Meet us after school at the Jello Tokki Cafe. It's a few minutes from school, North. 3:30pm. Please.

♥ :) (your favorite oppa)

You smiled at the letter and folded it. You placed it into your pocket. *Maybe I can actually speak to them* 
Kai and Sehun didn't evern try to talk to you because they didn't want to bother you. Ha Jung knew everything already. Sometimes you have to restrain her from trying to attack Yura and use some... nasty words. You didn't want to tell Exo about Yura. It would just cause more trouble. 

The day ended and you weren't confronted by Yura at all. Exo seemed to completely ignore you. Yura walked up to you, "You're lucky that you're safe today. None of them spoke to you" 
You smiled and felt happy. You went to the bathroom and saw your reflection. Your bruises were bad and they had bandages all over it. Your hand shook when you tried to touch your face. "Why... why did I let myself be treated this way?" you asked yourself. You hit your fist on the sink. You started crying. *I'm sorry Hae Mi...*

You ran down the sidewalk. *Jello Tokki Cafe...* You've never heard of that place before. All you know is that from Luhan's note it was a couple of minutes from the school. Just then you saw a sign that said "Jello Tokki Cafe" with pretty letters and and a cute bunny with curly hair. You giggled at how cute it looked. You slowly opened the door and set on foot in. 

"WELCOME!!!!!" You jumped back. Little bits of confetti flew around. You almost had a heart attack because it came out of nowhere. You saw a tall boy with blond, curly hair run up to the door. *He looks like the bunny..*

"Welcome! I'm sorry for scaring you! You're our first customer since we just opened this cafe, so we wanted to give you a special greeting!" You blinked. He blinked. Soon you had a blinking contest. 
"Stop!, Haha! What are we doing?" you asked and laughed at the game you just played. 
"Haha, weren't we having a blinking contest?" he asked. 
"I don't know~ I'm just gonna sit down now." He nodded and skipped behind the counter into the "EMPLOYEES ONLY" room and heard a scream. You tilted your head if you could see what's happening. You heard a couple of voices. 

"Hyung! There's a girl here! Our first customer! Ppalli!"
"Bwoh?! Well don't leave her waiting by herself!" 
"Ahhh! A girl?!" 

You awkwardly placed with the menu in front of you until the curly-haired one came out with two more employees. 
One was very muscle-y and the other looked kind of older. 

"Himchan hyung, Jongup hyung, there she is." the boy pointed at you. You covered your face with the menu. The one who's muscles looked like cheetos walked up to you and took out a pen and paper. "Welcome to Jello Tokki Cafe! Thanks for being our very first customer! My name is Jongup by the way" he gave you a smile.  The others walked behind. 

"I'm Himchan, the assistant manager." The taller, older one said. 
"And I'm Zelo!" the curly boy said. You stood up and bowed, "I'm Su Jin, it's really nice to meet you guys!" you said cheerfully. Zelo stared at you. *Wow, she's really cute* Himchan snapped his fingers in front of his face. "Yah don't look at our special customer like that, it's creepy". Zelo rubbed his arm, "hehe sorry hyung."
Himchan leaned over to Jongup's ear, "Doesn't her name sound familiar to you?" he asked. Jongup's face contorted, "Yeah..." They snapped out of it. "So what would you like to order, Su Jin?" You tapped your chin while looking at the menu. 
"Hey hyung, are those bruises on her cheek?" Jongup whispered to Himchan. Zelo's eyes widened. "Did she get hurt? Maybe she fell on her face or something." They all looked at you from the counter. You saw them and you made a face. Zelo laughed, "I like her, she's funny"

You chose your orders and looked at the clock. 3:25pm. Five more minutes until they would come. Zelo came with your order of hot chocolate and a cookie. It was bunny-shaped. "Uwahh! So cute you touched the cookie" Zelo smiled, *She likes it!* 
"Hey, is it called Jello Tokki Cafe because "Jello" sounds like your name and you like bunnies?" You took a sip of your hot chocolate. It burned your tongue so you moved around a bit. 
"You could say that" Zelo smiled and sat down next to you. You two were talking until Exo finally arrived. 

"Guys! Su Jin's here!" They jumped for joy. 
Himchan and Jongup were surprised. They suddenly recieved a bunch of male customers. "I think they know Su Jin, that's why" Jongup told Himchan. 
"Maybe she's really popular with guys at her school." 
Zelo stood up and pushed the chair back in. "SU JIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luhan yelled and hugged the heck out of you. 
"L-l-luhan!!!! I can't breatheeeee!!" you started flailing your arms in the air. Right after Luhan released you, Chanyeol hugged you. Then Sehun. Then mostly everyone else. Suho placed his palms on your face. "Oh my.... Su Jin..." you pushed his hands away. 
"I'm fine..." you looked away. All of them started frowning. 
"What?" you asked them. 

They all sat down in the chairs and pulled out some from other tables. *Oh.. this is bad...* you thought. 
"We've been noticing that you were avoiding us. Why is that?" Kris asked in a warm voice. 
"It's complicated..." you felt tears forming, "You wouldn't understand."
"C'mon Su Jin, you can trust us. We're the first people you've ever spoke to when you transferred. We're your best friends." Chanyeol said. 
You felt you heart heal a little. With those words you wanted to tell them everything. But another pain in your heart hit you. *Best friends...* An image raced through your mind. You looked down blankly at your hands. Sehun felt bad. He thought he could've done something. Suho tilted your chin. "Do you know why you were the only girl we spoke to? It's because you were different. We knew you were a unique girl that was more special than others." You wanted to cry right there. You in your breath. Chanyeol spoke, "I didn't offer you to eat with us because  I just wanted to ask. It's because I knew you needed someone." You felt so touched. 

"I know... and of course you guys are my best friends.. but I'm not ready to tell you anything yet. Okay?" you smiled them. "I'll tell you when It's the right time." They nodded and understood. They didn't want to make you do something that was hard for you to think about.
"Promise?" D.O. asked and held out his pinky. "Promise" you smiled and made a pinky-promise with him. "I'm so lucky to have you guys!" you sobbed. They all smiled and clapped. "Let's order something!"

You rubbed your eyes. Zelo, Himchan and Jongup came over to take orders. You heard a bell chime, and someone came through the door. You took another sip of your hot chocolate. 
"Wow! The place already as a good amount of customers!" you heard a deep, husky voice say. You saw a guy with a dazzling smile on his face. There was another one with very loose hair that flew around in the wind the door was bringing in.  Also, another man who's face was being covered by a mask. You swear that he looked familiar. Exo was too busy talking to each other and didn't really pay attention to what was going on. You examined the three other guys. *Why are they all blonde?! Is that the theme or something?!* You were really curious. 
Himchan geeted them, "Yonnguk, we have to unpack those boxes, they just arrived." 
"Okay , gotcha, let me change first."
"Youngjae, could you sort those ones out?" 
"Okay, hyung" 
"Last but not least.." he looked at the masked guy, "could you get those boxes over there by that table, Daehyun?" 
"Ne." you heard him say. Once you heard the name, you choked on your hot chocolate and started coughing violently, your heart beating really fast. Daehyun walked past you and went to pick up the boxes.
"Su Jin! Are you okay?! Luhan called but you were unresponsive. Exo started freaking out. Daehyun dropped the boxes when he heard your name. Luhan started patting your back while Daehyun walked straight at your table, ignoring Himchan's yelling at him to pick up the boxes.
".....Su Jin..?" you heard someone say. Once you looked up, time seemed to have stopped.


Ohmy.... this is really long.
I guess you guys know who the 'D' person is now....
Oh & I'm pleased to introduce B.A.P in the story! :D

Aren't they amazing too? :>


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I finally got my lost chapter back! -happy dance- will be updating again~


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how did i just find this gem, haha < 3
Chapter 38: aww, what a cute book. (winks) update soon. (smiles) :D
Chapter 38: update!! plz!
its okay author nim!! i will wait for you~ if ever you decide to finish this sorry : )
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 38: I feel you high school is a . But at least you informed rather than being MIA. And I wish you luck and can you give me story recommendation
Chapter 36: Turns out it's not February 1st. It's December 23rd. Nearly a year.
Chapter 36: From the comments,it seems like you updated this chapter on February 1st. Now it is December 11. 10 months and 10 days. Is that amount of time too short for you to update? Or at least write an author's note about why you haven't updated this story? If you are going to abandon this story or put this story on hold,you should at least have the DECENCY to inform us right? Don't make all of us waste our time hoping and waiting for you to update your story. Say,you lost this account. How about creating another account and then telling us? Simple and easy. Oh,I nearly forgot. What about that PROMISE you made about updating soon? It seems to all of us(or at least to me) that the promise means so little to you. So now we know what type of a person you are right? And don't give me all that "promises/rules all meant to be broken" stuff.

All I am asking for is for you to have the decency to inform us if you are not going to continue.

DECENCY. Don't know what that is? Search it up on the dictionary. And yes,there is such a word.
I want to read this but... is it abandoned?
Chapter 36: -jumps in front of you- HI there^^!! Author -nim^^ hiiihhhihihi^^ new reader in town btw.

author -nim ....CLIFF HANGER... TT_TT i want to know what will happen next..^^ update soon!~ loooking forward for your next update^^ fighting!!