Honey stars

Married to Key

3rd Person’s POV

“Oh look who’s back,” Min Ki was holding a cup of coffee, about to walk back into his room when Yuki opened the door.

“Oppaaaaa!” Yuki threw down her keys and ran towards her brother and hugged him tightly, taking him aback.

“Woah, mind the coffee,” Min Ki put down his cup of coffee before asking, “did you miss me that much?”

“Yup,” Yuki sat down on the couch. “Living with Key and the staff is annoying.”

Min Ki peered curiously at his sister.

“Someone said she could handle it,” he replied, shrugging. “By the way, where’s Key? He didn’t come?”

“Oh, he left first. Said he has a schedule tomorrow so he needs to practice… or something.” Yuki explained, not seeming like she cared a lot.

Min Ki nodded approvingly, before picking up his cup of coffee again.

“Hardworking boy,” he muttered, before heading to his room again.

Yuki could only mumble a ‘mmhmm’.

Yuki's POV

"Honey....moon?" I asked the PD awkwardly. "But we're not even married for real!"

"Well, we thought that you guys needed some excitement. I mean, all you've been doing is shopping, eating, and lazing around at home. It's getting boring, you know," the PD replied bluntly.

I opened my mouth to protest, but Key grabbed my arm lightly.

"It's okay, we can do this," he said softly, before turning to the PD. "When do we leave?"

The PD nodded approvingly.

"I knew i could count on you, Key," he placed his hand on Key's shoulder, "i guess idols are really different from normal people," he snidely remarked. "You leave as soon as possible." With that, he turned around and left.

"Oh, Key," I sighed in exasperation. "Going overseas with a normal girl isn't going to help your reputation as a renowned word idol."

'Well, i actually assumed that going on WGM with SHINee's Key would make you special," he replied half-jokingly. "Don't make this difficult for us, will you?" He gave a soft smile, and my heart immediately relented. He looked more tired than ever, making me feel sorry for him. I almost wanted to give him a hug there and then, but it would be awkward.

".........fine." I finally gave in. "But do i get to choose where we go?"

Key's POV

".....Singapore?!" I exclaimed when Yuki told me where she wanted to go. "But why Singapore? I mean, that place is full of K-Pop fans, and everyone there will probably recognize me, whether i have make-up on or not."

"I stayed there for a while when i was younger, and i thought that maybe you'll like it there...... it's okay if you don't want to though. We can always go somewhere else," she said, failing to hide her disappointment.

Seeing her like that, i instantly felt bad. I've been to Singapore a few time for promotions, and well, i did like the place. And since i already promised Yuki could choose where we would go, i decided to let it go. I wasn't one to break promises.

"It's okay, we'll go there," I said, smiling. "Now cheer up!"

Yuki instantly forced a smile. Well, it wasn't good enough for me, but it was a start.

To be very honest, i like it when she smiles. It makes me want to smile as well.

Yuki's POV

"Oh look who's back," Luhan stood by the doorway, grinning. "Hey there, Yuki girl."

"Oh is that my new nickname now, Luhan boy?" She teased the older boy.

"You haven't been around for a few days now."

Yuki nodded.

"Filming. And guess what? I'm not coming next week either," she said before groaning. "Stupid 'honeymoon' the show wants us to go on," she added, using air quotation marks. "We aren't even married for real."

"The entertainment industry is like that, Yuki-ah." Luhan told her sensibly. "Everything is scripted for you, even your life."

"I learnt."

The two of them sat in Yuki's classroom, not saying a thing, while the other students watched from outside. They had given up on the two of them, since they were afraid of Luhan and Yuki seemed to be a rising star. The two of them were just too intimidating for them to handle.


hello i'm sorry for the extremely lame, redundant and shortchapter, including the title :p

hey mimi10, i'm so sorry, i accidentally deleted your comment :(( i swear it was an accident. please don't hate me :(

love you guys lots


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hey guys! i edited the chapter so it's all good now ^^ sorry for the inconvenience! xx


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Chapter 20: nasi lemak~~~my favourite~~Im drooling already haha~
Chapter 20: awh~~ haha xD oh! Key should eat Hokkien Mee haha. cos i like it. lol. make him be a cannibal and eat chicken rice xD they should attach a mic to Key so Yuki could hear him xP
should've watched the shrek show! haha the first time i watched it i screamed ._.
awhh!! finally Key admits!! xD btw you have a spelling error: " Yuki had decided to cute Key some slack and excused him from the high Jurassic Park ride, " cut. not cute. haha and the jurassic park ride is fun!!! xD haha i like cylon! it's so fun! is the smallest roller coaster the shrek one?
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter #11

Haha, Key failed mission? XD
I find the punishment for Key wonderful! XD Good point scriptwriters! XD
Haha, Key was really upset that he failed, right? XD But I was suprised that the staff members were taken aback by his reaction. XD

Haha, it would be hilarious, if he was hijacked by fans at her school. XD Scandal would be nice, too. XDD Just kidding.
I love when he messes his hair in frustration, it is hot. XD

But I was suprised that she was against the new mission for Key.
Too bad that the staff confessed that they make everything just for sake of ratings. :/ Wow, the staff members can be really scary? Unfortunately, Yuki, you are puppets of show business. :/

Hmm, I didn´t expect that Key would save her that way, either. XD But I love that he gave her a lift. :) Kyaa, Key driving a car. *.*

I don´t like the bad atmosphere in the car. >.<
I wonder if Key was cold, because he wanted to pass mission, or to save Yuki from staff or that he was upset...

But I really liked that Key apologized for the morning. :) Too bad that his reason for not coming to Yuki´s school wasn´t clear before. :/

Awww, it is sweet that Key is proud of her. :D

The fans are really evil, when they want to creat a group against Yuki. T__T I hate the girls from her school. >.< It is so sad that she cried and started to have doubts about Key´s words. T_T

Wow, even Key was scared by fans. I know that he didn´t feel ok with the fans around them, but when he sensed that they don´t look friendly, could he not stayed nearby in case Yuki needed help? ://
Ilonahaku #7
Chapter #10

I think it is really great experience for Yuki to see what is going on in backstage. :)

Things have started to look bad for Yuki, she is already scared of fans. :/
I love that Minho threw a pillow at Key and said to him to stop flirting. It was funny. XD And it made Yuki laugh, which is great.
I liked how Key and Yuki sneaked from the room. XD Kinda sweet. :)

Wow, Key´s idea was to introduce his wife to fans? Quite brave of him. O.o I find it interesting that she stared at his eyes and didn´t avoid eye contact. :)

But I understand her fear, to introduce her to his fans wasn´t part of script and it could cause problems. :/ I was really worried that the things would get out of hand. May be he should have discussed it with a manager. :/
But I am glad that fans reaction wasn´t so bad in the end. :)

Haha, just one word from Key and fans are crazy. XD I believe their fanchants must have been amazing. :)
Awww, Key´s aegyo. *.* And bbuing bbuing? :D I love that gesture. :D

Haha, it is funny how Key knows about fans´ high quality cameras. XD

Haha, Shinee members are perfectionist? XD I love what their manager said about their expectations. :)
I can´t help and find it really sad that SM trains their idols to never be satisfied with their skills. :/

But I am glad that this time Shinee was satisfied with the performance. :)
Ilonahaku #8
Chapter #9

Unfortunately any news always travel really fast. :/
I feel so sorry for her that she can´t even go to school without problems. :/

I like that the article about WGM tells that Key smiles when Yuki calls him by the special nickname. :)
I was happy that Key encouraged her when she was about to leave. :)

Haha, Key, yeah, WGM could complicate your life a little bit, but in the end you will be happy. ;)

Poor Yuki, to have such a bad day at school. :/
Haha, the boys who complained to Yuki about their girlfriends´ problems...XDDD
OMG, the boys were ready to hurt her? O.o They are crazy. O.o I am really glad that Luhan appeared and saved her. :)

Haha, funny how the boys were scared of Luhan. XD Wow, his presence is really something, he has so much respect. O.o

Yeah, Key shouldn´t say that anybody can try to get his wife, if he wants. >.< But although he sees her as a younger sister, he should be protective of her. :)

I wonder if Luhan´s message scared Key... But it was nice that he asked their manager to bring her over. :)
Ilonahaku #9
Chapter #8

It is funny that she hugged him so strongly that she made him choke. XD
And I find Key´s formal behaviour towards her brother funny, too. XD But it is cute that he waved his hand. XD
Wow, her brother feels like at home, when he started to surf through channels in their house, right? XD

Haha, awkward space between them on sofa? XD But I bet it will change. :)
Haha and staffs idea to use TV with boring channels to make them talk more...XD

Haha, Yuki´s brother, is it bad that he is already inseparable from Key? XD Haha, he will feel jealous? XD

Haha, I find Key´s joke with saying hyung funny, too. XD And I like that Minki playfully threw a pillow at him. XD Yeah, like kids. XD

Haha, her brother really suspects Key from all bad things. XD
The moment when Yuki stuffed Minki´s mouth with marshmallows was great.

It is cute that Key thinks that Yuki could feel awkward if she watched him sleep. XD I think it is great feeling and cute view when you look at someone you love and he is sleeping. :)
If I could, I would his cheek, too. :D
I really like how you wrote the flashback about their sleep. ;)

Minki is great that he asked them to show their rooms. XD He is like police. XD
I liked that she took Key by his hand. :)

OMG, they were so lucky that Shinee and staff appeared on time to save them. XD

Haha, I love Minki´s reaction when he saw their room. XD Haha, Shinee members were so surprised when they got to know that Key shares a room with her. XD Poor Key, being cornered by Shinee. XD

It is fun how everyone thinks that Key does weird stuff with Yuki, if they share a room. XD

I would really love to watch Key in WGM in reality. :)
I bet it would be hilarious. XD
I wonder if I am retarded, too, when I laugh at almost everything. XD

I wonder why Minki minds that the couple is awkward. XD

I am really glad that Key can comfort her so well. :) It is good that he can empathize with her situation. :)
I really love reading about Key and Yukis adventures in marriage xD they are to freaking cute! Anyways~ please update soon <3 -SinFulCoLor-