
Too Late, Too Far


Taemin settles himself on the empty couch. He touches the slightly dented seat beside him and snatches his hand away, for the fifth time today, as if it burns. He remembers clearly that he used to seat here with him and… But… 
He sighs. 
And for a moment, he waits. He hopes that Minho will come back to him. But he shakes his head slightly at the thought. “Impossible.” 
He sees Yuri walking towards him. He smiles. She has been there for him ever since Minho started to drift away from him. “Noona.” He wants to thank Yuri for taking care of him, spoiling him for a week already. He cannot even count how many banana milk bottles are there in the fridge. 
“How long have your hyungs been out?” Yuri asks, ruffling Taemin’s hair. 
“Long enough to forget me, I guess?” Taemin sniffs, smiles bitterly. His hyungs must have forgotten about him. The lack of attention given to him is just so weird and uncomfortable. Especially Minho, who seems to avoid Taemin now and then.
Yuri feels like crying when she sees the poor boy wiping his tears away with his loose fist. “Minho has been treating you poorly.” 
“Noona…” Taemin sobs, and he gasps for a few breaths. And he grits his teeth together. Yuri feels herself break as she hugs Taemin closer to her. Her once bubbly and forever smiling dongsaeng is currently in pieces and it seems that she cannot do anything about it. 
“Don’t cry, Taemin ah, don’t cry,” Yuri kisses the top of Taemin’s head and pats his back, murmuring soft words to him.
Hours later when Minho and Key returns back to the dorm, with their hands clasped together, Taemin has already fallen asleep on Yuri’s lap. 
The girl glares at the two. 
Minho lets go of Key’s hand and kneels beside Taemin. His hand reaches out to touch the maknae’s face but Yuri slaps it away. Minho growls.“What the f- HEY! He's my boyfriend so-” 
“Don’t touch him,” Yuri’s cold voice stops him from saying anymore. “You’ve done enough damage to him.”
"And don't, don't you dare say that you're his boyfriend. I have enough of you, treating him like this," Yuri adds, venom dripping from her words.  
Key stands in the middle of the living room- he doesn’t know if he should be happy, or upset. Happy because Minho is with him. Upset because Taemin is there, crying himself to sleep, with none of his hyungs there with him.
Taemin whimpers in his sleep and a tear rolls down his cheek. Minho just wishes he can kiss that tear away and make Taemin feel all better. But like Yuri said… 
‘I think I’ve done enough damage.’ 
Minho steps back and he realizes just how much he loves Taemin, too much to let go. 
But he’s too late. 
Well, I feel like crying. My poor OTP in this drabble. - Haru
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Chapter 1: Ouch:(((
yay,yuri is nice in here,I was sick of all the storiees where yuri is always a ...
awesome,2min's back together XD
Waaaa! Together :)
PigRabbit1912 #4
Omo!!! U must write a sequel!!!!!!! Please!!!
NiaHana #5
OMG! Write a sequel please~ TT~TT i really like Yuri here for the first time in 2min ff
Yuri is so wonderful here T~T
I hate MinKey so much... *dies*
oh hell yeaahhhh
5ShiNingStars #8
yes please a sequel pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase TT____TT
yes please!! a sequel is necessary here! It's great like that but... I want them to be together I love them so much to see them suffering, specially Tae TT__TT my baby... and congrats! You just made me like a Yuri in a ff xDD
You should write a sequel :)