2nd Chapter

Real Friendship


The next day was the same. I was in the practice room, being mentally punished for being clumsy, forced to assist all the practices. It was pure torture to me.

“Hello everyone!”, a low voice greeted everyone, interrupting the practice.

It was B.A.P. All of them.

They started talking with the trainees, giving advices and recovering the lost time. And here I was, in my corner, hoping that Yong Guk wouldn’t see me.

But he did.

So, after talking to the trainees, he approached me.

“So, how’s the leg?”, he asked, with a shy smile.

“It’s good.”, I simply answered.

“So…”, he sat next to me.

“Yeah?”, I urged him to continue.

“I’m sorry.”, he lowered his head.

I just laughed.

“I don’t want you apologies.”, I told him.

“So, you’re not mad at me? Or disappointed? Himchan told me that…”

“Oh, I’m more than mad or disappointed at you. And you’re not forgiven, for that matter. You were really mean to me!”, I asked without any respect. It was my first time talking to someone older than me like that. Hell, I had never talked to anyone like that. But, despite being older or more experienced or whatever, he didn’t deserve my respect.

People couldn’t hear us. We were at a corner and all the trainees were next to the door, eagerly listening to what the B.A.P members had to say about debut and being famous all the sudden.

“What can I do?”, he asked.

“Go back in time.”, I scoffed.

He grabbed my hand.

“I never thought you would feel this way. I did what I thought it was the best for you.”

“What?”, I asked shocked.

“I thought that, because of debut, I would be so busy, I would never have time to see you and you would be mad and hurt and I thought…”

“What the hell! We weren’t a couple! We were friends! Best friends! Do you think I wouldn’t understand? What about Himchan oppa? Or Jong Up? Or Daehyun oppa?”, I protested.

“You were only thinking about yourself.”, I concluded.

Oh, if I could, I would get up and storm out of the room.

But I couldn’t. Again, because of the stupid leg.

“I’m sorry.”, he said again, this time with a dark face.

He got up and left the room.

A little bit later, Himchan approached me.

“So… I guess it wasn’t a happy ending.”, he rubbed his neck in an awkward way.

I shrugged.

“I’m going to make him suffer a little more. Tomorrow I’ll talk to him. Thank god he came to talk to me! I missed him so much!”, I said.

I was going to forgive him. I just wanted to make him suffer a bit.

Real friendship doesn’t end. Real friendship is forever, as long as someone cares.

“You mischievous girl.”, Himchan smiled and ruffled my hair like always.

“I missed seeing you guys together, pranking everyone and laughing.”, he said, looking at the ceiling.

“Oppa, thank you!”, I said, and smiled.

Real friendship never ends. Real friends are the ones who care for you, even when they are far.

“So, tomorrow you’ll talk to him?”, he looked at me with his fox like eyes.

“Of course I will! And it’ll be everything like it used to!”, I fist-pumped the air joyfully. 

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Yeah that's right Muffin, real friendship is forever. The only question is: when do we know it is real? :(
Loved the fic girl! Only if you would right more like this TT.TT
since07 #2
I like it!!!! really like it! So can't wait to see how it ends =D