1st Chapter

Real Friendship


Everyone was practicing, except for me. Because of my broken leg, I wouldn’t be able to practice for at least 5 months. This thought made me unhappy. My love was to perform on stage, sing, dance, make people feel happy. And now, because of this broken leg, I would never debut!

Of course, I’m overreacting. I would be debuting. My group was already preparing for that, although now, they would have to wait longer, because of me. But just looking at them practicing while I was sitting, watching all their moves and their effort made me really sad. And the stupid itching leg wasn’t helping.

I couldn’t handle watching them practice anymore, but, because I couldn’t leave the room – well, it would be disrespectful and I still couldn’t walk properly with crutches without help – I had to stick around. So I decided to start reading a book I had in my bag for a long time.

After a while I got so bored that I became sleepy. I adore reading, but I was so upset I couldn’t focus properly.

After a while I saw someone entering the practice room. It was Daehyun. I thought that maybe he could save me from boredom.

I started calling him the loudest I could without making a scandal or interrupt the trainees. Basically, I looked like an ill person, like I had throat problems.

“Daehyun oppa!”, I called the loudest I could. But he just passed by, greeted the choreographer, the assistant, said something to them and left. And he didn’t even saw me. Of course, I was practically shoved to the bench, in the farthest corner!

I sighed. I was doomed to spend the rest of my pathetic existence there!

Oh, the tragedy! The pain! The itch!

Well, after becoming crazy and start going all “drama queen” on my head, another person entered the practice room.

If I could I would run to him and hug him. I hadn’t seen him for a long time!

“Himchan oppa!”, I called. He didn’t saw me and went in the same direction as Daehyun.

This time I started waving me arms and calling him.

He was distracted with his cellphone, but I didn’t stop calling him.

He finally looked up and saw me calling him.

“Oh! Min Kyu!”, he waved and started walking towards my direction.

“Sorry, I didn’t saw you!”, he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yeah, no one does.”, I complained, rolling my eyes dramatically.

“What?”, he laughed.

“Nothing.”, I smiled.

“How’s the leg.”, he sat next to me.

“Stupid as always.”, I laughed.

“And you? I haven’t seen you in such a long time!”, I said.

Himchan was like an older brother to me. Since the day we met, he was always kind to me; he helped a lot, protected me and, above all, was a great friend.

“I know… I came back from Singapore yesterday and today we’ll start rehearsing.”, he sighed.

“You look so tired. You guys should rest.”

“I know, but we can’t. Besides, we love doing this, so, unless one of us is really on the verge of breaking, we won’t stop.”, he smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

How I understood every word!

“Oppa…”, I called.

He diverted his eyes from his cellphone and looked at me.

“What?”, he smiled.

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“Why are you wasting time? Just say it.”, he laughed and ruffled my hair.

“Can I spend the day with you?”, I asked him, waiting for a “yes”. I missed him really badly.

“Sure you can! Let’s grab some lunch for starts!”, he said happily and got up.

He helped me to get up and we both left the room, trying not to make much noise – which was nearly impossible because I almost hurt two trainees with the crutches.

It took us almost twenty minutes to get to the cafeteria. Stairs, crutches and me weren’t a good combination.

Once we got there, Himchan told me to sit while he went to grab us lunch.

I went, and after some time he sat in front of me with lots of delicious food.

“So, tell me everything about Singapore and the concert and the fan meeting.”, I asked eagerly.

He told me about the hotel, the rehearsals, the nice fans, the support they received, and the fun they had.

“So cool!”

“Yeah, it was awesome.”, he smiled.

“Hyung! Min Kyu!”, I heard someone call.

We both looked up and saw Jong Up waving at us.

“Wa! Min Kyu, long time no see! How are you!”, Jong up asked. He was always nice to me.

I remembered our group of trainees: Himchan, Jong Up, Daehyun, me, other two girls who were now in the same group as me and Yong Guk. We were a happy group of trainees, always supporting each other.

“I’m great!”, I smiled widely.

“And the leg?”, he pointed at the stupid casted leg.

“Oh, she’s fine. A little bit of itch is her punishment for being clumsy.”, I mocked at my own leg.

We laughed and started talking about life.

Suddenly, Jong Up’s phone started ringing.

“Ok, I’ll be right there.”

“What’s up?”, Himchan asked, eating a spoonful of rice.

“Yong Guk hyung asked me to go to the practice room. He wants to talk to me. See you later Min Kyu!”, he waved and left.

I waved him goodbye and sighed.

“So, about him…”, Himchan started.

“Let’s not talk about that oppa.”, I immediately stopped him.

“It’s a pity. You were inseparable.”, he shook his head.

I just shrugged and we started talking about other things, happier things.

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Yeah that's right Muffin, real friendship is forever. The only question is: when do we know it is real? :(
Loved the fic girl! Only if you would right more like this TT.TT
since07 #2
I like it!!!! really like it! So can't wait to see how it ends =D