Hold On.

Wicked Love

Your P.O.V

I rushed into the hospital, asking at the reception where can I find my uncle. Soon I was rushing down the hall, still in my pink high heels, with Mario's jacket on my shoulders. I noticed Seunghyun crouched on the floor.

Seunghyun... I called out as I stopped next to him.

He looked up with tears streaming down his face. He looked so out of this world as he stared at me for seconds before realising who is standing in front of him.

____-ah, you came. He whispered as he got up, pulling me into a hug suddenly, crying on my shoulder.

I patted his back soothingly, trying to calm him down.

I didn't know, _____. He never told me, I really didnt know. If I did... He mumbled as his whole body shook.

Calm down, we will figure this out. I spoke as I held onto his shoulders.

He took in a deep breath, letting go of me and wiping away the tears.

Is..is Uncle inside? I asked pointing at the door behind Seunghyun.

Yes. Go inside, he'd love to see you. I will join you later, I just need to...I need a moment. He rubbed his face, slowly walking down the hall.

I watched him dragging his feet , unsure if I should leave him alone,before entering the room.

I saw auntie sitting by Uncle as she silently cried, holding onto his hand. I walked over to her, putting my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with sorrow.

What happened? I asked my voice trembling as I looked at Uncle who had tubes attached to his arms as he was breathing through an oxygen mask. He looked thin and weak.

He has cancer. He had it for years and we didn't tell you cause we didn't want you to worry. We thought we can fight it, but he just got worse. Auntie spoke as her words shocked me.

When I told you he was traveling - he was actually visiting hospitals for theraphy. But nothing helped and last night he suddenly collapsed and it is killing him. The doctors said nothing can be helped now. He is going to die. she whispered and I hugged her tightly.

What am I going to do without him? How will I be able to live now? Auntie cried out as I thought how horrible it is to helplessly watch the love of your life slowly dying.

There was nothing I could say. I couldn't say it's gonna be okay, I couldn't say we can fix it. There was nothingI could do, but justbe there for support, to stick around for his last moments.

I was cradling auntie and crying with her and it reminded me of that time, she did the same to me, when my parents died and she found me on her doorstep.

____-ah, I beg you to look after Seunghyun. This is a big hit for him. I know I may ask for too much, but could you stay with him thorgh this? He needs your support...we all do. Auntie asked and I just nodded in response. My heart wouldn't let me leave them alone in this situation. They were my family, my life.

He will sleep all night till the morning, so please go find Seunghyun and take him home. He needs rest and this is not the place.

Are you sure we should go? Maybe we should stay here for the night. I'm sure suenghyun would like to be near his father.

No no, you both go home and come back in the morning. Auntie insisted and I didn't want to talk back now.

I said my good byes, kissing her cheek and went outside to look for Seunghyun.  I found him in the lobby, sipping cofee from a plastic cup.

I sat down next to him as he didn't even acknowledge my presence once again.

Seunghyun-ah..let's go home. auntie said we should get some rest. I spoke silently as he looked at me without answering.

I took his hand, pulling him up. Come, let's go. We will back here early in the morning and I promise to talk to auntie so she lets us stay in the hospital. I think tonight she wants to be alone with uncle. I put my arms around his waist, guiding him towards the exit as he didn't even resist. He looked completely lost and mindless.


I drove his car and after a half an hour we were by our...I mean his house. It was such a long time since I've been here, it brought back way too many memories - not all of them were good, but I pulled myself together. I should stay strong, I couldn't break down now, when they need my support.

I unlocked the door, letting Seunghyun walk into the dark hallway. I shut the door and the lights.

Isn't Hwa Young around? I asked as I thought she was living here with him.

Hwa young is not going to be around anymore. Seunghyun finally spoke to me as he went straight to the kitchen pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

Seunghyun, I don't think you should be drinking. It won't make you feel better. I noticed, taking away the bottle.

Don't worry. I will just drink one glass so I can fall asleep. He smiled bitterly, chugging down the drink.

We both stared at each other for a while. No words were needed as our eyes spoke for us.

Thank you for coming. I don't know what would I do without you. He mumbled as he sat down by the kitchen counter. He laughed silently. Isn't it funny? I wanted to be the one who is strong. The one who could help you when you're feeling down, but here we are again. You are the one standing behind me and supporting me.

I sighed as I got myself a glass too. I poured us both a drink and sat across from him.

It doesn't matter who is supporting who, Seunghyun. It's a tough time for our family and we are here for each other. I spoke as I sipped my drink.

We sat there in silence, finishing our drinks.

We should ge to bed. Seunghyun said as he got up. Your room has stayed untouched, though I do swipe off the dust from time to time.

I just nodded as we both walked upstairs.

Goodnight, Seunghyun. I spoke standing in front of my room.

Goodnight, ___-ah. Seunghyun entered his own bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

I let out a deep breath and walked in. It really looked the same. The scent of my old perfume still lingered around as I walked around the room, touching furniture and all my personal belongings. It was like traveling back in time.I opened up the closet which now had a few of the clothes I left behind. I pulled out my old sweatpants and t-shirt.

I changed my clothes, putting the dress on a chair next to the big window. I got into the bed, watching as moonlight shined down on the dress, thinking it doesn't really fit in this room.

My new life didn't fit in this place. I didn't fit in here anymore.



 I will try to update on Saturday or Sunday,

until then be patient! ^^
Truly Yours,



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You guys are making me cry! *weeps* thanks for all the love!


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Chapter 37: so cute! it was one great ride for oc and Seunghyun.. and Mario too. ❤️
Chapter 10: I am crying. It wouldn't lead this way only if Seunghyun was not consumed by his anger towards a wrong understanding
Chapter 4: oh no. i wanted to kill Seunghyun over the last chapter but here i want to console him and thank him he spent the entirety of his day with his wife. But i'm still mad at him for cheating. what a prick!
Taeminahhh #4
Chapter 37: This story ... there aren't many stories as good as this one. I could feel how much they loved each other and the kind of pain and struggle they had to go through to get to where they are now. Good work!
Chapter 38: Ohmyyy. my eyes are all red! i've been holding my tears from the begining till the endd xD
blues132 #6
Chapter 37: Loved it!! Can't wait to read other stories
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Great story!!
jordybb #8
Chapter 37: I just read this in one day! This was a great story and the writting was on point!
Chapter 37: Love your style of writing!
pilyangsweet #10
I cant remember the number of times i read this story.....in my opinion its one of the classic story here in aff that i truely love.....

I really like the part where seunghyun realize her mistake...how much he has hurt her & his effort in winning her back.....How he regret everything he did......i just hope seunghyun bleed a little more before everything went well..he..he..he...but its all perfect....

I truely this story.....thank u authornim....i will surely watch out for ur future story....