Late Talks and Phone Calls.

Wicked Love

Your P.O.V

 I was sitting by the window in our apatment back in Bangkok. I was twirling the necklace Seunghyun gave me between my fingers as I was lost in thoughts.

Everything okay? You seem concerned. Mario's soothing voice behind me as I smiled at his reflection in the window.

I am a bit. I...umm... I met Seunghyun at the exhibition in Seoul and he gave me this necklace that used to represent our friendship. He seems different - more sincere than before. I think he really wants me back in his life as a friend. I spoke as Mario took a seat next to me, pulling me into his embrace. I sighed leaning against his shoulder.

Well, if you believe in his sincerity then why don't you give it a try.

It's not that easy to forget 5 years of suffering. I shook my head. Have I ever told you how I felt through those years? How I cried myself to sleep almost every night? How I felt like talking to a wall when I tried to make a simple conversation with him? How I put on a smile and held back the tears when he put me down in front of his band members, even though my intentions were good? How I wished that just for once he would sincerely smile at me, or just speak more than three words with me during the day? How I wished I wouldn't feel so alone and abandoned all the time? I wiped away a tear as Mario kissed my temple.

It hurts. It still hurts to remember that. And everytime I see him I get reminded of all I felt, but a part of me misses him.

Well...maybe you should give him a chance. Mario spoke calmly. Personally, I don't like him that much, but if you want to be friends you should start by calling him from time to time or messaging him. In that way you can start to rebuild the friendship you used to have and you won't have to see him if it still hurts you.

I thought about his words and they seemed logical. Mario always knew how to solve my problems.

I think you're right. You understand me so well. I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

I understand you so well, because I love you a lot. Mario kissed me and my heart almost stopped as it was the first time he confessed to me.

And he didn't wait for an answer. He didn't expect me to say 'I love you' back. He knew I wasn't ready yet, and for that understanding I fell for him even more.



Tabi's P.O.V


So you're leaving? I asked watching as Hwa Young dragged her luggage towards the door.

Yeah, I think it's needless for me to stick around any longer. I am not going to be with a man who can't find a place in his heart for me. she spoke in a sad tone, flipping her curls over the shoulder.

What do you mean by that? I have never treated you badly.

I never said you have. Yes, you were sweet and nice, but you don't love me. you may look at me with loving eyes, but there's someone else on your mind and since we moved in this house together I felt it more frequently. Hwa Young sighed You love her. You love ____. And you are just in denial. You think you want her as a friend, but you want her as a woman. I was there to distract you from that.

Hwa young, you know it's not true.

It is, you just haven't realised it yet. I hope you get her back. I hope you both are happy. She opened the door looking back once more.

I really liked you, Seunghyun. She smiled bitterly as the door shut behind her and I was left alone...again.

I sat down on the floor wondering if it's true.

I always felt attached to ____. Even when I despised her I still needed her around. Even if she annoyed me, I liked her being around the house. Just knowing she is somewhere near. And though I put her down in front of my friends, I meant it in a teasing way. And I liked when she smiled, and how she danced when she thought I wasn't watching, or how she sang off tone in the bathroom to Big Bang's songs.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket staring at the foreign number.


There was silence on the other line so I asked again.

Oh,'s me ____. Did I disturb you?

It was really her. Can't believe she called me! I frantically got up on my feet, pacing around the house.

No, not at all! Wow, what a surprise, ____!  It's nice to hear your voice.

Yeah..I...umm..I thought about what you said that evening and I think I might give it a try, BUT very slowly. So that's why I am calling, yeah. To tell you that I think we mighttry to be friends...again. She rambled the words and I knew she was nervous. She always spoke very fast when she was nervous.

Thank you...thank you so much, ____. I promise I won't let you down. I chuckled and I swear I could hear her smile. Anyways, how are you doing? It's been two weeks since you visited Seoul.

Oh, I am doing great. I am quite busy lately, but I am hanging on. And how are you?

Nothing much, but I am preparing for sleepless nights. GD&TOP vol.2 will be released next least that's the plan, so we are getting in the studio soon. I spoke slowly, savouring every second of this conversation.

How's Auntie and Uncle?

I haven't spoken to them in a while, but I guess they're doing okay. Probably traveling. Dad is into it lately - he spent a few months in US. I don't know what he did there for so long. I laughed imaginging my father at the Great Canyon, cursing he is sick of heights or in Vegas arguing at the casino.

I see. ____ said and I heard a man's voice in the background calling her. Hey, I have to go now, but it was nice to chat with you. Catch up later, okay? Say hi to Auntie and Big Bang from me! She chirped and after that all I heard was the beeps of a disconnected call.

Bye, _____. I whispered to no one as I yawned. It was late and I knew I won't get any sleep this time around - my head was filled with thought of ______.

We talked like nothing ever these 5 years never existed. Like we were back in our teen years when we called each other before going to bed. It felt so unreal, but still so good.

It felt good to hear her happy voice once again.



Jesus, is this lame! I cringed when I read it! xD
Sorry, can't make it any better cause it's a filler, but something more interesting is coming up soon!
Truly Yours,


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You guys are making me cry! *weeps* thanks for all the love!


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Chapter 37: so cute! it was one great ride for oc and Seunghyun.. and Mario too. ❤️
Chapter 10: I am crying. It wouldn't lead this way only if Seunghyun was not consumed by his anger towards a wrong understanding
Chapter 4: oh no. i wanted to kill Seunghyun over the last chapter but here i want to console him and thank him he spent the entirety of his day with his wife. But i'm still mad at him for cheating. what a prick!
Taeminahhh #4
Chapter 37: This story ... there aren't many stories as good as this one. I could feel how much they loved each other and the kind of pain and struggle they had to go through to get to where they are now. Good work!
Chapter 38: Ohmyyy. my eyes are all red! i've been holding my tears from the begining till the endd xD
blues132 #6
Chapter 37: Loved it!! Can't wait to read other stories
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Great story!!
jordybb #8
Chapter 37: I just read this in one day! This was a great story and the writting was on point!
Chapter 37: Love your style of writing!
pilyangsweet #10
I cant remember the number of times i read this my opinion its one of the classic story here in aff that i truely love.....

I really like the part where seunghyun realize her much he has hurt her & his effort in winning her back.....How he regret everything he did......i just hope seunghyun bleed a little more before everything went well..he..he..he...but its all perfect....

I truely this story.....thank u authornim....i will surely watch out for ur future story....