
Wicked Love

Your P.O.V


   I lazily streched my arms, as I walked into the garden. The sun was shining brightly as I let the soft grass tickle my bare feet while I made my way through the rows of trimmed rose bushes towards the seaside. This was heaven. This was the place I dreamt of - a small house by the seaside with a beautiful garden. All I wanted was to be alone in a place where my past couldn't reach me and Daesung helped me to find this.

I had enough money to rent this beautiful house in Thailand, so I could focus on myself and my art.

I strode down the beach, greeting the local fisherman, who I got accquainted to over these 2 months I have been away from Seoul. Needless to say I felt good. Actually, I felt amazing. I could finally do what I wanted to - I didn't have to attend gatherings I didn't like only cause I was the wife of a world famous artist, I wasn't Mrs Choi anymore, I was just ____ here. No one knew who I am. In this place I had the chance to start everything from a clean slate. And it felt wonderful.

After my walk I got a quick breakfast and got back to painting. I was planning on having an exhibition in the nearby city's art gallery next week and I still had one painting to finish. And I will go by a pseidonym not my real name - I didn't want anyone to find me here.

I was almost finished with shadowing, when a phone call from Daesung interrupted me. He called me every week to check on me and it was nice to talk to him. He once again begged me the permission to attend my exhibition, and I finally gave in.

You can attend. But one rule. I smirked

Whatever you say. Dae's excited voice chirped.

You must disguise yourself. You know, they will recognise you and I don't want anything to go wrong. No one can find out it's me.

Sure, yeobo. I will disguise myself so well, even you won't reconise me! He laughed

Okay, well, I guess I'll see you next week! I bid my goodbyes switching off the phone after.

Today I had an appointment with a hairdresser and I had to go shopping. Going to get rid of my old bohemian wardrobe and long black hair.

A new life starts with a new look. I thought to myself as I cleaned up my workplace and left to the city.


One week later


With a glass of champagne I walked around the gallery, chatting with potential buyers and the friends I got here over the months. I passed a mirror, looking at the new me, still not believing how different I looked. My long hair were now auburn with a hint of red and cut shoulder lenght. Also my outfit was something I usually never wore and that was fine with me.

I will get used to my new style with time. I thought as I let my hand slid over my hipbone, straightening out the skirt.


I was checking out if my red lipstick hasn't smeared when a familiar voice called out.

Omo, yeobo! I almost didn't recognise you. Talk about diguising! Daesung spoke as I turned around and looked at the man with long dark hair, dressed in a simple suit and a fedora hat, his eyes covered by sunglasses.

Good evening, mister Posh. I laughed as he gave me a tight hug.

Must I say your paintings are stunning as usual. I might just by one for my mother's birthday. I am sure she will enjoy your seaside painting. He complimented my work as we walked to a more quiet place to chat.

So, tell me how have you been doing? You know I don't check the news from Korea. I smiled, passing him a glass of champagne.

Well, I am doing just great. Another musical is about to start in a month, but now we're preparing for Alive tour in Singapore. Daesung explained and I just nodded. is Seunghyun?

Well, devastated actually. He's not himself and he gets irritated easily, besides, he knows I helped you escape and that we keep in contact so we both are not on good terms. Your departure really woke him up. He's determined to find you. Daesung half-whispered. I think he misses you.

Oh wow, like I care. I was next to him for years and he didn't give a damn and now suddenly he does? How cliche. I snorted gulping down the champagne.

I hope he stops whatever he is doing, I don't think I will be getting back together with him ever. I had enough. I spoke putting down my glass and smiling brightly as a very familiar man approached us.

Oh My God, ____! I love your new haircut, you look amazing! He spoke, kissing my cheek as I blushed lightly. His charm was what got me the first time we met. He was wearing a simple button-up shirt and black jeans, his hair styled up.


I am so glad you could make it, Mario! I smiled as he put his hand on my waist and turned to Daesung. Hello I am Mario Maurer, _____'s friend.

Nice to meet you, my name is...Dae...Dae-Ho. I am an old friend of hers from Korea. Daesung got out of the tricky situation and shook Maurio's hand.

I am sorry I can't stay long. I have a tight schedule, so how about we take some pictures before I leave? Maurio asked and I agreed, calling the photographer over. After a few shots he said goodbye with a promise to call me later.

I smiled as I watched him leave.

Care to explain? Daesung nudged my shoulder.

Of course, Dae-Ho!  I giggled at his new name. But when we get back home. Now we have to mingle a bit. I said, leading him over to a group of people that could make my future as an artist more promising.


Daesung and I were in the living room, warming ourselves by the fireplace, celebrating the success of my exhibiton with a glass of white wine.

So, back to the mysterious Mario. I saw the way you both looked at each other. Don't tell me, you already have a crush on him. He teased me as I blushed.

I do not! I exclaimed, covering my face.

Yeah sure, now tell me everything about him.

Okay, so he is a famous actor and model here in Thailand. I met him a month ago. I was riding my bike and I accidentally crushed into his. We laughed it off and went to get some icecream to dull the pain of our scratches. We spent a nice afternoon and he asked me his number. We met from time to time. Then he told me who he really was. At first, I didn't want to do anything with him. I had enough of famous people. I rolled my eyes at Dae and he just chuckled. But he was very persistant and won me over soon enough. We get along well, but we are just friends, nothing more.

He likes you. It is so obvious. And you like him too, but isn't he a bit too young for you?

Oh God, Daesung, he is just a year younger and I told you we are just friends. I repeated myself and he just shook his head.

Whatever you say, yeobo. I am just glad you found a close friend here. But...shouldn't you tell him the truth too? I think he should know your past or it might turn ugly later. his concerned tone got to me as I knew he was right.

I will. I will tell him, but not now. I need more time. I finished my glass and settled in on the floor.

We should go to sleep. You have an early flight tomorrow and I have a meeting with few buyers. I spoke getting up.


Tabi's P.O.V


Another month had passed and I still couldn't find her nor did she give any signs. I was getting devastated. I wanted to make everything right, I wanted her back in my life. It was not the same without her. I needed her back as my friend, the only person who really cared for me, who was always there even though I took her for granted.

Hwa Young and I were back on good terms as we decided to move in together into the house. I locked ____'s workplace and bedroom just to make sure those two rooms stay untouched.

Tonight was the night Hwa Young and I went out in public together. It was a movie premiere and I hoped everything will go well, though I was not ready to reveal our relationship yet.

I was in the office room, checking my laptop while Hwa Young was getting ready. I unlocked a drawer and pulled out ____'s diary. I haven't read it in a long time. I left off at our wedding chapter, not quite ready to read further.

I flipped the pages, finding the next chapter.


 After the wedding we weren't able to go on a honey moon trip, due to Tabi's busy schedule, but we did get a house! Uncle and Auntie, bought us a lovely two-story house on the outskirts of the city, with a big beautiful garden and for the next week that Tabi was gone I decorated everything. I was so excited! This is my new family's house. I will live here with my husband, our children will be raised here.

Gosh, it was a dream come true!

But it all went wrong when Tabi came over after a week.

I ran to him, hugging him tightly, but when I tried to kiss him, he pushed me away.

Let's cut the act, ____. I know everything and I want you to know I am not going to play this game. he harshly spoke.

I..I dont understand.

Don't lie to me. I know you planned this wedding with my parents to make me settle. I know, dad doesn't want me to be a musician, he wants me to take over his company, so he made me marry you. That was his way of tying me down. He told me, if I don't marry you, he will take away all my assets and freeze my bank accounts and promised to destroy everything I tried so hard for. I had no choice to agree, so now we're here. I don't know what's in it for you, but I am sure not going to play happy family with you, at least when we are alone. You wanted to get married, you got it. But I want you to know that I despise you. Never believed you could do this to me. He hissed, pacing through the living room.

I see, you decorated your dream house well. Hope you will enjoy living in it alone.

Tabi stop it, what are you talking about? I never knew about what Auntie and Uncle planned, I swear...

Cut it. He yelled out. Like I will ever believe you. Now sit down. This is how this is going to happen. When it comes to our parents and social gatherings, you will play the role of a loving wife and I will be the good husband, but when the camera's stop rolling I want nothing to do with you. I know, we will have to live together in this house, but I promise you won't see much of me. And I would love you to not interfere in my bussiness. I hate you for what you did and I will never forgive you.

But Tabi I have nothing to do with this! I cried out.

I don't believe you and I doubt I ever will. He looked at with disgust before he left to his room, shutting the rom behind him as I was left there dumbfounded and crying my heart out.

Was this real? Has my dream just turned into a nightmare?

But I wont give up that easily. I will prove him, that I had nothing to do with this. I will prove that my feelings are true so he would forgive me and realise that I love him.


I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. I was too harsh towards her throughout the years, only cause I never listened to what she had to say. I ignored any of her chances of explaining. I had convinced myself she's at fault and stubbornly stuck to that thought.

What if I would've listened? Where would we be now? I thought as I put the diary back into the drawer and walking out.

Now I was more determined to find her and make it all better.

Let's go, Hwa Young, the car is waiting! I called out, watching as my gorgeous girlfriend walked out of our bedroom dressed in a golden gown.



Don't hate me for not updating! Guys, I am so sorry.

I don't know what's wrong with me. <__<

Thank you for sticking around and being patient, I love you all!

I don't know what would I do without you, you're the best!

Truly Yours,


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You guys are making me cry! *weeps* thanks for all the love!


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Chapter 37: so cute! it was one great ride for oc and Seunghyun.. and Mario too. ❤️
Chapter 10: I am crying. It wouldn't lead this way only if Seunghyun was not consumed by his anger towards a wrong understanding
Chapter 4: oh no. i wanted to kill Seunghyun over the last chapter but here i want to console him and thank him he spent the entirety of his day with his wife. But i'm still mad at him for cheating. what a prick!
Taeminahhh #4
Chapter 37: This story ... there aren't many stories as good as this one. I could feel how much they loved each other and the kind of pain and struggle they had to go through to get to where they are now. Good work!
Chapter 38: Ohmyyy. my eyes are all red! i've been holding my tears from the begining till the endd xD
blues132 #6
Chapter 37: Loved it!! Can't wait to read other stories
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Great story!!
jordybb #8
Chapter 37: I just read this in one day! This was a great story and the writting was on point!
Chapter 37: Love your style of writing!
pilyangsweet #10
I cant remember the number of times i read this my opinion its one of the classic story here in aff that i truely love.....

I really like the part where seunghyun realize her much he has hurt her & his effort in winning her back.....How he regret everything he did......i just hope seunghyun bleed a little more before everything went well..he..he..he...but its all perfect....

I truely this story.....thank u authornim....i will surely watch out for ur future story....