Breaking The News.

Wicked Love

Your POV.

The next day after my talk with Daesung, my lawyer came over as we talked about the divorce and all the paperwork and property dealing.

I don't need anything. Let him keep the house and the cars. It's him who bought it anyways. I just want to make sure all my paintings are safely storaged and from the united bank accounts, I want back the money I earned throughout the years. That's it. I explained as we talked abit more and I signed the papers.

Should I leave them here or send them to Seunghyun through mail? The lawyer asked and I asked him to keep them in the drawer. He will come around sooner and later and out of the bits of respect I managed to savour I will tell him myself. I explained as he bid his good bye and I went off to physical training. I had to learn how to walk and move around beause of the traumas and my atrophied muscles. It was hard, but I was on my way to recovery. The doctor said I will be out of the hospital in 2 weeks. Still I will have to go to theraphy when I am back home.

But where will be my home now? I thought as I wondered where exactly will I go after this.

When I got back to my room I was faced by Seunghyun. He was wearing a beige suit, with a black shirt underneath and dark sunglasses he took off the minute he saw me. ____-ah. It's nice to see you. He spoke, walking over to help me get back in my bed. I wanted to talk to you. He continued as I got comofortable.

Actually, I wanted to talk to you too. I started as I leaned to the side, pulling out the divorce papers and handing them to Seunghyun who let his eyes roam over the front page before throwing them angrily on the coffee table. A divorce, _____? Really? What has gotten into you? He hissed as he paced around the room. I ain't signing that. I am not going to give you a divorce! Seunghyun exclaimed, ruffling his hair.

Seunghyun, let's not go the hard way. You know I can sue you, and I will win and you know all the reasons why. But I dont want that. Won't it be better for you? You can be with Hwa young, you won't have to pretend infront of your parents anymore. You will be free and so will I.  I spoke calmly.

Aah, you will be free to go off with Daesung, huh? He yelled out, glaring out me.

Firstly, Seunghyun, don't raise your voice at me, secondly, what the hell are you talking about? Daesung and I are only friends. Thirdly, what right you have to judge me even if something was going on? You are not saint yourself.  I explained looking him sternly in the eyes.

Please, Seunghyun. Do it as the last favour. I have tried to be a good wife for you for years and did everything you ever asked for me. Now I deserve to be myself. I know, it will be hard for Auntie and Uncle, I won't tell them about Hwa Young or how we lived all these years. I will come up with...something. I countinued while he just slouched in the chair lowering his head.

I just....I don't want you to leave. I want to make everything better, I promise I will make it up to you, just please stay. He begged but I just shook my head.

Seunghyun, there is nothing you can fix. You don't love me and I... I doubt I have the same feelings for you. There is too much resentment and bitterness inside. I need to find my own peace of mind and start a new life. Don't ask me to stay for that is something I can't do. I can't let myself do that. I patted his shoulder as he shrugged my touch away, getting to his feet and picking up the papers.

I will think about it. He spoke, leaving the room without saying good bye.


Tabi's POV


I can't ing believe this. I hissed as I got back home, the divorce papers now lying on the counter next to the freshly opened whiskey bottle.

I can't let her go. But damn it, even if I don't sign the papers she will go to court and she will get her way, anyway. I talked to myself as I poured another drink.

I grabbed her notebook, to read another chapter before I go to sleep.


It was my wedding day. I couldn't believe I was getting married 5 months after the proposal. Uncle and Auntie wanted us to get married as quickly as possible.
I was very happy that YG gave in too. At first he was against it, for it might make the debut harder if one of the boys was married already at such a young age. But Seunghyun was still a trainee, not  a signed artist, so after long debates we were able to get his approval.

I didn't see him much through those months, like usually, but he texted me more and called from time to time. I knew he was busy and I appreciated those few moments of attention he gave me. The wedding was planned and prepared by Auntie and me and now I was standing in the dressing room, while Auntie fixed the long train of my dress.
Aigoo, you look so beautiful! Like an angel! Uncle spoke as he came in.  He was going to be the one leading me to the altar. I blushed at his compliment, wondering what will Seunghyun think when he sees me. I smiled at my reflection before following Uncle.

Soon, accompanied by orchestra's music I walked down the aisle, my fingers slightly trembling on Uncle's elbow since I was so nervous. But then I let my gaze stop on Seunghyun and the smile he showed me, and all my worries passed.
In a few moments I will become Choi ____, in  a few moments I will marry the man of my dreams, my first and only love, my soulmate. I couldn't believe this was reality.

Uncle put my hand into Seunghyun's as we smiled at each other. We took our vows and the moment he put the simple golden ring on my finger will be the moment I will remember forever, cause that was the most heavenly feeling.
Afterwards we kissed tenderly, cheered on by our family, Seunghyun's friends and bandmates.

After the official part, came the party at a rented villa with room for all the guests. I was having fun, playing games and dancing the night away and soon came the moment when Seunghyun and I were left alone behind closed doors.

I was still a , and I knew what's going to happen now. I trusted him, but still the whole thought of doing it made me nervous.
Don't be so nervous. Seunghyun spoke, taking off his tuxedo. He walked up to me, cupping my cheek and kissing me gently. I won't hurt you. He whispered as I tasted the alcohol in his breath. He was slightly drunk, but so was I.

Slowly, he helped me out of my dress and layed me on the bed as I blushed. With tender kisses and touches he turned me into a puddle as I melted in his hands.

And with the first rays of sun sneeking into our bright white room, we became one and I...I became a woman in the arms of my beloved husband.



I sighed as I knew that night was nothing special to me. I knew I was doing it out of obligation, besides I had to get myself drunk to make myself do it. She didn't attract me physically and besides back then I felt nothing but abomination towards her as I thought she was the one, secretly setting up this marriage. everything was different, but there was nothing I could change. Not anymore.

I poured myself another drink and sloppily put my signature next to hers.

Even if you're not my wife anymore, ____-ah, I will still get you back. I spoke out loud, finishing my drink and going off to bed.




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You guys are making me cry! *weeps* thanks for all the love!


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Chapter 37: so cute! it was one great ride for oc and Seunghyun.. and Mario too. ❤️
Chapter 10: I am crying. It wouldn't lead this way only if Seunghyun was not consumed by his anger towards a wrong understanding
Chapter 4: oh no. i wanted to kill Seunghyun over the last chapter but here i want to console him and thank him he spent the entirety of his day with his wife. But i'm still mad at him for cheating. what a prick!
Taeminahhh #4
Chapter 37: This story ... there aren't many stories as good as this one. I could feel how much they loved each other and the kind of pain and struggle they had to go through to get to where they are now. Good work!
Chapter 38: Ohmyyy. my eyes are all red! i've been holding my tears from the begining till the endd xD
blues132 #6
Chapter 37: Loved it!! Can't wait to read other stories
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Great story!!
jordybb #8
Chapter 37: I just read this in one day! This was a great story and the writting was on point!
Chapter 37: Love your style of writing!
pilyangsweet #10
I cant remember the number of times i read this my opinion its one of the classic story here in aff that i truely love.....

I really like the part where seunghyun realize her much he has hurt her & his effort in winning her back.....How he regret everything he did......i just hope seunghyun bleed a little more before everything went well..he..he..he...but its all perfect....

I truely this story.....thank u authornim....i will surely watch out for ur future story....