
Between Heaven and Earth

“Where am I and who are you?” He asked, pointing at me.

He didn’t even knew where he was? Why don’t the humans on earth tell each other where they go? I slowly stood up from behind the chair.

“Hi, I’m Ruby!” I said and stretched out my hand.

“What am I doing in your room, Ruby?” He asked without shaking my hand.

“This isn’t my room, it’s the guest room” I excitedly said.

“Come on, my mom baked you a strawberry cake” I said and ran out of the room.

“Mom! He’s awake!” I yelled from the stairs.

I went downstairs and saw my mom had served the table with the strawberry cake.

“You didn’t wake him up did you?” She asked.

“No mom, you told me to behave right? I waited for him to wake up” I said a little offended.

Her smile reappeared on her face.

“That’s good, is he coming downstairs?” She asked.

“I told him to… Mom can I go out and play again?”

I heard some footsteps at the top of the stairs.

“No Ruby, you have to take care of our guest, remember?” She said.

She turned to the stairs.

“How are you? Have you slept well darling?” She asked the human.

“Yes madam, thank you” He said and bowed.

I tried to sneak out of the kitchen, but my mom caught me.

“Where are you going? Let’s eat some cake” She said and showed the human the table.

He sat down, I sat down next to my mom. She sliced the cake into pieces and gave him the first piece of cake.

“Mom! You know I always want the first piece of cake” I whined.

“Ruby! Guests first” She demanded.

I pouted and saw the human looking at me. I stuck out my tongue to him and he ate his piece of cake. My mom gave me a piece of cake and took some herself too. We quietly ate together.

“Madam, may I ask where I am?” The human asked.

“I’m sorry dear, but I can’t tell you. But for the time being, try to enjoy it here, alright?” She said with a sweet smile.

The human nodded. I got up from my chair.

“Ah… Ruby, will you take… What’s your name sweetheart” My mom asked.

“Yoochun” He answered.

“Ruby, will you take Yoochun and give him a tour?” My mom asked with a strict look.

I sighed.

“Of course mother” I said.

The HUMAN and I walked out of the house.

“Have you never met a guy before?” He asked when we were outside.

“Why would you ask that?” I asked.

“Shouldn’t girl supposed to be nice to guys?”

“Just because you’re a guy doesn’t mean I’ll be nice to you” I said.

“So… have you ever seen a guy before?” He asked.

“You’re really not the first guy I’ve ever seen, I’ve got guy friends too, you know!” I said.


“Hey Liam!” I yelled back at him and gave that human guy a glare.

I walked up to Liam and Ellie.

“Who’s this?” Liam asked.

I moved closer to Liam.

“He’s the human that ruins my playtime” I whispered in his ear.

Liam nodded.

“Hi! I’m Liam” Liam stretched his hand out to the human.

“Hi, I’m Yoochun” He answered.

“Let’s play!” I said.

“Ruby, isn’t Yoochun your guest? Shouldn’t you take care of him?” Ellie asked.

“Liam and that human seem to get on well with each other so why should I do it if we don’t even get along? He doesn’t even like me” I said.

“Who said I didn’t like you?” The human asked.

“Well you didn’t introduced yourself when I introduced myself to you” I said.

“You were running downstairs before I could” He said.

“Pfff… excuses” I mumbled.

“Come on Ellie! Let’s play butterfly-catch!” I yelled.

I ran to the garden near the blue tree. Because of the many different kinds of flowers and trees in the garden, there were a lot of butterflies. I saw a blue butterfly sitting on the leaf of a plant. I sneaked towards it and attacked, but missed. I followed it through the whole garden.

“Flying high, flying low, butterfly where did you go?
Hiding here, hiding there, I’ll search you everywhere.
Smelling the flowers yellow and blue, I found you
And caught you with my hands” I sang.

“Come on Ellie!” I yelled.

She, Liam and Yoochun had been watching me the whole time. Ellie ran into the garden and joined me.

*Yoochun’s POV*
She seems a careless girl. I can’t remember how I came here, but all I remember is that I walked off of the stage and slipped on the stairs. My head landed hard on one of the steps and everything went black. I’m not in the hospital and I have never seen the people around here. The environment seems to be different too, this can’t be Seoul.

“Yoochun! Are you going to sleep at Ruby’s house?” Liam asked.

“I guess… I’m not sleeping together with her in one room! I’m sleeping in the guest room” I said.

Liam laughed. “Don’t worry, Ruby is not that kind of a girl” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well… you know… she won’t attack you” Liam said.


“But don’t hurt her! I’ll come and get you if you mock her! Ruby is such a careless girl and she just doesn’t see the dangers… If she just grew up… aish…” Liam said.

“I won’t hurt her! I promise! But Liam, do you like Ruby?” I asked.

He smiled. “No, not that way, but it feels like I’m her big brother sometimes” He said.

I nodded and we watched Ellie and Ruby catching butterflies.

*Ruby’s POV*
“Liam! Liam! Look! I caught a butterfly!” I yelled and ran to Liam.

“Open your hands so I can see it” Liam said.

“No or else the butterfly will fly away! Oh! Liam, can I keep it and put it in a jar?” I asked.

“No Ruby, butterflies should fly around and not be kept in a jar” He said.

“But Liam…” I whined.

“No Ruby! Release the butterfly, now!” He strictly said.

I pouted and opened my hands. The butterfly flew away.

“I’m going to try to catch another one!” I said with a smile and ran away.

*Yoochun’s POV*
“You see what I mean?” Liam asked.

“I see…” I said.

“Liam, can you tell me where I am?” I asked.

“I don’t think I can” He said.

Why was everyone so mysterious about this place?

*Ruby’s POV*
“Hey Ellie! I’m going to pick some flowers for my mom!” I said.

“Oh! Me too!” Ellie said.

“Ruby you can’t just pick the flowers, you know how much effort the ladies here did to plant them here” Liam said.

“I know! But my mom will be so happy if she sees these!” I said holding up some flowers.

“Ruby, let’s go a little that way, those flowers you can pick, those are the best flowers of whole Be…”

“What? Of whole Between Heaven And Earth?” I asked.

Liam covered my mouth.

“Li… Liam what are you doing?!” I said while pushing his hand away.

*Yoochun’s POV*
Between Heaven And Earth? Am I in heaven? No, wait! Between Heaven And Earth? What is this place?

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Chapter 23: nice story^^
amazing and soooooo cute