
Between Heaven and Earth

The door slowly went open with a squeak. A beautiful, tall lady with a long, white dress appeared in the doorway. Her hair was as black as the night and her skin as white as snow. She had a light blue necklace on her neck.

“Come in, darling” She said.

I quietly stepped in, I turned around and looked at my friends. She closed the door behind me and walked into the long, dark hallway.

“Why is it so dark in here?” I asked.

“You don’t need to know everything, little girl” She said without looking back.

At the end of the hallway we went left and stood for 2 broad, tall doors. She opened the doors and we went into a pitch black room. The room was ice cold and felt like a freezer. The door behind us closed with a loud thud.

“H…hello?” I stuttered.

The light went on and it was so bright I had to cover my eyes with my hands. When I got used to the light I removed my hands and looked around. I stood in a big hall with white walls and a white floor. In front of me were 3 big, white chairs. The 3 head members of CHA were seated in the chairs, including the beautiful, tall lady.

“What is your purpose here?” The man in the middle asked me.

His voice was dark, but clear. He had short black hair and was broadly build. His skin was dark compared to any other angel I had ever seen. He wore a dark gray necklace around his neck.

“I… I came… to get a…a… plumbob” I stuttered.

“You know that there is a punishment you’ll be given for losing your plumbob” The lady who opened the door for me said.

Her voice had changed completely. Now she spoke with a strict voice and the expression on her face matched it.

“I know… but it isn’t my own plumbob… I accidently broke Mr. Kim’s plumbob” I said.

The 3 whispered to each other and I couldn’t hear what they said. The man who hadn’t said anything until now got up from his chair and walked over to me. He walked a circle around me and stopped in front of me. With his ice cold fingers he caressed my cheek. He was slender and his hair was white and long. His skin was as white as snow and he wore a purple necklace around his neck.

“She’s still young, what kind of a punishment will we give her?” He asked.

His voice wasn’t dark like I expected, but it was a high pitched voice.

“Ah! I know!” He walked back to the other 2 and whispered something to them.

They nodded and the slender man left the hall. I stood there in silence, didn’t knew what to do. The lady and the man were quiet as well. When the slender man came back in the hall he had a whip and a black plumbob in his hands. I knew both what they meant. He handed the black plumbob over to the broad man and walked up to me with the whip.

“Get on your knees” He demanded.

I did as he told me and slowly sank to the floor. He walked behind me and ripped my dress on back. He hit me with the whip on my back and I cringed. He hit me 5 times and stopped.

“Get up!” He shouted.

I tried to lift myself up from the ground, but stumbled back to the floor. He grabbed my arm and I cringed from the coldness of his hand. He placed me back on my feet.

“Now get the plumbob and leave!” He ordered.

With difficulty I managed to walk up to the broad builded man and received the plumbob from him. I stumbled to the big doors through which I had entered. I fell on the ground in the hallway, but covered the plumbob with my hands. I slowly got up and was relieved the plumbob hadn’t broken. I stumbled to the exit and left the house.

“Ruby!” Liam and Ellie stood in front of me.

I fell and they ran to me and placed me back on my feet.

“Ruby! You’re back is bleeding!” Ellie said.

“I’ve got it!” I whispered.

I showed them the plumbob.

“Let’s go to my house, my parents aren’t home today” Ellie said.

Ellie and Liam supported me while we walked to Ellie’s house. Ellie applied the medicine and a bandage on my back and gave me new clothes to wear. We went out to the little bridge close to the blue tree and played in the water of the little purple river. We built dams and bridges over the water with stones.

“I’ve got to go, my mom is expecting me home any minute now” Liam said and left.

“I’ve got to go too, tonight I have to make dinner” Ellie said and left as well.

I left too and walked to my house. I greeted my mom in the living room and walked upstairs. I entered my room and uncovered my back to look at wound underneath my bandage through the mirror.

“Ruby! Ruby! Come here! I need to talk to you” My mom yelled from downstairs.

I quickly stuck the bandage back on my back and fixed my clothes. I walked downstairs.

“What is it mom?” I hopped over to my mom.

“What happened to your dress?” My mom asked.

“We were playing at the little river when I slipped and my dress ripped on the back, so Ellie lent me her clothes” I said.

I handed her the dress. We had cleaned it from the blood, but it was still ripped and we didn’t had enough time to dry it.

“Why do these things always happen to you, you should me more careful” She said.

“I’m sorry mom” I apologized.

She sighed and shook her head.

“Do you remember I told you about the humans that come here temporarily?”

“Humans?” I asked.

“The people that live on earth” She said.

“Ah, yes I remember!” I said and jumped up and down.

“Please Ruby, can you please keep still for just a moment? Let’s sit down for a minute”

We both sat down at the kitchen table.

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Chapter 23: nice story^^
amazing and soooooo cute