Fugitive [HIATUS]


  • Please let’s make a toast to ~~~ and Jason’s engagement.

Has your father said the last words of his speech everyone one the party put their eyes on both. You just stood there in shock, with no reaction and your face pale. Everyone raises their cups to make a toast.

  • Cheers!!! - everyone shouts.

You snap out of your thoughts to look at Jason to see if he is so surprised about the news as you are. But he seems normal, with a smirk on his face. It seems like he already knew. Everyone knew except you.

  • I would like to ask the bride and the groom to come up on stage. – says Mr. Miller.

Jason comes near you, grabs your hand and takes both of you to the stage.


~~~’s POV:


What is happening? Why this sudden news? Why must I get married? I’m so young. I still have so much thinks I want to do first besides that, I don’t even like him. I can’t believe that I’m already engaged.  How can they do this to me, their own daughter? They choose and plan everything for me. Can’t I at least, choose the person I want to spend my life with? Find true love?

I’m now up on stage. In front of all he guest and next to my parents and Jason and his parents. I feel my throat hurting and my eyes fill with tears. I don’t think I can hold it any longer. I want to cry. I want to cry out all my sadness and despair.


-------------End of POV-------------


Everyone is looking, at the new couple and comment between them.

  • Wow, they look very good together.
  • They were made for each other.

Suddenly, you start crying. You can’t stop it. The tears are falling.

  • What is going on with her?
  • Why is she crying?
  • Oh, tears of joy. Isn’t it, dear? – asks your mother to you.

But you can’t take this fake anymore. You run out of the stage, get out of the tent, pass the red carpet and enter the house. The guests are surprised by this scenario.

  • Don’t worry. She is fine, just a little emotional by all this. – explains your mother.

Meanwhile, inside the house, you are leaned against the door that leads to the garden. You have your hand in front of your mouth so that anyone can hear you cry. Your tears fall down from your eyes, passing your checks to your chin. Your beautiful face is now trespassing all your pain that you kept inside for so long. You hear some noise coming from outside, so you decide to go upstairs to your room.

You lay on your bed, with your belly upwards, put your headphones and turn on your iPod. You don’t want to think more about what is happening and the real world. You want to turn off your brain and just listen to some music to forget about your problems. You listen to some calm songs and others more cheerful, but then, one music captures your attention.


(Listen to this while reading:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLzUJdLPXOY)


“Simple Plan - JUMP




 I don’t wanna wake up today

 Cause everyday's the same

 And I'd been waiting so long

 For things to change

 I'm sick of this town

 Sick of my job

 Sick of my friends 'cause everyone's jaded

 Sick of this place, I wanna break free

 I'm so frustrated, I just wanna


 Jump! (Jump!)

 Don't wanna think about tomorrow (Jump!)

 I just don't care tonight

 I just wanna jump (Jump!)

 Don't wanna think about my sorrow

 Let's go

 Forget your problems

 I just wanna jump


 I don't wanna wake up one day

 And find out it's too late

 To do all the things I wanna do

 So I'm gonna pack up my bags

 I'm never coming back

 'Cause the years are passing by

 And I'm wasting all my ti-ti-time

 Sick of this house

 Sick of being broke

 Sick of this town, that's bringing me down

 I'm sick of this place, I wanna break free,

 I'm so frustrated, I just wanna jump


 Jump! (Jump!)

 Don't wanna think about tomorrow (Jump!)

 I just don't care tonight,

 I just wanna jump (Jump!)

 Don't wanna think about my sorrow

 Let's go

 Forget your problems

 I just wanna jump

 I just wanna jump


 I can't take it anymore [x3]


 Forget tomorrow, I just wanna jump (Jump!)

 Don't wanna think about tomorrow (Jump!)

 I just don't care tonight,

 I just wanna jump (Jump!)

 Don't wanna think about my sorrow

 Let's go

 Forget your problems

 It's time to let them go

 Forget tomorrow, I just wanna jump (Jump!)


 I just wanna jump”


While listening to the music, you noticed that the lyrics of the song, in a way, transmitted what you’re feeling. You want to run away from this house as far as possible. You want to live your own way. Like the music says:  you want to “JUMP”.

Thinking this to yourself, you get out of the bed and walk towards the wardrobe. You open one of the 4 doors, pull out a big suitcase and put it down on your bed. You open it, walk again to the wardrobe, open 2 other doors, and start taking away all of your clothes. You put them inside the suitcase, like all of your shoes and tennis, laptop, iPod, accessories, creams, books, documents, money, ... You take everything you can and really need you put it inside the suitcase and, once you’re finished, you close it. You pick it up and walk, slowly, towards the room door. You verify that nobody is outside on the hallway and get out of the room. Climb down the stairs, walk to the front door and get out of the house.

You realize that the party still goes on without you and you have to be careful not to be caught. You put down the suitcase, since it has wheels, and start running throughout the road.  But, as you start running, you trip and fell on the floor. You try to get up but your ankle hurts, it is twisted.  

*It can’t end like this. I have to get out of here. I’m going to make it.* you think to yourself.

With some difficulty, you stand up and slowly get to the gate. You open it and reach the outside world.

At last, freedom. Well, not yet. You’re just near your house, so you should get going somewhere far. But first, you have to get out of your high heels and take care of your ankle. You walk around and spot a bench. You walk towards it and sit down. You take your heels out, open the suitcase and take off a scarf that you use to roll around your ankle to lower the pain you’re feeling and a pair of white sneakers to put them on. You take a deep breath.


~~~’s POV:


I’m out of the house, out of my old life. My life begins now and I should take the full of it. Starting with a trip to South Korea, where I’m going to visit my good friend Hea Jong.



-------------End of POV-------------




What did you think of this chapter?

I'm sorry, I know that you're anxious to know how Infinite are going to appear in this story. Sincerely, I'am as anxious as you. I wanted so much to start writing the part that Infinite appears but I had to write about her first.  

It was just one more chapter, this one. So, on the next chapter, finally, Infinite are going to make part of this story. ^^

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I like it (:

Wanna read mine? I actually wrote a fanfic called Fugitive as well! And yup, it was the first one I wrote! LOL
Though.... It's a complete different plot d:
Please read, comment, upvote, etc!
It'll make me happy as much as your fanfic made me happy d:

yuu_sama #2
Chapter 38: YES YES...
Myungsoo, thank you...
oooohhhh, I just feel so good after reading this~~~~~
thank you, author-nim :)
gonna wait for your next update! Yay, HWAITING!!!
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 37: Myungsoo really has that strong instinct about her~~~
wow, she is such a strong girl! How can she hide that kind of sadness behind the INFINITE boys~??? >_< ah, it's sad, but I understand why she fakes a smile... she just doesn't want to bother anyone with her problem... woooaaahh, Sungyeol's saying is inspiring for me too...
"don't ever lose your smile" ---> I LOVE THAT!!! :)

Thank you, author-nim ^^ I LOVE YOU
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 36: Hikkksssss...
ohhh... so, she was kicked off from her rented house?
Even though she can call Myungsoo for asking help, but I respect her stubborness to try solving the problem by herself...
ohhhhhhhh, now she is alone there~~~~ it really breaks my heart~~~~
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 35: oooohhhhh...
this chapter is really great! Even though maybe it doesn't give much money, but for me personally... I want this kind of job too~~~!!!! Ahhh, I love how this story inspires me~~ thank you, author-nim...
I am jealous with her, not because he can be with the INFINITE boys, but she can have that such fun in the job... giving any help, serving people, meeting with many people~~~ wooaaahhh, this is really good story for me~~!!! ^^
yuu_sama #6
Chapter 34: I can imagine in my head when they boys are trying to get some sleep in the van...
yeah, idol life must be so tiring for them, but that's what makes them happy, right!?
What is this job that she is going to have, anyway????
ah, I'm so curious~~~~~

wooaaahh, this story is really amazing~~~ so perfect as though it was really real!!! ^^ I love this!
yuu_sama #7
Chapter 33: Oh yeah... who can resist Myungsoo anyway...!!???
I personally will get my heart melted by his warm even though he doesn't talk that much~~~
OMG, she is so lucky that she can be with the boys...
Myungsoo is so caring and soft in this chapter, I love his character here. What's happening with him? Is he kinda jealous with Sungyeol? Ooohhhh... so glad that the day ends in a very nice way...
Myungsoo, really... tomorrow?
I will wait for you tomorrow too~~~!!! kekekekeke...
*ignore this crazy reader*
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 32: This chapter really has precious and unforgettable moments in it!!! >_< OMG, who knows that the tiring walking dogs activity can end up in fun time with the boys~~??? ^^
I am so glad that she meet first with Myungsoo and Hoya...
yeaaahh, this really reminds me a lot about "Birth of Family" which is why I love Infinite so much! They are just too adorable~~~!!! hahahahaha...

and Sung Gyu...
I already expect it! He must be the only one who has the hardest time with the dog! Hahahaha, poor Sung Gyu... ^^
yuu_sama #9
Chapter 31: Wooooaaahhhh, I can't believe that I've missed so many chapters....
*hit my head on the wall*
but this chapter is so interesting for me personally. I think I want to try to be a "walking dogs assistance" too. Hahahaha~ I love dogs! :)

I believe that she must be tired of walking those dogs! And now... they become so annoying???? Ohhh, I just hope that she can turn out to be able to handle them~~~ yeaaah, hwaiting!