New Job

Fugitive [HIATUS]


You’re now in front of the residence, looking into your phone. More specifically, to the last message you received. It is from Sungyeol, saying for you to wait for him outside the residence at 7am.

You don’t know what he wants from you but you still fallowed his orders. Though, you find it strange because you know that this days the boys have been very busy with their schedule and it is hard to meet with them. For instance, on the previous day all of you went to the park and after an hour they had to leave.

You check the time, once again; its 15min past 7am and no sign of Sungyeol.

  • He should be here by now. – you look around searching for him. – I don’t see him anywhere…

Then a black van, coming at high speed, suddenly stops in front of you. Because of the blast of wind, you to put your hands on top of your legs to prevent the dress that you’re wearing to fly up. The back door opens.

  • I’m sorry for the delay. – apologizes Sungyeol who is holding the door. – But someone couldn’t leave the mirror. – he turns around and glances at Woohyun, who is all smiley throwing hearts at you.
  • No problem. – Sungyeol looks back at you. – But, what do you want from me?
  • You’ll find out when we get there. – he gets out of the van and puts his hand on your back. – Get inside. – he pushes you.

You enter inside the van by force and end up sitting next to Sungjong. Sungyeol enters right after, sitting next to you, and closes the door.

  • We can go now. – he warns the van’s driver, which happens to be their manager.




~~~‘s POV:


The van has been moving for about 20 min ever since they picked me up, and I still don’t know what it is going on. I want some answers but I stopped asking some time ago, when I noticed that they are very tired because of their work.

After the first 10 agitated minutes of the trip, the atmosphere calmed down and it became silent. Besides the manager who is driving, I’m the only one who is fully awake. All of the boys appear to have fallen asleep. They all have their neck pillows on to feel more comfortable during the trip. Dongwoo and Sunggyu are leaning against the van; these two are in deep sleep from what I can see. Hoya, Myungsoo and Woohyun sank on their sits to feel cozier. Hoya is resting his eyes while he listens to music from his iPod. Woohyun also seems to be awake although with his eyes closed. Myungsoo has his hands folded laying on top of his lap while enjoying the benefits of a little nap. Sungyeol and Sungjong end up leaning against each other, and are now sleeping like two sweet angels.

I can see the dark circles around their eyes and how their energy has been drained off. They don’t look like their usual self’s. The ones’ full of energy and cheerful, always playing around and teasing each other.

  • Being an idol must be hard. – I say to myself, and then I sit back looking up front to the road.


-----------------End of POV-------------------


The van begins to slow down, reaching an open space in the middle of nowhere. You can’t see anything on the place itself, but there are some sets, a lot of cameras, lights and sound equipment. There are also a lot of busy people walking from one place to the other, putting things in order.

  • Don’t tell me they’re going to film something in here! – you think out loud.
  • Yes, they are. – the boy’s manager confirms. – Infinite has been filming their new music video for their comeback. Today is the second day. As you can see, they are very tired but we have to keep on working so that everything goes well.
  • I see... – you turn your head to the window on your left side, observing all the motion that is happening outside.

The manager drives more 30 meters and stops the van. All of you get outside and start walking through the sets towards a small tent therein assembled.

  • Where are we going? – you fallow them from behind.
  • We are going to see the Director. – explains Myungsoo. – He has to know that we are already here.
  • Besides that, he has to give us the instructions of what we are going to do. – adds Sunggyu who was listening to the conversation.




  • Annyeonghaseyo~ – everyone compliments the Director that is currently discussing some details of the MV with the STAFF members.
  • Oh…you’re already here. – he approaches you. – Good. We still have a lot to film. You have to work hard today. Ok?
  • Neh. – they all answer in unsound.
  • First, you go change your clothes and then I will tell you what we’re going to film today. – he dismisses them.

All of the boys leave the tent with you following from behind.

  • ~~~-ah, come here for a minute. – Sungyeol calls you.

You stop and turn around, seeing Sungyeol standing next to the Director. You come close to them.

  • This is the girl I talked to you about. – Sungyeol says to the Director.

You keep quiet, not knowing what they are talking about. The Director looks at you from top to bottom in silent, making you feel a little uncomfortable.

  • I see… – he now faces you. – So, you want to work here?
  • Uh? – you blink your eyes in surprise, thinking if you misheard what he said.
  • Neh, she wants it. – Sungyeol takes control of the situation and answers in your turn.
  • What can you do? – the Director questions you.

*So, this is for real. I’m now having a job interview? How did this happened?* you think to yourself and then, roll your eyes at Sungyeol. *Of, course…it was him! Why is he doing this?* now you look back at the Director. *Anyways, this is a good opportunity for me to gain some money.*

  • I can do anything. I’m a quick learner and hardworking girl. I put my full effort in everything I do. You will not be disappointed in hiring me, for sure. – you say it with conviction.

The Director continues staring at you, insightfully. 

  • I like your energy. – a generous smile appears on his face. – Nowadays, we need more people like that. You’re hired! – he finally states.
  • Kamsahamnida~~ – you and Sungyeol bow at him.
  • Neh. Now Sungyeol go change your clothes.
  • Araseo. – he nods and, before he leaves the tent, he thumps up at you with a grin on his face, wishing you good luck.

*Gomaweo~ Sungyeol oppa!* 



After sometime on hiatus, I finally updated another chapter. 

I will take this oppportunity to say thanks to my loyal readers. Thank you so much for supporting me ^-^ 

And as usual, I will asks for your honests thoughts about the chapter :)

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I like it (:

Wanna read mine? I actually wrote a fanfic called Fugitive as well! And yup, it was the first one I wrote! LOL
Though.... It's a complete different plot d:
Please read, comment, upvote, etc!
It'll make me happy as much as your fanfic made me happy d:
yuu_sama #2
Chapter 38: YES YES...
Myungsoo, thank you...
oooohhhh, I just feel so good after reading this~~~~~
thank you, author-nim :)
gonna wait for your next update! Yay, HWAITING!!!
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 37: Myungsoo really has that strong instinct about her~~~
wow, she is such a strong girl! How can she hide that kind of sadness behind the INFINITE boys~??? >_< ah, it's sad, but I understand why she fakes a smile... she just doesn't want to bother anyone with her problem... woooaaahh, Sungyeol's saying is inspiring for me too...
"don't ever lose your smile" ---> I LOVE THAT!!! :)

Thank you, author-nim ^^ I LOVE YOU
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 36: Hikkksssss...
ohhh... so, she was kicked off from her rented house?
Even though she can call Myungsoo for asking help, but I respect her stubborness to try solving the problem by herself...
ohhhhhhhh, now she is alone there~~~~ it really breaks my heart~~~~
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 35: oooohhhhh...
this chapter is really great! Even though maybe it doesn't give much money, but for me personally... I want this kind of job too~~~!!!! Ahhh, I love how this story inspires me~~ thank you, author-nim...
I am jealous with her, not because he can be with the INFINITE boys, but she can have that such fun in the job... giving any help, serving people, meeting with many people~~~ wooaaahhh, this is really good story for me~~!!! ^^
yuu_sama #6
Chapter 34: I can imagine in my head when they boys are trying to get some sleep in the van...
yeah, idol life must be so tiring for them, but that's what makes them happy, right!?
What is this job that she is going to have, anyway????
ah, I'm so curious~~~~~

wooaaahh, this story is really amazing~~~ so perfect as though it was really real!!! ^^ I love this!
yuu_sama #7
Chapter 33: Oh yeah... who can resist Myungsoo anyway...!!???
I personally will get my heart melted by his warm even though he doesn't talk that much~~~
OMG, she is so lucky that she can be with the boys...
Myungsoo is so caring and soft in this chapter, I love his character here. What's happening with him? Is he kinda jealous with Sungyeol? Ooohhhh... so glad that the day ends in a very nice way...
Myungsoo, really... tomorrow?
I will wait for you tomorrow too~~~!!! kekekekeke...
*ignore this crazy reader*
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 32: This chapter really has precious and unforgettable moments in it!!! >_< OMG, who knows that the tiring walking dogs activity can end up in fun time with the boys~~??? ^^
I am so glad that she meet first with Myungsoo and Hoya...
yeaaahh, this really reminds me a lot about "Birth of Family" which is why I love Infinite so much! They are just too adorable~~~!!! hahahahaha...

and Sung Gyu...
I already expect it! He must be the only one who has the hardest time with the dog! Hahahaha, poor Sung Gyu... ^^
yuu_sama #9
Chapter 31: Wooooaaahhhh, I can't believe that I've missed so many chapters....
*hit my head on the wall*
but this chapter is so interesting for me personally. I think I want to try to be a "walking dogs assistance" too. Hahahaha~ I love dogs! :)

I believe that she must be tired of walking those dogs! And now... they become so annoying???? Ohhh, I just hope that she can turn out to be able to handle them~~~ yeaaah, hwaiting!