The thruth is...

Fugitive [HIATUS]


  • HEA JONG-ah???
  • ~~~~-ah???

The boys are in total shock to see you and Hea Jong in a club because it isn’t a place for two girls to be around, besides you are minors.

  • What are you doing here? – shouts Woohyun because of the loud music.
  • This isn’t a place for you to be at!! – demands Sunggyu.
  • Oppa!!! I missed you. – Hea Jong hugs Woohyun.

Woohyun blushes and puts his arms up in the air trying not to touch Hea Jong. Sunggyu looks surprised at her actions and looks at Woohyun confused.

  • YAH…YAH!! Don’t hug him! – Sunggyu tries to release Woohyun from her arms.

Then he turns to you. 

  • ~~~-ah what ‘s going on with her?

You were about to answer him but…

  • Pffff…..hahahahah!!!! – you burst into laughter.

They look at each other and then at you two.

  • Aishhh….don’t tell me you’ve been drinking?!  – Sunggyu figured it out. – What in the world were you two thinking? Two minors drinking, seriously, I wouldn’t expect that from you. – Sunggyu gets disappointed.

You just continue laughing while Hea Jong tries to hug Woohyun again.

  • What do we do now? – Woohyun turns to Sunggyu.
  • Well…we can’t leave them here like that. Let’s take them outside. – suggests Sunggyu.

Woohyun puts his arm around Hea Jong and Sunggyu puts his arm around you. You were about to leave when a boy (one of the boys that drag you to the club) grabs Woohyun’s shoulder making him stop walking.

  • What do you think you’re doing? They are with us!! – the boy grabs Hea Jong’s arm pushing her to his side.
  • BWO? – Sunggyu and Woohyun get surprised.
  • Like he said they are with us!! – a friend of that boy takes you from Sunggyu and goes next to the other guy that has Hea Jong.

Sunggyu and Woohyu don’t know what to do because they said that you two are with them.

  • Let me go! – you try to resist by pulling him away but you don’t have the strength because you’re drunk.
  • Woohyun oppa! – Hea Jong whimpers.
  • YaH!!! Let her go! – demands Woohyun.
  • Or what? – the guy defies him.

Woohyun clenches his fits in rage. He wants to bit up the guy but he can’t because he is an idol and that could be bad for him and for the group. The boys laugh at him. Sunggyu puts is hand on Woohyun’s shoulder, he looks at him and Sunggyu give him a wink.

  • Look how pathetic they are! – they continue making fun.

Sunggyu and Woohyun look at them and show them a big grin on their faces.

  • What are you laughing at?
  • You go this way, I go that way! – Sunggyu informs Woohyun.
  • Araseo! – confirms Woohyun.

They sprang to action. Woohyun walks towards one of the guys and punches him right on his face making him collapse on the floor. At the same time, Sunggyu approaches the other guy and punches him in the stomach causing him to bend at an angle of 90 degrees. The people that are around you are looking and whispering because of the violence and at some point they begin recognizing Sunggyu and Woohyun.

  • KAJA!! – they grab both of you and quickly walk to the exit of the club.

During that time, Hoya and Dongwoo, that were having so much fun that they even take notice at the occurrences, sees you leaving the club.

  • Where are they going? – questions Dongwoo.
  • I don’t know…let’s follow them. – suggests Hoya.


----------- (outside the club)


  • Now…explain to me what were you doing with those guys!! – demands Sunggyu while looking at you two.

You step up front and approach Sunggyu and open you moth like you were about to answer him.

  • Oppa? Why don’t you open your eyes? – you innocently asked.

Sunggyu sights heavily while Woohyun is trying hard to stifle a laugh.

  • Yah!!
  • Pfff…. – you giggle.

Then Hea Jong answers to Sunggyu.

  • I was taking ~~~-ah back to the residence and then they appeared on our way…and dragged us with them...and then….– her eyes fill up with tears.

Woohyun pats her head making her stop talking.

  • Ok. We get it. Don’t need to explain more.
  • So, that’s what happened. – Sunggyu sights relieved.
  • HYUNG!!! – waves Dongwoo from afar.

Sunggyu waves him back.

  • Why did you guys leave? – asks Dongwoo.
  • Why is ~~~ and Hea Jong here? – notices Hoya.
  • Annyeong~! – you compliment them with a big smile.
  • What’s wrong with her? – questions Dongwoo.
  • And why is Hea Jong attached to you? – Hoya continues the questionnaire.
  • It’s a long story… – says Woohyun tired. – The problem now is: what do we do?
  • We should send them home. – suggests Dongwoo.
  • Micheosseo? We can’t send them like this. Specially, because Hea Jong’s parents can’t see her drunk and ~~~-ah is all by herself in the residence, something bad might happen. – arguments Sunggyu.
  • So…we have to take them with us. – concludes Woohyun.
  • I guess so… - Sunggyu scratches the back of is head.

The 4 boys stare at both of you analyzing your condition. It is pretty obvious that you aren’t on your right state of mind.

  • Kaja!



 What do you think of Sunggyu and Woohyun in this chapter? 

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I like it (:

Wanna read mine? I actually wrote a fanfic called Fugitive as well! And yup, it was the first one I wrote! LOL
Though.... It's a complete different plot d:
Please read, comment, upvote, etc!
It'll make me happy as much as your fanfic made me happy d:
yuu_sama #2
Chapter 38: YES YES...
Myungsoo, thank you...
oooohhhh, I just feel so good after reading this~~~~~
thank you, author-nim :)
gonna wait for your next update! Yay, HWAITING!!!
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 37: Myungsoo really has that strong instinct about her~~~
wow, she is such a strong girl! How can she hide that kind of sadness behind the INFINITE boys~??? >_< ah, it's sad, but I understand why she fakes a smile... she just doesn't want to bother anyone with her problem... woooaaahh, Sungyeol's saying is inspiring for me too...
"don't ever lose your smile" ---> I LOVE THAT!!! :)

Thank you, author-nim ^^ I LOVE YOU
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 36: Hikkksssss...
ohhh... so, she was kicked off from her rented house?
Even though she can call Myungsoo for asking help, but I respect her stubborness to try solving the problem by herself...
ohhhhhhhh, now she is alone there~~~~ it really breaks my heart~~~~
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 35: oooohhhhh...
this chapter is really great! Even though maybe it doesn't give much money, but for me personally... I want this kind of job too~~~!!!! Ahhh, I love how this story inspires me~~ thank you, author-nim...
I am jealous with her, not because he can be with the INFINITE boys, but she can have that such fun in the job... giving any help, serving people, meeting with many people~~~ wooaaahhh, this is really good story for me~~!!! ^^
yuu_sama #6
Chapter 34: I can imagine in my head when they boys are trying to get some sleep in the van...
yeah, idol life must be so tiring for them, but that's what makes them happy, right!?
What is this job that she is going to have, anyway????
ah, I'm so curious~~~~~

wooaaahh, this story is really amazing~~~ so perfect as though it was really real!!! ^^ I love this!
yuu_sama #7
Chapter 33: Oh yeah... who can resist Myungsoo anyway...!!???
I personally will get my heart melted by his warm even though he doesn't talk that much~~~
OMG, she is so lucky that she can be with the boys...
Myungsoo is so caring and soft in this chapter, I love his character here. What's happening with him? Is he kinda jealous with Sungyeol? Ooohhhh... so glad that the day ends in a very nice way...
Myungsoo, really... tomorrow?
I will wait for you tomorrow too~~~!!! kekekekeke...
*ignore this crazy reader*
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 32: This chapter really has precious and unforgettable moments in it!!! >_< OMG, who knows that the tiring walking dogs activity can end up in fun time with the boys~~??? ^^
I am so glad that she meet first with Myungsoo and Hoya...
yeaaahh, this really reminds me a lot about "Birth of Family" which is why I love Infinite so much! They are just too adorable~~~!!! hahahahaha...

and Sung Gyu...
I already expect it! He must be the only one who has the hardest time with the dog! Hahahaha, poor Sung Gyu... ^^
yuu_sama #9
Chapter 31: Wooooaaahhhh, I can't believe that I've missed so many chapters....
*hit my head on the wall*
but this chapter is so interesting for me personally. I think I want to try to be a "walking dogs assistance" too. Hahahaha~ I love dogs! :)

I believe that she must be tired of walking those dogs! And now... they become so annoying???? Ohhh, I just hope that she can turn out to be able to handle them~~~ yeaaah, hwaiting!