The Effect of Stress

The Other Side of Cinderella

Allie’s POV

I stare at the clothes that Woohyun has picked out for me. “There’s absolutely no way that I’m wearing that,” I say pointing at it. “I’d rather wear sweatpants.”

“Why not?” Woohyun asks pouting. “I picked it out especially for you. If you didn’t notice, Cecelia’s in a matching one.”

I look at the dress. It’s pink with a light flower pattern on the bottom. There’s absolutely no way that I’m wearing it. I don’t want to wear a dress. “I’m not,” I protest.

“Please, just this once. I won’t ever make you wear it again,” Woohyun says with puppy dog eyes. I sigh and he jumps for joy. I, on the other hand, am not so happy about it.

I come downstairs in the dress making Sungyeol, Woohyun, and Hoya stare at me with open mouths. “The dress looks really good,” Sungyeol comments.

“Yeah, whatever,” I say sitting down at the table.

“Unni, you’re as pretty as I am,” Cecelia says.

I look down at her and put on a fake smile. “We’re pretty together.” She laughs as she eats some breakfast. One look at the food and I don’t feel hungry anymore, actually, I don’t think I ever felt hungry in the first place.

“Are you okay?” Sungyeol asks looking at me.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I say nodding my head as I attempt to shove a bite of the breakfast down my throat.

“I make the breakfast, I hope you enjoy,” Woohyun says.

“Yeah,” Hoya says chiming in, “he like even got in a fight with the cook here.”

“Maybe that’s just because he didn’t know how to speak Japanese,” Sungyeol interjects. The three of them start arguing while Cecelia laughs at how foolish they are and I just stare.

“So, what do you guys want to do today?” Sungyeol asks.

“Why don’t we just walk around today?” Hoya asks. “We’re going to be here for a while, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, we are,” Woohyun says, “let’s spend our first day relaxing.”

“So you don’t want to go out?” Sungyeol asks confused.

“No, we want to go out,” Hoya says clearing up the misunderstanding. “We just don’t want to go anywhere too wild or crazy.”

“Ah, yeah,” Sungyeol says. It seems like he remembers something, but I don’t know what it is. It’s not even like I’m up to actually understanding.

“What do you want to do, Allie?” Woohyun asks looking at me.

“What?” I ask.

“Is there anything that you want to do in Japan, it is your and Cecelia’s first time overseas.”

“Whatever Cecelia wants,” I say looking at her.

“Can we visit oppa at work?” Cecelia asks.

“Oppa?” the other three asks looking at each other.

“She must mean Myungsoo,” Woohyun says looking at them. Their confused faces are really funny, yet I can’t bring myself to smile at them like I normally would.

“You want to visit him at work, Cecelia?” Sungyeol asks. It seems as though he and her are much closer. I mean, they play together all of the time and they got kidnapped together and now they’re sharing a room together. They seem much closer than I’ve recently been with Cecelia. “I think we would have to call first and ask, but there’s no harm in that. I’m going to go call him.”

Sungyeol leaves the table, probably to go call Myungsoo and ask if we can go to his workplace. If we’re going to his workplace, I definitely don’t want to wear this outfit. It’s not even like I actually wanted to in the first place. I don’t know what the whole thing is about, but I just don’t want him to see me dressed like this. I actually don’t want anyone to see me dressed like this.


Myungsoo’s POV

“Alright,” I say to Sungyeol. “Just give me a minute. I have to ask my grandmother. Grandma?” I ask as I go into her office. I’m here for two reasons. One is to tell her that I can’t work with Yuri and another one is to ask if the guys could come visit the workplace.

“Yes, Myungsoo?” she asks looking up from her papers.

“I don’t think I can work with Yuri.”

“Why not?” she asks placing the papers neatly on her desk.

“She’s just…I don’t know,” I say. “She just gives me a weird vibe.”

“Ignore her weird vibe, listen to what she has to say,” my grandmother says.

“What?” I ask looking at her.

“She’s not as bad, she’s just hard-headed and upfront. People don’t like her for that reason when they first meet her,” my grandmother explains. “But listen to her. I’m sure she has important things to say.”

“No, I don’t think so,” I say.

“If it’s about Sunggyu, then listen to what she has to say,” my grandmother suddenly says. I stare at her with my mouth open. “Yes, you heard me correctly.” She picks up the papers once again and looks over them. “Work with Yuri and listen to what she has to say or your friends can’t come here.”

“How did you…” I begin. How did she know that?

“Grandmothers know everything, Myungsoo,” she says giving me a bright smile. “Now go, tell your friends they’re welcome. I’m sure you’re going to go back to Yuri. She’s not a bad person, just listen. How are you going to run a company if you don’t listen to people?”

“True,” I say looking down at the ground. I put the phone back up to my ear. “You guys can come.”

“Awesome,” Sungyeol says. “We’ll be there in a few.”

I slowly walk back to the room that Yuri’s in. “I’m guessing that you’re coming back,” she says with a disgusting smile, but I remember my grandmother’s words. I have to listen to her. It still baffles me how she knows that I’m here to get information about Suggyu. Maybe I should have a deeper conversation with her after work hours.

“Whatever,” I say as I slouch down onto the couch.

“Look,” she says coming over to me, “we’re family; I was only attempting to be nice.”

“Family?” I ask looking at her. What’s up with all of these family secrets?

“Yes, family. Your uncle’s son, I’m his wife. We’ve never met before. I should’ve introduced myself sooner. I’m sorry about that,” Yuri says apologizing. I stare at her. I didn’t know that my cousin got married, more importantly; I don’t even know most of my cousins. They don’t pay attention to my grandmother. I’m the only one that regularly comes and visits her. That’s why my grandmother says that I’m going to get the company.

“But that doesn’t explain it,” I mutter to myself.

“Explain how I know the whole back-story with Sunggyu?” she asks. I nod my head. “I don’t know everything, I only know a couple of things. Your grandmother knows more than I do, of course she would.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, are we interrupting something?” I hear Sungyeol’s voice at the door ask.

“Nope,” I quickly say standing up to greet them.

“Oppa,” Cecelia says running to me. I quickly pick her up.

“Who is this?” Yuri asks pointing at her. “Is it your younger sister?”

“Sadly, I’m an only child,” I tell her, “she’s my soon-to-be-sister-in-law,” I say with a smile on my face.

“You’re engaged?” Yuri asks surprised.

“No he’s not,” Sungyeol says hitting me on the back of the head, much to Cecelia’s amusement. “This is Allie’s younger sister, Cecelia. Allie? Where’s Allie?”

I look around and see that she’s not there. “She was here when we came,” Hoya says.

“Did she escape somewhere?” Woohyun asks.

“Here, Yuri,” I say putting Cecelia down. “I’m going to go look for her. I’ll introduce you to everyone. Everyone, this is Yuri. Yuri, this is Sungyeol, Woohyun, Hoya, and Cecelia. I have to find Allie.”

“Hello,” Yuri says bowing before them. “I’m Yuri, cousin to Myungsoo, by marriage.”

“Myungsoo, why didn’t you tell me that you had an attractive cousin?” Woohyun asks. He’ll never change. And he’s the one that told me that he likes Allie.

“Did you not hear the by marriage part?” I ask him. It still doesn’t dampen his spirits, though. That guy is quite something. No wonder his nickname was Namstar.


Allie’s POV

As soon as we got to the building, I was afraid to go inside, but I was dragged inside. When I saw that they weren’t paying attention, I made my escape. I just don’t feel like being around people. I don’t like all of them looking at me, especially when I’m dressed like this. There’s no way.

Just what does Myungsoo do at this place? Does he work here? Well, obviously he has to work here because Cecelia said that she wanted to go to his workplace. Does his grandmother own this building or something?

I wish I had a jacket or something to help cover me up, but I don’t. I wish I would’ve grabbed one before I left the house or something, then at least it would be less embarrassing. Why did Woohyun have to drag me out of bed? I just want to sleep, I’m tired.

Walking down the street, I feel the people staring at me. I don’t know any Japanese and I feel completely loss. After a while, I stop and take a look around. I’m really lost now. A man comes up to me and starts speaking Japanese to me, but I don’t understand what he’s saying. I just stare at him. My English skills aren’t the best either so I can’t communicate that way, either.

I attempt to walk away, but the guy quickly grabs onto my arm. What is he going to do? Out of instinct, I run the way that I came as fast as I can, even if it means that I’ll get lost more. I don’t like people touching me.

“Allie? Allie?” Is that Myungsoo that I hear calling my name? I look around but I can’t see him anywhere. “Allie? Allie?” I hear him calling me, I know it’s him.

Without even looking around, I keep running forward until I feel a pair of arms wrap round me. Unknowingly, I start hitting the body. “Allie, stop.” I realize that it’s Myungsoo that I’m hitting. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Myungsoo,” I say.

“Allie, what’s wrong?” he asks looking at me. “Were you running from someone? Why are you dressed in these clothes?”

“Woohyun,” I say breathlessly. “He told me to.”

“You shouldn’t listen to things that Woohyun says,” Myungsoo says with a light laugh. “He just wants to dress you up in outfits that he thinks are appealing. Should I take you shopping to get something else?”

“Don’t you have to go to work?” I ask.

“Not really,” Myungsoo says shaking his head. “My grandmother owns the building, she actually owns the company. I’m just volunteering my time there for the day and spending some time with her.”

“Oh,” I say nodding my head.

Suddenly, I feel light and dizzy. It feels like my whole body is suddenly becoming lighter. “Allie, are you okay?” Myungsoo asks putting his arms around me. I can’t manage to say anything. I can’t do anything. Everything around me just blacks out.


Myungsoo’s POV

I quickly take Allie to the hospital. Just because of my name, I’m able to get her in to seek help within a reasonable amount of time. Also, I have the ability to speak Japanese, so talking to the doctors aren’t going to be a problem, either.

While the doctor is checking up on Allie, I decide to call Sungyeol to have him explain what has happened to my grandmother. Out of everyone that’s come, he’s probably the second closest to her purely because he’s my closest friend.

“She fainted?” Sungyeol asks over the phone.

“Yeah, I think it might have been added stress,” I say. “Why did Woohyun-hyung have her wear that stupid thing?”

“I don’t know,” Sungyeol says. “Do you think that that’s why?”

“I’m not sure,” I admit. “The doctors before said that if anything like caused her stress or maybe if she felt she was in danger. I really don’t know, but can you explain the situation to my grandmother?”

“Sure,” Sungyeol says, “I’m sure she’ll understand.”

“And can you keep an eye on Yuri?” I whisper.

“Why do you want to keep an eye on her, she’s your family.”

“I’m not sure if I can trust her.”

“I understand. I wouldn’t trust anybody, either,” Sungyeol says with a laugh. “But I’ll tell your grandmother right now.”

“What is everyone doing?”

“Woohyun, Cecelia, and Hoya are still in the room with Yuri. I’m out here in the office talking with you.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head. “Thanks again, Sungyeol.”

“No problem,” Sungyeol says.

I hang up the phone as the doctor comes out of the room that Allie was placed in. “Are you her guardian?” the doctor asks in Japanese. It’s moments like these that I think that my parents were actually useful for something, but only in moments like these. Not that the situation is ideal, but just knowing a different language when they forced me to learn against my will.

“I’m her boyfriend,” I state.

“I can start by saying that her body isn’t doing well. It seems that she has been under a lot of stress.”

“Stress?” I ask. “But I’ve been doing my best to keep her out of stress.”

“What she needs right now is to rest and have someone by her side.”

“Okay,” I say nodding my head.

“Also, some counseling sessions could also help aid in curing whatever is bothering her,” the doctor suggests. “If you have any more questions, don’t be afraid to ask. She should wake up soon.”

“Yes. Thank you,” I say. We both bow to each other before leaving.

I slowly enter the room that Allie’s in. I look at her sleeping. Just what is going on inside of her brain? Does she not know that I’m here for her? Does she not know that I’m here to help her? Why does she try to keep everything inside? Why is she dealing with everything alone?

I’m here to help. Doesn’t she understand?


Allie’s POV

It feels like I’m stuck in a dreamland. I don’t know what I’m doing. It seems like I’m looking at a younger version of myself, but when I try to talk, nothing comes out and when I stand in front of me, I don’t take notice. Where am I?

“We’re taking your sister away,” an unknown voice says. I look around in this dreamland and see a man in a suit standing there.

“No, you can’t take my sister away, she’s the only family I have,” I say.

“You’re too young to look after her. There’s no way that a teenager like you can provide a proper home for a growing young girl. She deserves a better life,” the woman says.

“And don’t you think I do, too?” I ask them. “What’s going to happen to me when she leaves? I’ll have nothing.”

“You’ll be placed in an orphanage until you graduate from high school. From then on, it’s your own life.”

“No, you’re not taking her,” I protest.

“Do you not know what you’re doing?” the man argues.

“Don’t you know what you’re doing?” I ask. “You’re taking away the only person that matters to me anymore. My life just got ripped apart and you’re making it worse.”

“You’re not going to be able to make it. You’re going to fail.”

“Go ahead, think that I’m going to fail,” I tell them, tears welling in my eyes. “You can think that I’m going to fail but I’m going to prove to you otherwise. You aren’t going to take my sister from me.”

“The moment you fail,” the woman says, “she’s ours.”

My world is spinning once again and brings up another scene from my past. It was when I was even younger than that and it was when I was with Sunggyu in elementary school. Well, Sunggyu was in middle school by this time and Myungsoo and I were in our last year of elementary school. It was before he moved.

“I like you,” Sunggyu tells me.

“Oppa, you’re silly,” I tell him with a smile across my face.

“I’m serious, Allie, I like you,” Sunggyu repeats.

“That’s nice, oppa,” I say not even paying attention to him. What was I thinking during that time?

“You like Myungsoo don’t you?” he asks.

“Why? He’s only my friend,” I state looking at Sunggyu. He hasn’t changed since his elementary years, even if he is older than we are.

“Then why don’t you say anything? Are you waiting for him?” I shake my head. “Allie, you’re mine and you’re only going to be mine. No one else’s, okay? You’re definition not going to be Kim Myungsoo’s. That much I can guarantee you.”

It now feels like I’m falling. It feels I’m falling in a bottomless pit.


Myungsoo’s POV

I stare at Allie and realize how much my heart hurts seeing her there like that. I hope it’s not much longer until she wakes up. I hope Allie wakes up soon, I hope she gets better soon. I hope she accepts my feelings even sooner.

Just what did she deal with that’s making her this way? What did she experience when she got kidnapped?

I grab her hand as I sit besides the hospital bed. So this is what it feels like. This is what it feels like to have someone that you love on a hospital bed and unable to help them. I never thought that I would feel this way. Thankfully, though, Allie’s not deathly ill and she’s not on her deathbed. She’s just sick, unwell. What’s something that I could do to help bring her back to normal?

“Sungyeol,” I say calling him up on the phone again.

“Nothing’s happened yet, everything seems normal,” Sungyeol quickly says.

“I wasn’t going to ask you about that,” I say. “Can you bring Cecelia to the hospital?”

“Do you really want her at the hospital?” Sungyeol asks.

“That’s true,” I say rethinking it. “She may have some bad memories when it comes to hospitals. Could you at least give her the phone for me?”

“Sure, give me a moment,” Sungyeol says. I hear shuffling on the other line before I hear Cecelia’s soft voice.

“Oppa, Choding-oppa said that you wanted to talk to me?” she asks. How can she be so cute? I don’t even see her and I can only imagine what she looks like, so innocent and pure saying those things. I’m sorry to her because she’s wrapped up in this world. I wish she would be able to keep her innocence forever.

“Yes, Cecelia,” I happily say as I walk out of the hospital room and into the hallway. “Do you know what you and your unni used to do when you guys were having a bad day?”

“When one of us was sick?” she asks.

“Yes, that works,” I say.

“When I was sick, unni would always tuck me into bed and she would read me stories. She would also bring me all of my favorite foods, even if it wasn’t good for me.”

“That sounds nice,” I say. “What else did she do?”

“She would stay by me all of the time and make sure that I was feeling comfortable. Unni would check up on me all of the time.”

“Cecelia, I’m going to give you a very special mission, can you do that for me?” I ask her.

“Sure,” she says. I know that she would never not do something for me.

“Can you write down all of your unni’s favorite things? Like her favorite food, movies, books, even colors, animals.”

“Okay,” Cecelia brightly says.

“You can do it right there in the office. If you have trouble spelling words, I’m sure Choding-oppa would be happy to help you.”

“Okay, oppa,” Cecelia says.

“Okay, it was nice talking to you Cecelia,” I say before I hang up the phone.

“You, too,” she says before I hang up the line.

I’m going to make Allie better. I’m going to do everything in my power to help her return back to normal. There’s no way that I’m going to lose her. I’m getting her back. Sunggyu’s not going to win this. He’s not going to ruin my life.


Will Myungsoo be able to save Allie? Is Yuri good or bad? What is the story with Sunggyu's mother and Myungsoo's mother? How does Myungsoo's grandmother already know he came for answers about Sunggyu?


Chapter 22 is here. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed :D


And you guys are really split about the decision for a sequel or a lot of chapters long. I don't know, but I think I'm heading towards the's in the lead right now, but not by much. The poll is still open, so you can still vote if you wish :)

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The link to the sequel is now up. Check the final chapter for the link. Enjoy :D


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Chapter 31: I can't wait to read the sequel.
congrats :)
Congrats :D
AmpersandAR #5
congrats ^_^
Chapter 29: I LITERALLY READ THIS RIGHT AFTER I SUBSCRIBED SRRY I'm kind of excited for the sequeeelllllllll
yooamie #8
Chapter 29: aieeeee, I totally loved the ending! this whole fanfic is amazing!:)
Binniee #9
Chapter 31: Wow.... a beautifully crafted master piece indeed. I've spent all day finishing your story and it wasn't even a bit boring.! Honestly, this story is just one of my few favs! Though I wasn't particularly a fan of infinite, you made me to become one :)
Will be, of course, reading your sequel with great expectation :D
Anyway, welldone!!
InfiniteLove27 #10
love your story:D i also love that your chapters are long!!!!