Questions and Possible Answers

The Other Side of Cinderella

Myungsoo’s POV

“Grandma,” I exclaim as all of us enter the living room where the maid has directed us.

“Oh, Myungsoo,” my grandmother says immediately standing up at the sight of me. We both hug each other until she notices the people standing behind me. “And who are they?” she asks giving each of them a loving look.

“They’re my friends,” I say turning around to face them with my arm still around her. My grandmother and I are very close. Even though she lives in Japan, I still find time to visit her when I feel like I need to. Actually, she’s been there for me more than my parents. Instead of an evil grandmother that runs a company, everyone really respects her and likes her because she is so kindhearted to everyone.

“Your friends? Ah yes,” she says remembering, “I remember you mentioning something about bringing your friends along on the phone.”

“Yup,” I say nodding my head. “You probably remember Sungyeol, Woohyun, and Hoya from high school,” I say as I point to them. Grandma nods her head in agreement. “And this is Allie and her little sister Cecelia. Remember Allie? We went to elementary school together.”

“I think I do, but you know I’m getting old, Myungsoo,” my grandmother says with a light laugh.

I laugh along with her. “You aren’t that old,” I say.

“Well here, why don’t I take you to your rooms?” she offers.

“You should stay here,” I tell her, “you’re probably very busy. I’m sure we can manage ourselves. Am I just getting the same room that I always get?”

“Yup,” Grandma says nodding her head. “And then there’s the neighboring rooms around it, one for each person.”

“Thank you,” everyone says as they bow in unison, even Allie. Maybe this trip is going to go more smoothly than I planned.

With that, we leave my grandmother in the room to continue her work as we go upstairs to where our rooms are. “It’s been forever since I was here,” I say looking around. I haven’t really stayed at the house since my engagement with Uee. Ever since the engagement, I didn’t really have time to do anything that I wished. I did visit her once after we broke off the engagement, to which she was absolutely thrilled about. I guess I should visit her more. Maybe Cecelia and Allie could come with me.

Finally we get upstairs and I spot my old room. “This one is mine,” I explain to them, “You guys can pick your own room. Cecelia, Allie, do you guys want to share a room or be separate?” I ask them. I think that they would be good sharing a room. “Or,” I say looking at Cecelia as another idea pops into my head. “Do you want to stay with Sungyeol-oppa and play games all night?”

“Let’s play games,” Cecelia excitedly says as she runs over and jumps into Sungyeol’s arms. I laugh at the sight. They really do look like father and daughter.

“Allie,” I say taking a step closer to her, “do you want to room with me? Will you feel comfortable that way?”

“Sure,” Allie says looking at the ground. She doesn’t even look at me. Is she okay?

“Hey, that means I’m all alone,” Woohyun complains.

“You have me,” I hear Hoya say. I look up and see Hoya slowly getting close to Woohyun.

“You do know that you guys could have your own room,” I state.

“Nah, I like sharing, don’t you?” Hoya asks looking at Woohyun.

“Yup,” Woohyun says as he makes half of a heart on top of his head and Hoya does the other half.

“Then it’s settled,” I say. “Why don’t we say that it’s a night and we can do things tomorrow?” I ask.

“Sure,” they all say as they go into their respective rooms.

“C’mon,” I say grabbing Allie’s hand and leading her into my room. I watch her as she sits down on the bed as I pull our suitcases and put them into a corner. “Do you want to wash up first or do you want me to?”

“You can,” she says. She doesn’t even look at me anymore. I hope this trip helps. I hope it helps both her and me.

“Okay,” I say as I rummage around my suitcase to find clothes even though I know perfectly well that there are still clothes in the drawers and dressers. I’m just waiting for Allie to look at me once in a while. Is that too much to ask?


Allie’s POV

I look around Myungsoo’s room. It looks like it’s a child’s room. There are a lot of cute things around the room. When was the last time that he actually used this room? There are little trucks all around on the floor along with cars and other various toys like action figures.

His grandmother seems like a nice person, though. She seems like she knows what she’s doing and isn’t like some of those other older people. I’m happy for that, I guess.

I sigh and look down at my feet when I realize what there’s a small dog in the room. Is this Myungsoo’s dog? Without hesitation, the dog jumps up onto Myungsoo’s bed and starts walking around until it decides to get next to me. “Hello,” I say leaning down to get eye level and patting its head. “You’re cute. What’s your name?”

“Its name is Puppy.” I immediately turn around and see Myunsooo standing in the doorway with already wet hair.

“You take a fast shower,” I comment.

“Yeah,” he says sitting down next to me and on the other side of Puppy. “So its name is Puppy?” I ask.

“It is indeed,” Myungsoo says as he starts patting its head and petting it, to which it really enjoys. “The dog is only like four years old. I gave it to my grandmother before I got engaged,” he explains. “She told me to name it. I named it Puppy, for no particular reason.”

“Oh,” I say nodding my head. I look at Myungsoo and see him looking at me. Not knowing what to do and feeling slightly uncomfortable, I quickly stand up. “I’m going to go wash up.”

“O-okay,” Myungsoo hesitantly says as I go into my suitcase, grab any clothes available, and rush towards the bathroom.

Before I go into the shower, I look at myself in the mirror. Why are things so awkward between Myungsoo and me? He was the one that saved me, he’s saved me numerous amounts of times that I will probably never be able to repay him back for. But still, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable around him. After being touched by Sungjong and the other guy that I still can’t identify, not to mention Sunggyu before, it just feels uncomfortable now.

Washing away all of my thoughts of the moment, I step into the shower.

I come out of the shower feeling fresh and new, even though I still can’t help but feel uncomfortable. Why am I feeling like this? Why am I never feeling happy anymore? Is it because of everything that’s happened?

“Ah, you’re out,” Myungsoo quickly says shutting his laptop lid on his desk. He quickly comes over and sits next to me on the bed as I start to dry my hair. “Here, I’ll help.”

Before I can object, Myungsoo takes the towel. I don’t say anything, I can’t say anything. It just feels like I’m on guard all of the time.

“Let’s just go to bed,” Myungsoo says after he’s done drying my hair. I watch him as he goes up to the top of the bed and pulls down the covers. He slips himself in as he pats the spot next to him. “You’re tired, you have to be tired. Let’s go to sleep.” It seems like he’s only talking to calm himself down.

Slowly, I crawl into bed, but I keep the farthest distance away from him that I can, which means going on the other end of the bed. I feel Myungsoo toss and turn on the bed, but he doesn’t come anywhere close to me. He has to sense that I’m afraid. I just hope I stop being afraid, but I don’t know when that day will come.

I stare at the wall for a couple of minutes as I start feeling tired. It’s late and we’re in a new country. As I think about what we may do tomorrow, I feel my eyes start getting heavier as I gently close them.


Myungsoo’s POV

I wake up early, for once. I look over on the other side of the bed and see Allie lying there. When will she allow me to be close with her again? I get up for the day and wash up since I know my grandmother will start an early day and I need to start becoming her friend again. I should start asking some questions about the past to make it look like I’m interested in those types of things. I have to know what happened before I was born.

After I change into my clothes for the day, which consists of just jeans and a polo shirt, I lean down and look at Allie’s sleeping face. She slept facing the other side of the wall all night. As much as I wanted to roll over and just grab onto her, I know that I couldn’t. More than likely, she would’ve freaked out about the whole situation. I have to follow what the doctors advise, but it’s killing me inside.

But I’m going to change. If I can change, Allie can get better.

Before I leave the room, I write down a small note to Allie stating that I’ll be leaving first and that she should spend the day with Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, and Cecelia. I already discussed this with Sungyeol and Woohyun on the plane. They know about my urgency to get close to my grandmother once more. Plus, Sungyeol’s been to Japan plenty of times before, he can help show them around and become a tour guide. I’m not worried at all. I just hope they take good care of Allie.

Making my way downstairs, the various maids and butlers that are working in the house greet me. I politely greet them back. The people here don’t really know the Myungsoo that changed because of Uee, they simply know the nice Myungsoo, the pre-Uee Myungsoo.

“Good morning, Grandma,” I say as I enter the dining room and see her eating her light breakfast. Her breakfast choice of oatmeal hasn’t changed one bit.

“Myungsoo, you’re up bright and early,” she says looking at me with a glow in her eye. This job isn’t going to be hard at all.

“Of course, I wish to go to the company with my grandmother today.”

“You don’t have to; it’s your first day in Japan. Don’t you want to rest some more, don’t you want to take those lovely friends of yours out for a tour? Japan is your second home.”

“It’s alright, Grandma,” I say taking a seat next to her. “Sungyeol has been here plenty of times. Plus, if I’m going to take over the company from you, isn’t it bad if I don’t at least tag along with you? I’m not in Japan often, so we should do it. I can go exploring later, after work hours.”

“Are you sure?” she asks me once again.

“Absolutely positive,” I say flashing a smile.

“Well, if you insist,” Grandma says finally giving in. “Eat a little breakfast first before we leave.”

After I eat a little to show her that I’m serious about this whole thing, I get into the car with Grandma to go to the company building.

My grandmother isn’t like normal grandmothers out there. First of all, she isn’t that old really. My grandmother is only in her like early sixties, I believe. She is fully capable of running the company by herself. She strives to go in a different direction than most businesses, as in she actually works in the office with the people. The workers can feel comfortable around her and they can address her by her name. I really wish that I’m able to be like my grandmother when I take over the company.

“So, tell me,” Grandma says starting up the conversation, “what’s going on between you and Allie?”

“What?” I ask shocked looking at my grandmother.

“Obviously you two have something going on,” she says eyeing me.

“No, no, you have it all wrong,” I say attempting to change her mind. As much as I would like for Allie and I to be together, we’re actually in no state to have a relationship with each other. Maybe once Allie is better, but right now, we can’t.

“I know love when I see it.”

“Love? You’re mistaken.”

“I am not, Myungsoo,” she says with a wide smile. “You love her and she likes you.”

“I’m not so sure about the second part,” I say.

“What do you mean?” she asks.

“Um…let’s just say that Allie is in a vulnerable state,” I say not wanting to give away too much and worry my grandmother.

“Past love? I understand, but her heart is slowly healing and finding its way towards you.” I just look at her while she continues talking. “I believe you and Allie would make pretty babies. You know how much I want great-great grandchildren.”

“Grandma!” I protest. My grandmother doesn’t say anything and instead, she just laughs at me. I just look at her while she’s laughing. She’s really the jokester.


Allie’s POV

I wake up to the shaking of the bed. “What are you doing?” I complain without even opening my eyes. I don’t want to be woken up. I just feel like sleeping.

“Unni wake up,” Cecelia says, “Choding-oppa says that we’re going to go explore Japan today.”

I barely even move, but I open my eyes to look at her. I don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t feel like doing anything at all. I hear a knock at the door and I’m guessing Cecelia goes over to answer it because the pressure lightens up on the bed.

“You’re still not up, Allie?” It’s Woohyun. “We have a lot to do today.”

“What’s up with everyone being cheery?” I ask as I attempt to get some more sleep.

“Hey, don’t you want to see Japan? As far as I know, this is your first time overseas,” Woohyun says. “Cecelia, why don’t you go eat some breakfast with Sungyeol? I have your unni, alright?”

After a little while, the door closes again and I’m assuming that Cecelia’s out of the room. “I just want to sleep,” I mumble.

“You can’t,” Woohyun protests.

“Why not?” I ask. “I don’t feel up to doing anything.”

“Why not?” he asks me.

“Why not what?”

“Why don’t you feel up to doing anything?”

“What is this, a therapy session?” I ask.

“Well, the Namstar is always here to help,” he says. I don’t even turn to face him. I just want to sleep. Is it really too much to ask for some peace and quiet? “Where’s Myungsoo?” I hear him ask.

“Don’t know.”

“Well, someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

“I’m still in bed.”

“Right,” Wooohyun quickly says. “Oh look, there’s a note.” I hear him move on the bed and I feel some of his weight on me as he reaches over me, but before I can complain, he swiftly moves away. “Allie,” he begins reading aloud, “I’m off to spend the day with my grandmother, but don’t feel sad. Spend the day with the rest of the boys; let them take you around Japan a little bit. Don’t be cooped up in the room the whole day. Love, Myungsoo.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“A note that Myungsoo left you. Aw, he loves you,” Woohyun says with a laugh. “Our Myungie is growing up. Now, Allie, let’s get out of bed and abide by Myungsoo’s wishes. How about it? I’m not going to take no for an answer.” His voice suddenly sounds very, very serious. “So is it going to be by force or willingly?”

I grumble out of bed as I toss and turn in the covers. All I wanted was a little more sleep. If I don’t have to do anything, then why am I going to go out with these people? Do they not know that I just want to sleep, to get away from the world for a little while. I don’t want to be near anyone, I just think that I need my own space for a little while, but they want to hang out together. “I guess it’s willingly,” I unhappily mutter. “It’s not like you’re giving me an easy choice.”

“I knew it,” Woohyun happily says in response. “Now let’s get changed. I’m sure the other guys are waiting for us at breakfast. Oh, and I’ve already picked out your outfit.”

As I go into the bathroom, Woohyun shoves some clothes in my direction. Why did he pick out my clothes for me to wear? I was just going to wear some sweatpants or some overly large jeans and a sweatshirt. Why must Woohyun pick out my clothes for me?


Myungsoo’s POV

I walk into the company with my grandmother. Many people greet her as she walks past and she greets them back with her friendly nature. A lot of people also ask her who I am and she introduces me as her lovely grandson who is just visiting her temporarily. I’m pretty sure that she really likes bragging about me.

“Myungsoo,” my grandmother says turning to me. “Why don’t you help with my head secretary here?”

“Sure,” I say with a bright smile. We’re in the workplace; everything should be bright and cheerful. “Who is your head secretary?”

“Her name is Yuri,” my grandmother says pointing into a room a little down the hall. “She should be in there. You can help her for the day.”

“Yuri? Is she Korean?” I can’t help but ask.

“Yup, she’s Korean. That’s why you’re going to be working with her. That way you guys can communicate easier,” Grandma explains.

“Okay,” I say nodding my head. As much as I don’t want to be working with another woman, since I’m afraid of Allie finds out she’ll misunderstand, I don’t want to upset my grandmother either. I just have to follow her orders. Plus, I know that my grandmother can actually sense that Allie and I like each other and she’s waiting for us. She won’t push me to go to another person, would she?

I walk a little down the hallway until I see a doorway that says Kwon Yuri on it. Walking inside, I see a woman sitting at her desk typing away on the computer with brown hair. “Hello,” she says immediately looking up. I can feel her eyes looking at me.

“Um hello,” I say bowing before her. “I’m Kim Myungsoo.”

“So, you’re the boss’s grandson,” she comments.

“Ah, yes,” I say. “My grandmother has told me to come and help you for the day. I guess I’m supposed to be following you around.”

“I guess so,” she says standing up from the desk. “I’m just replying back to some e-mails. Feel free to sit over there.” She points towards where there is a sort of couch thing. “It won’t take that much longer.”

Silently, I go over and sit down. I just stare at the room. It looks like a very plain room, there’s really nothing in it besides what a normal secretary would have, like the desk, computer, and other random things. As I look around the room, my eyesight falls on Yuri a little bit every time. I can feel her staring at me. Does she want to like pounce on me while we’re sitting in here alone?

“So, Myungsoo,” Yuri says starting up the conversation. How long has she been staring at me? “Your grandmother has surely said a lot about you.”

“Good things I hope,” I say.

“Absolutely good things,” she says cracking a smile. “Ah, to close the gap, why don’t you call me noona?”

“Noona?” I ask. I’m a little taken aback by her words. She wants me to call her noona on the day that we just met? If I were the old Myungsoo, I would’ve jumped on that opportunity and then I would spend the night with her and it would be over. However, I promised to myself that I would change. I’m going to change for Allie. I’m never going to call her noona, not even in a thousand years.

“Yes, noona. Or would you rather have me call you oppa?” she suggests as she leans her head against her arms.

Is this woman crazy? Why are all of the crazy people attracted to me? First it was Uee and now it’s this Yuri chick? Maybe if I met Yuri a long time ago, then sure, I would jump on this opportunity, but no, not now. Not when the woman that I love is in an unstable mental state. No.

“Sorry,” I say as I get up. “I don’t think I can work with you.”

I start heading towards the door to ask my grandmother if I could stick with her today since Yuri is slightly making me feel uncomfortable and I know that my grandmother knows that I like Allie and that Allie likes me. Why she would stick me with this Yuri person, I don’t know.

“Why not stay?” she asks. “I have what you need.”

“I don’t need anything from you,” I say as I’m about to open the door.

“I have all of the answers that you want.”

“You have no answers.” I open the door and start to walk out when the sound of her voice stops me again.

“I have the answers to Kim Sunggyu.” My whole body tenses hearing that name. How does she know him? My grandmother did say that she’s Korean, but if she’s working here, then she has to live in Japan. “Now I have your attention,” she slyly says.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I make another attempt to leave. I don’t need to hear about Sunggyu from her. I can get it from my grandmother, I trust her the most.

“You know perfectly well what I’m talking about.”

“I’m sorry,” I say turning back and looking at her. “I really have no idea. You must’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

With that, I leave the room with her standing there looking at me as I go back to find my grandmother. I don’t know who that Head Secretary Kwon Yuri thinks she is, but she is really annoying thinking she knows everything. What does she know about me? What does she know about Kim Myungsoo?


Who exactly is Yuri? What does she know about Sunggyu? How is the rest of the trip going to go? Is Myungsoo's grandmother going to have answers for him? Is Myungsoo going to help cure Allie and bring her back to normal? What is the story behind Myungsoo's mother and Sunggyu's mother?


Chapter 21 is up. Hope you enjoyed :D 

I really should be getting to bed. It's 1:40 A.M. here. So yeah, I'm tired. But it's Saturday, so I can sleep in.


Anyway, some people want a sequel and others are saying that they want this fanfic to be a lot of chapters. It's really close with each other. You can still vote in the poll, so do it! They're close, which one should I choose? Should there be a sequel? Should this just be a lot of chapters long? Help me choose! Please :D


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The link to the sequel is now up. Check the final chapter for the link. Enjoy :D


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Chapter 31: I can't wait to read the sequel.
congrats :)
Congrats :D
AmpersandAR #5
congrats ^_^
Chapter 29: I LITERALLY READ THIS RIGHT AFTER I SUBSCRIBED SRRY I'm kind of excited for the sequeeelllllllll
yooamie #8
Chapter 29: aieeeee, I totally loved the ending! this whole fanfic is amazing!:)
Binniee #9
Chapter 31: Wow.... a beautifully crafted master piece indeed. I've spent all day finishing your story and it wasn't even a bit boring.! Honestly, this story is just one of my few favs! Though I wasn't particularly a fan of infinite, you made me to become one :)
Will be, of course, reading your sequel with great expectation :D
Anyway, welldone!!
InfiniteLove27 #10
love your story:D i also love that your chapters are long!!!!