Closer and Closer

The Other Side of Cinderella

Myungsoo’s POV

“Well, I have all of the time in the world now, apparently,” Allie says sitting down on my bed. I stare at her; she can’t possibly want to know what happened between me and my previous girlfriend, right?

“Well I just don’t,” I say attempting to walk out of my bedroom.

“Why won’t you just tell me about her? Was she really that important to you?” I hear Allie ask. I stop in my tracks and turn around to face her.

“Why won’t you tell me why you don’t live with your parents then?” I ask her suddenly remembering about the picture and them not being there. I see her go silent, I shouldn’t have said anything, I stepped the line…again. “Allie…I,” I begin going up to her and grabbing her arm, but she just pulls away. I see tears in her eyes; she’s going to cry about it, it’s probably a horrible memory just like mine. This time she’s not going to turn to me to comfort her.

“Did you ever ask?” she asks looking at me. I just shake my head, there’s really nothing else that I’m able to do. “If you asked, I would’ve told you.”

“Allie, I didn’t mean to upset you.” I attempt my best at comforting, but then again, I’m not that good at it.

“You didn’t mean it, is that your catchphrase?” she asks looking at me. I see a tear run down her face. I’ve really done it now. I walk a step closer, but she takes a step back. “Why do you think the world revolves around what you say? Why do you think that just because you’re one way, everyone else will be the same?”

I look at her, is she right? Is it just because of who my parents are and my lack of guidance by any adult figure that I think of myself like this, like the world revolves around me? Before I realize what I’m doing, I grab Allie into my embrace. I feel her fighting against me, hitting my chest. “Don’t,” I simply say while attempting to stop her from hitting me. “I didn’t mean to make you cry and I won’t force you to say anything. You can tell me when you’re ready, just please understand that I’m not ready to talk about my girlfriend, or rather she’s my ex-girlfriend.”

It’s still hard for me to admit that we’ve broken up, no matter how long ago that was. It’s difficult to always talk about her let alone talk about our breakup. I’m just not ready for it, I hope she understands.

I suddenly feel Allie’s arms wrapped around my waist. Is she hugging me back? The night of fire comes back into my mind, how Allie hugged me then and how my heart was racing. My heart’s beginning to race now. It’s only when I’m with Allie and it’s never raced this much before, not even for her. This has to mean that I like her, right? Should I tell her that I think I like her? I should be sure of my feelings first, it wouldn’t be good to tell someone that you think you like them.

‘Allie,” I say, but she just shakes her head in my chest. I look down at her and I see her crying. It breaks my heart thinking that I was the one who made this happen to her. I gently wipe her tears and use my other hand to pat her back and say comforting words, just like the night of the fire. I hug her tighter as my heart beats faster.


Allie’s POV

What is Myungsoo doing to me? First he gets me angry and now he’s comforting me. A sense of déjà vu comes over me, has he done this before? “Myungsoo,” I utter after the tears have let up a bit.

“Hmm?” he asks pulling apart from the hug so he can see my face. He uses his hands to wipe the remainder of the tears away.

“Have you done this before?” He looks confused. “Like…have you comforted me before and I don’t remember?”

Myungsoo sighs. “It was the night of the fire,” he admits. “I put you into my bed, but you were so upset that you hugged me and I comforted you and then I stayed by you until you fell asleep.” So it did happen before. “Why?”

“Nothing,” I say. “I was just wondering. I get this feeling that we’ve done it before.”

“Do you not like it?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No, I like it. It’s surprisingly comforting, for a spoiled brat like you,” I joke. I see Myungsoo smile, is it the first time that I’ve seen him smile sincerely? If he smiles more like that, I think I may be able to get addicted to it. Wait, what am I saying? I can’t be falling for him, this spoiled brat who knows exactly how to make me cry and angry, but he also knows how to make me happy. How is it possible?

“Well since you’re going to be living here after all, whenever you need some comforting, come to me. Okay?”

I look at him, is he serious? Does Myungsoo like me? I’m sort of getting the vibe that he does, but why would he? We get one ach others nerves half of the time, but the other half…somehow we can pull together and have touching moments like this.

“Hey, where’s Cecelia?” I ask attempting to change the subject.

“Oh yeah,” he says sounding slightly disappointed. Is he disappointed because I didn’t really answer his question? “Follow me.”

I follow Myungsoo throughout the house before we finally reach a door that we enter. I see Cecelia playing on the floor with a guy that’s probably Sungyeol. He looks just as childish as Cecelia, or rather, Cecelia looks like she’s more mature than he is. I laugh at the site and Cecelia sees me. “Unni,” she says coming over to me.

“Hey, are you having fun with that oppa?” I ask pointing towards Sungyeol.

“He’s a lot of fun, he played with me yesterday, too,” Cecelia exclaims.

“Well it’s good that you’re having fun,” I say to her.

“Hey, Sungyeol, can I talk to you?” Myungsoo asks.

“Um, sure,” Sungyeol says getting off of the ground. I can only wonder what they’re going to talk about, but I’m happy for the alone time with Cecelia. I haven’t had it in quite a while.

“So you don’t mind that we’re going to be living with this oppa?” I ask.

“I don’t mind,” Cecelia says, “he treats me nicely and he got all of these toys for me. I like him.” He got all of these toys for Cecelia? I told him not to spoil her, but she seems to be enjoying herself. Did he buy all of this on his own accord?

“Who is this?” I ask picking up a doll. Cecelia starts explaining to me all of her toys and their names as I begin to play with her. It’s nice being alone with just the two of us once in a while, but for the first time in a really long time, I feel as though I want something more. It’s not that Cecelia’s not enough, it’s like there’s just something else that should belong in my life. I decide to just disregard the feeling, though, and to just cherish the time that I have with Cecelia alone.


Myungsoo’s POV

I take Sungyeol out of the room to talk to him about Allie. He knows more of the “good boy” approach to getting a girl’s heart. I only know the “bad boy” approach, the approach of just being terribly blunt and asking being straightforward.

“What do you want? I was having a fun time playing family with Cecelia,” Sungyeol complains. I just hit him on the back of his head. “What was that for?” he asks.

“How do you get a girl’s heart?” I ask.

“Shouldn’t you know? You get girls all of the time,” Sungyeol says rubbing the back of his head.

“Not those types of girls,” I say. I see a flicker of recognition in Sungyeol’s eyes.

“This is about Allie, isn’t it?” he says slyly.

“Shut up about who it’s about, just tell me.”

“I didn’t know that Kim Myungsoo could do something like this,” Sungyeol says, he starts ranting about how he didn’t know that I had a soft side to me. “Wow, this is totally something new, I should have a video camera, you know.”

“Lee Sungyeol,” I practically yell at him.“Can you just help me or not?”

“Why don’t you just confess?” Sungyeol asks.


“Just tell her straight out that you like her.”

“There’s no way, I don’t confess, they confess to me,” I say.

“There you go again, just for once can’t you just do something you’ve never done? Allie doesn’t look like the type of girl to confess to the guy, I think she’ll wait for the guy to confess.”

I think about his words, it is quite possible that Allie’s like that, but it’s too bad that I’ve never met a girl like that before. All of the girls I’ve ever met have come to me saying that they like me, I’ve never confessed to a girl first, not even to her.

“Just help me,” I plead with Sungyeol.

“What happened to you and Allie that you suddenly want to confess?”

“My parents came home,” I confess. “They think that Allie’s my girlfriend.”

“Don’t tell me,” Sungyeol says, his eyes getting wide. He knows the whole story already. I simply nod my head. “Why do they think that?”

“They never saw my past girlfriend before; they don’t know anything about her. they think that Allie’s my girlfriend.”

“Are you going to tell them?”

“At dinner tonight I hope to get everything straightened out. Besides my parents coming home…” I begin. I see Sungyeol starting to get curious again. “You could say that Allie and I had another moment.”


“I thought I had an inkling of liking for her before,” I begin, “but when we hug, my heart just starts beating like crazy and now I’m sure that I like her.”

“Then why get the thing with your parents straightened out?” Sungyeol wonders. “If you’re just going to make her your girlfriend anyway?”

“Allie doesn’t know that, though, so in hopes of attempting to keep things between us normal, I’m going to talk to my parents. Okay? Now are you going to help me win her over or not?”

“Sure, I’ll help,” Sungyeol says looking at me. “I love these types of things.”

“Now first, I need you to go to the mall,” I say.

“The mall?”

“Yes, the mall.”


Allie’s POV

Dinnertime quickly approaches and I realize that I have nothing to wear since all of our things were destroyed in the fire. Cecelia’s not coming to the dinner since Myungsoo and I thought that it would be better if she went to something more her style. Myungsoo then convinced Sungyeol to take her to one of those places where they play games and eat. I’m sure the both of them will love it there. I enter the bedroom that Myungsoo told me I could use and I see a bag sitting on the bed with a note attached to it.


Hmm…thought that you had nothing to wear, didn’t you. Try this on, though. It should fit, I’m positive. Wear it nicely to the dinner tonight.

Kim Myungsoo


“Flaunting around your wealth again,” I say as I look through the bag. I pull out a black dress that goes right about to my knees that’s sort of scrunched up on the bottom, but the top has sequins on it. Am I allowed to wear this to dinner?

I change into my dress and put on simple makeup, nothing too thick or heavy because Myungsoo’s parents are going to be there. Wait, why am I so concerned about how his parents view me? I shouldn’t be concerned, it’s not like I’m his actual girlfriend.

I open my bedroom door to go downstairs when I see Myungsoo standing outside of the door. I see him look at me up and down with his mouth halfway hanging open. Has the boy fallen in love at first sight? It’s kind of the way that he looked at me when he brought us out to dinner before.

“Hey,” I say snapping my fingers in front of him. It’s like he’s suddenly brought back to life. “You’re staring.”

“Sorry,” he says. “So the dress fits?”

“The dress fits, thanks.”

“No problem. Ready?” he asks offering his arm.

“Sure,” I say as I take it.

I follow Myungsoo to the outside where we get into a car that’s going o take us to the place where his parents are having dinner tonight. When we pull up to the place, I see that it’s different than the place that Myungsoo took us, too.

“So what are you going to tell them?” I ask.

“I’m going to say that you aren’t my girlfriend, yet,” he slyly adds. I just lightly hit him on the arm. “I’m going to say that we’re not dating and that you’re going to be living at the house due to your circumstances, okay?”

“Okay, don’t forget to mention Cecelia,” I say, “I don’t want them to think that she’s your daughter or something.”

“They won’t,” Myungsoo coldly says. “They don’t really care about anything that I do. I highly doubt that they’ll care that you’re going to be living at the house. The warm response that my mother gave you this morning, she probably already likes you.”

“She probably likes me thinking that I’m your girlfriend.”

“That doesn’t matter. As soon as she sees that we aren’t dating, she’ll want to push us together, when she’s home.”

“Push us together? Are you going to let her?” I curiously ask.

“N-n-no,” Myungsoo stutters. “I’ll make sure that we’ll both be able to live our lives.”

Myungsoo and I finally reach the back room where his parents are; we enter the room and greet them before sitting down. “You two are such a cute couple,” his mother comments.

“That’s what I want to talk to you about,” Myungsoo says jumping right into the conversation as we sit down.

“What is it?” his father asks.

“Let’s just wait until after dinner,” Myungsoo says finally backing away from the conversation.

I let Myungsoo order for me again since I have absolutely no idea what I should have and the last thing he chose wasn’t that bad, it was pretty good, so his taste isn’t that bad.

We sat around eating in halfway silence, it seemed awkward between Myungsoo and his parents, it’s like they aren’t on very good terms with each other. There were some simple questions that were being asked, but none of them really had substance. Myungsoo was just asking his parents how work was going when in reality, he probably knows all about how it’s going and doesn’t need to.

Finally, his father brought up the topic from earlier. “What did you want to tell us, son?” he asks.

“I just want to clarify with you two that Allie and I aren’t going out,” Myungsoo says after taking a deep breath. It seems like it’s instinctive, him grabbing my hand underneath of the table as soon as he said that sentence, but why? Why would he grab my hand?


Myungsoo’s POV

“What are you talking about?” my mother asks.

“We aren’t actually dating, Allie isn’t my girlfriend, the girlfriend who you are thinking of, we broke up, practically a little over a year ago.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” my mother wonders.

“When were you ever home enough to care?” I suddenly say at my parents, I feel the anger and my blood starting to boil. My parents are never home, they could care less about what I do, so why should they be concerned when it only comes to my love life? Just because they want me to marry someone and settle down so someone can take over their legacy, that’s their only concern, they only care about themselves all of the time.

“We’re always just a phone call away,” my mother clarifies.

“Exactly, just a phone call, never face to face. Let me guess, after this, you’re going to go back overseas on another trip?” I see their faces turn grim. “Called it. Anyway, getting back to the main point, Allie and I aren’t dating so whatever fantasies you have in your head, just rid of them now.”

“Fantasies?” Allie whispers to me.

“They were probably already planning our marriage, right?” I ask looking at them. Again, guilty faces. “You guys are unbelievable.”

“Listen to us,” my mother starts.

“I don’t want to,” I cut her off. “You’re always just forcing your own wishes upon me, you never listen to me.”

“Okay then, talk,” my father sternly says.

“First,” I say putting up one of my fingers to count off, “Allie’s not my girlfriend. Second, she and her little sister are going to be staying at the house because they currently have nowhere else to live because of the fire. Third, Dad.” I turn my attention to him specifically. “Put Allie into the university.”

“Are you sure you guys aren’t dating?” my mother asks again.

“I’m sure,” I tell her. “Wouldn’t we know whether we were dating or not?”

I take a quick look at Allie and I can see that everything’s probably moving too fast for her to digest. I’ll explain it all to her later.

“The first thing, okay,” my father says, “the second, we’ll surely help out with your living situation.” I see him quickly nod to Allie. “The third I’ll think about.” I see my father look at his watch. “Sorry, but I have another appointment, an important meeting.”

I watch him as he gets up from the table and makes is way to leave, my mother right behind him.


Allie’s POV

“Why do you treat your parents that way?” I ask Myungsoo as we enter the house. We attempt to enter quietly because Sungyeol had texted Myungsoo saying that he brought Cecelia home and she is sleeping in her room.

“What do you mean?” he asks me as we make our way to the living room. We both sit down on the couch.

“Why do you treat them like they’re nothing? They are people, too.”

Myungsoo just shrugs his shoulders. “They don’t care about me, I don’t care about them. You told me before that I get everything handed to me, and while that may be true, there are some things that I don’t have.”

“Like what?” I ask curiously. What could Myungsoo not have?

“I don’t have love in my life. My parents, they only do everything for their own gain, like when they thought we were dating, they thought that they should hurry up for our marriage so they would have someone else to help expand their legacy. I was brought up by a various assortment of maids and butlers who took care of me because my parents were always away. I sometimes wonder why they even had me if they weren’t going to pay attention to me. My middle school days were the worst; I ran away from home a lot. I still want to run away.”

“Don’t run away,” I say patting the top of his head. Myungsoo smiles again and it looks like one of those smiles from earlier, the sincere ones. “If you run away, then who am I going to tutor?”

“Ah, tutoring, I forgot,” he confesses.

“That’s alright. We can do it when you come home from your classes tomorrow.”

“I think I want to take a break from university for a bit.”

“You can’t.”

“Just for one day, please?” he asks.

“You’re making me sound like I’m your mother,” I say laughing.

“You treat me better than she does.”

“That’s not a nice thing to say. Family is important, they’re always there for each other.” As I start talking about family, I feel tears coming again. I really miss my family.

“The only thing that cares to my parents is money and how other people look at them.”

“I’m sure that they care about you,” I say trying to reassure him. “I’m sure that they just don’t know how to express it. Maybe if you guys sat down one day and talked together, you guys can clear up the misunderstandings.”

“That won’t happen in a million years. I think it’s just better if I’m on my own.”

“Do you really think that?” I ask seriously. “Do you know what it’s like to be on your own for real?”

“Allie, are you okay?” Myungsoo asks coming closer to me on the couch. I attempt to hide my tears, I’ve cried too many times in front of this guy. Before I met Myungsoo, I can’t remember crying as much, especially in front of other people.

“You try experiencing being alone without parents to look after you and you having all of the responsibility,” I manage to say before tears really start spilling out.

“I’ve offended you, again,” Myungsoo whispers. “Allie.” Myungsoo reaches out to hug me and instead of pulling away, I just let him. He said that whenever I needed some comforting, he would comfort me. “Allie, what happened with your parents?” he finally asks.

“They passed away,” I whisper. “A year ago, it was a year the day I first met you. Cecelia and I been without parents for an entire year. For an entire year, the both of us have been alone.”

“You’re not alone anymore,” I hear Myungsoo whisper as he runs his fingers through my hair. “I’m here for you, Allie. I’ll always be here for you and Cecelia, no matter what. Just trust me, okay? Can you trust me?”

I don’t respond to him and only think about his words. Do I have the ability to trust him? This spoiled brat who gets on my nerves, am I able to trust him? He has been comforting me a lot lately, and I’m very grateful to him, but as far as trust goes, I’m not sure. Who knows, but I don’t want to think about that right now. I actually don’t want to think about anything at this moment.


What is in store for Allie and Myungsoo in the future? How is Myungsoo going to convey his feelings to Allie? Is Allie going to accept those feelings easily? How is Myungsoo going to be able to comfort Allie when she's down? Is Allie going to be able to attend the same university as Myungsoo?


Another chapter up, Chapter 6. Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoyed :D

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The link to the sequel is now up. Check the final chapter for the link. Enjoy :D


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Chapter 31: I can't wait to read the sequel.
congrats :)
Congrats :D
AmpersandAR #5
congrats ^_^
Chapter 29: I LITERALLY READ THIS RIGHT AFTER I SUBSCRIBED SRRY I'm kind of excited for the sequeeelllllllll
yooamie #8
Chapter 29: aieeeee, I totally loved the ending! this whole fanfic is amazing!:)
Binniee #9
Chapter 31: Wow.... a beautifully crafted master piece indeed. I've spent all day finishing your story and it wasn't even a bit boring.! Honestly, this story is just one of my few favs! Though I wasn't particularly a fan of infinite, you made me to become one :)
Will be, of course, reading your sequel with great expectation :D
Anyway, welldone!!
InfiniteLove27 #10
love your story:D i also love that your chapters are long!!!!