Review and Sequel

The Other Side of Cinderella

No, you aren't crazy. This is another chapter being added.


This is to tell everyone that I had the story reviewed and the link is available in the forward if any of you wish to see.


And while we're here, I'll just mention the sequel in case anyone didn't know about it. It's called:


Is This Our Happily Ever After?


Hopefully you didn't forget any of the characters. They'll all make an appearance sooner or later and some will have somewhat important roles. There will also be new characters introduced and new drama that Allie and Myungsoo have to deal with.


...Who really is Yuri?...


Ooh, one mystery already. If you wish to read it, check it out.


Well, that's it :)

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The link to the sequel is now up. Check the final chapter for the link. Enjoy :D


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Chapter 31: I can't wait to read the sequel.
congrats :)
Congrats :D
AmpersandAR #5
congrats ^_^
Chapter 29: I LITERALLY READ THIS RIGHT AFTER I SUBSCRIBED SRRY I'm kind of excited for the sequeeelllllllll
yooamie #8
Chapter 29: aieeeee, I totally loved the ending! this whole fanfic is amazing!:)
Binniee #9
Chapter 31: Wow.... a beautifully crafted master piece indeed. I've spent all day finishing your story and it wasn't even a bit boring.! Honestly, this story is just one of my few favs! Though I wasn't particularly a fan of infinite, you made me to become one :)
Will be, of course, reading your sequel with great expectation :D
Anyway, welldone!!
InfiniteLove27 #10
love your story:D i also love that your chapters are long!!!!