Student Ball

Star Academy Romance

At UFO cafe...

"THE STUDENT BALL! I almost forgot about it! Doojun shouted. "I actually saw this girl who looks like Yun Hye. Her name is Yul. I

wanna take her to the dance!" He continued. YUL?! Since when did he meet yul? Seeing my shock face, Doojun explained " I am

in the same class as her and i am her homeroom partner." What?! He's so lucky... Why am i jealous? I don't even like her." Well

whatever. So, wanna compete who can drink the most soju?" I asked, changing the subject. "YEAH! You're on man!" Yoseob

shouted. I ALWAYS win. I chuckled to myself.


I walked down the road in the dark...gosh, this lane is damn scary at night. I quickened my pace. Suddenly, out of the darkness, a

hand grabbed me. Another hand stifled my scream. "Mph! RMMPH!!!" I squirmed and writhed, trying to get out of the guys strong

grasp. OMG! I think i'm about to be !. As soonas i thought that, another hand started groping my body. Lemme correct my

sentece...gang .

KIKWANG! HELP! I willed myself to sent a telepathic message to him. Why i chose him, i think i'll never know.

Tears streamed down my face as the en guys started removing my clothes. I was violated...scared...


I walked back home from UFO cafe. God, the stupid chaffeur didn't answer my call. I SWEAR i'll fire him tommorow.

The guys were sleeping in. es were drunk and sleeping in the apartment above the cafe. Asi walked down the road, i

heard some scuffles and muffled moans and screams. I panicked and looked for the sound. This was weird.

I rounded a corner and saw...YUL! She was being d on her private areas by two faggots! In a flash of rage,i started punching

the guys holding her down. "BASTARDS! Y'ALL ARE ALL ERTS!" I screamed.I socked someones head and heard a crack.

"Bloody hell you broke my nose!" Oneof the fags shouted. He landed a punch on my stomach. Psh, i wasn't gonna lose my breath.

In retaliation i knocked both the faggots heads together with a resounding crack. They whimpered and i sneered " Don't you get it?

a girl is sick and wrong. STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL." I spun them around and kicked their butts off to the bus stop lane.

They ran howling away. Wimps...That reminds me.

I looked down at Yul. She was shivering and crying on the floor, shaking hands trying to button her blouse up. I felt...a weird feeling

start to come out. I think it is sympathy...

I bent down to comfort her. "Yah, pabo...what were you doing out so late and all alone?" I asked gently. "I...w-was going to b-buy

stuff from the provision shop...W-we ran out of eggs s-so..." She trailed off gasping and tears streamed down her face. At that

moment, when i saw her face, my heart just softened. I carefully buttoned up her shirt and then cupped her face between my

hands. "I promise they'll never dare to come back again." I said smiling. I cleared her tears away tenderly with my thumbs and

slowly picked her up. She crumpled to the floor again. GOD...i think i'll have to piggy back her. Aish! "Get on." I said in a monotone

voice, bending down. "H-huh?" Yul asked, confused. "I said, get on my back." I repeated. She hesitantly and clumsily seated

herself on my back. "Thanks...Kikwang oppa." She whispered. "Go to sleep, you must've surely been tired after all this." I said.

Snore~ Sheesh, she could've at least waited for me to finish talking!

I contunued walking home slowly. " warm..." Yul mumbled in her sleep. She cuddled my back. KYA! It was such a

sweet feeling! I screamed in my head. No, kikwang,you can't love HER you ! I chided myself.


When Kikwang reached home, he went straightto his bedroom and gently placed Yul on his bed. " Help me wash and change

her, maids." Kikwang ordered. They immediately started working. " I've never seen master so dedicated to a girl before."One of the

maids whispered. "Yeah..." The other maids replied softly.

Kikwang went to his other bathroom and washed up. After washing up, he quietly padded back to his room so as not to wake Yul

up. "Mmmm..." Yul moaned in her sleep.


I lay next to her, alighning my body with hers. I observed her face. She had perfectly rosy cheeks, light pink full lips...I gulped

observing that. Wow, she actually looks pretty. "Aish KI, stop focusing on that flea girl." I whispered angrily to myself, I turned

around and went to sleep.




I'm sooo sorry for the super long wait! I was really busy, but i promise i will update more!

MIANHAE!!! :(((((

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congrats on the random feature:)
congrats on the random featuree!!~ <3
There are more ____ing comments saying "congrats" than there are subscribers.
Now this, this is just retarded.
congratulations on getting the random feature!
chuseoks #5
baekyeols #6
congrats on getting featured! ^^
Congrats on the random feature
hyunsikk #8
Congrats on being featured! ! ^^;
yngguks #9
Congrats on the random feature! :DD. Lol