Old Friends

We Are the Teenz on Top


“Come one Jen, you have to wear it!” Heather exclaimed and Jennifer shook her head as she looked down at the dress Heather had made her put on. Sometimes being Heather’s dress up doll .

“No, I have soccer practice today and I don’t plan on wearing a dress.” Jennifer said as she walked to the bathroom to change into her favorite black sweatpants, her soccer shirt, and her silver high tops. She walked back out to the living room of their dorm. “Ok, I’m heading off to soccer practice, see you all later!” Jennifer said waving to her friends in the living room before dashing out the door.

“She should seriously update her wardrobe. I mean I want her to get a boyfriend!” Corina exclaimed making Sapphire and Heather laugh.  

“Well, just wait till some guy she likes comes around because she will definitely change her wardrobe.” Sapphire said staring at the picture she had just drawn. Heather laughed and nodded as she stood up.

“Yeah, just wait. I heard there was a new boy group coming today and I bet you she will change when she sees them….well or one of them.” Heather said and Sapphire nodded furiously.

“Well that is true…….I wonder if any of them are cute!” Corina exclaimed smiling.

“Well, they have gotta be! Either way, I am just hoping we don’t have to deal with a certain two people today.” Heather said. Corina and Sapphire nodded; Sapphire stood up and started to walking around the room. 

“Ok, well let’s get to school so we can avoid them and possibly see the new boy group!” Corina exclaimed as she stood up and grabbed her bag. Heather laughed as she grabbed her bag and poked Sapphire. Sapphire quickly grabbed her bag and followed the others out the door to go to the school.

“Sapphire aren’t you excited to see the new boy group?!” Heather asked Sapphire in an excited voice.  Sapphire looked at Heather confused before realizing what her friend was talking about.

“Well I guess, but my main concern is having a great day.” Sapphire said as they walked across the big lawn to the school. As they walked past the soccer field, they saw Jennifer fooling all the boys as she moved the ball towards the goal. She made a goal and they all smiled.

“You have to admit she is good.” Corina said. They then quickly hurried to the school. Heather looked back and saw Jennifer leaving practice early.

“Why are you leaving practice early?” Heather asked her.

“Because the coach says I’m good enough and don’t need any more practice.” Jennifer said as she quickly caught up with her friends. Heather nodded.

“Ok, well go clean up some and put on your uniform. Please try to look nice, I mean we have a new boy group coming!” Heather exclaimed and Jennifer sighed.

“Well that’s cool but it’s not worth getting all fancied up for.” Jennifer said and she saw Sapphire nod.

“But come on Jen!” Corina said, turning around to look at Jennifer.

“I know, I know, but I just don’t like dressing up. I mean only when we perform is when it feels right.” Jennifer said and Corina shook her head, laughing to herself.

“Just wait, you will be wanting to dress up when you start crushing on someone.” Corina said and Jennifer laughed.

“As if!” Jennifer said and Heather laughed at them.

“Ok fine, you don’t have to dress up but at least freshen up.” Heather said holding her nose and Jennifer laughed at her.

“Fine, see you in like maybe 20 minutes.” Jennifer said before she ran off towards the girls’ locker room to shower and change into her uniform. She put on the teal pants with their band initials T4G on the left leg; then she put on the teal tank top which had the school logo and their band name “The 4 Gems” printed on it; she quickly grabbed the white jacket that had her name and the school name written in teal on the front and their band name written in teal on the back.

“Wearing my silver high tops instead of the teal boots was such a good idea!” Jennifer muttered as she put her shoes on and quickly brushed through her hair. Then she put it into a loose ponytail and walked out of the locker room. As she was walking she accidentally ran into someone. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Jennifer exclaimed as she looked at the person she had ran into.

“It’s ok, it happens.” The guy said and the Jennifer recognized him.

“Niel? Oh my gosh I haven’t seen you in like four years!” Jennifer said and Niel smiled.

“Yeah, what happened to you? One day we were messing around at the park with your sister and then you were gone!” Niel said and Jennifer laughed.

“Well, my dad got a job at SM entertainment and we had to move. But I have to say it was scary at first but then I met my three besties. You will have to meet them sometime.” Jennifer said and Niel chuckled.

“Ok, I can do that but as long as you meet my friends. I don’t think you remember Ricky but he is one of my friends and then there’s C.A.P. and he’s our leader; L. Joe, Chunji, and ChangJo.” Niel said and Jennifer smiled.

“I guess I can meet them, they sound interesting.” Jennifer said as they started walking down the hall. Niel waved at some guys and Jennifer knew that had to be the friends he was talking about. The guys came over to them with big smiles.

“Niel, who’s the girl?” one of them asked .

“This is Jennifer, we were best friends before she moved.” Niel answered and they all nodded.

“Cool well I’m C.A.P., this is Ricky, L. Joe, Chunji, and wait where’s ChangJo?” the leader said. He pointed to everyone as he spoke then looked around surprised that ChangJo was nowhere in sight.

“I think he might have went to get some breakfast.” Ricky said and C.A.P. just nodded.

“Well either way, it’s nice to meet you guys!” Jennifer said smiling.

“Jennifer, Jennifer!” someone yelled and Jennifer turned around to see Sapphire, Heather, and Corina running towards her. She laughed at them and they stopped in front of her.

“Yes?” Jennifer asked.

“We have been looking for you everywhere! What took you so long?!” Heather said and Jennifer laughed.

“I ran into my old friend Niel and he decided to introduce me to his friends, well there’s only one I haven’t met yet. No one is sure where he is.” Jennifer said and Heather smiled.

“Ok, you can get away with it this time.” Heather said and Jennifer saw her peek at Niel and blush. Jennifer burst out laughing making the others look at her weird.

“Sorry, something was just funny to me.” Jennifer said eyeing Heather, who blushed a bright red and looked at the floor.

“Ok I am SO lost!” Sapphire exclaimed and Corina nodded laughing a little to herself.

“Me too,” Corina said and Jennifer smirked.

“There is only one person here looking at the ground and blushing.” Jennifer said and Heather shot Jennifer a mean glare which made Jennifer laugh.

“Well this is just interesting.” Sapphire said looking at them. Corina nodded before hitting Sapphire’s arm.

“You’re the leader so do something!” Corina exclaimed. She was smiling at the scene but was ready to move on now.

“Ok, ok, girlies, this is just getting weird so let’s just stop!” Sapphire said making the girls laugh.

“Oh fine,” Jennifer said. Then she turned to the boys trying to stop laughing. “Ok this is our leader Sapphire, that’s Heather, and this girl here is Corina.” Jennifer said pointing to each of the girls as she spoke.

“Nice to meet you; I’m C.A.P., this is Ricky, L. Joe, Chunji, and then that is Niel as you probably already know.” C.A.P. said the other members names pointing them out.

“Is there only five of you?” Corina asked and they all shook their heard.

“No, we have one more member but we don’t really know where he is.” Niel said. Corina nodded then looked at Sapphire who wasn’t even paying attention.

“Mr. Lollipop man!” Jennifer exclaimed making Sapphire jump.

“Ew, no!” Sapphire said laughing.

“This is just interesting,” Ricky said and Corina laughed.

“This is how it is every day,” Corina said as she poked Sapphire making her jump. Corina laughed and Sapphire sighed then laughed.

“I think this awesome school just got better.” L. Joe said and Corina tried to hide her blush.

“Haha Corina you’re blushing!” Jennifer exclaimed laughing and Corina lightly hit her arm.

“Yah!” Corina said and Jennifer just laughed.

“Ok we better scram before we get chewed out again.” Heather said looking over her shoulder and the other girls freaked out.

“See you later Niel, it was nice seeing you again. See you later everyone else!” Jennifer exclaimed before running off with her friends. They were trying their best to avoid BHJY but they weren’t fast enough.

“Look if it isn’t the pabos who actually think they can sing!” HeeJin said and the girls rolled their eyes at her.

“We aren’t the only ones who think that.” Jennifer said. HeeJin rolled her eyes at her while the other girls just stood behind her.

“I just wanted you all to know that that new guy L. Joe is going to be mine so BACK OFF!!!” HeeJin said and they rolled their eyes while Corina tried not to punch the girl in the face. Jennifer tapped Heather and Heather walked over to Corina. She calmed her down and made sure she didn’t move towards HeeJin.

“In what world? I mean why would he want a cold selfish for a girlfriend?” Jennifer said  and HeeJin laughed at her.

“I am not any of that because to him I am the perfect girlfriend.” HeeJin said and Jennifer rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, but right now he is seeing you being a to us.” Jennifer said as she pointed over at L. Joe.

“N-no he didn’t, you can’t prove it!!” HeeJin practically screamed and Jennifer rolled her eyes.

“From the looks of it, he did. So giddy on up and giddy on out!” Jennifer said. Then her, Corina, Sapphire, and Heather left to get their stuff ready for class.

“Ok Jennifer and Heather, see you guys later.” Corina said waving at her friends. They waved back and each gave her a hug. Then they walked over to Sapphire and each gave her a hug.

“See you both later.” Heather said.

“See you guys!” Jennifer said. Then they both went to their separate classes. Heather and Jennifer had the same classes and Sapphire and Corina had the same classes. They would meet up later to do some classes together.

“I wonder if today will be a good one.” Jennifer said and Heather nodded.

“It better be a good day,” Heather said and Jennifer looked at her curious.

“Wae?” she asked and Heather looked at her like she was dumb.  Of course at the moment she kinda was dumb.

“We have to perform tonight. Also the new group who goes by Teen Top I guess, they are going to perform tonight and we are going before them. I guess it’s kinda like we are opening for them. “ Heather said and Jennifer face palmed herself.

“Oh my gosh I can’t believe I forgot!” Jennifer said and Heather laughed at her.

“Well you seemed too busy beating the boys in soccer to remember.” Heather said and Jennifer laughed.

“As always,” Jennifer said as they walked into the classroom and sat down. They talked until the bell rang for class to start. 

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Attention readers I will be going on hiatus for practically the whole summer! I will still write but wont have a computer :(


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Yes! Changjo comes into the picture, finally! :D
OUHHHH. I see whats going on here (((:

update soon!
I like the new forward ^^ update soon!
Awww, that is so cute. Isn't it obvious that Heather likes Niel? ;o xD

anyway, update soon! <3
update >:( LOOL.
cool! i love it so much can't wait until next update!
LOL aww, they are all so cute :D

update soon!! <3