
Design Me

Hyorin: "So, where did you leave off?"

Me: "What I brought to the picnic on the first day of school."

"Aha, I remember that, you brought strawberries."

Onew: "What did you bring Miss Hyorin?"

"A Kareoke Machine."

"What? Why that?"

"Because, it's fun to sing with a large group than by yourself right."

"I guess so. what about you two?" *looking towards Minzi and CL*

Minzi: "I brought water guns."

"Wah~, sounds like you were preparing for a party instead of a picnic."

"Same thing, no?"

"Haha I remember when you threatened the teacher that you would shoot him with one of those guns."

"I remember that too! Didn't you have a small one tucked away in your backpack."

"Yes I did. I used it against him later in the year."

"Really?! wooow~."

CL: "I brought whip cream."

"Thats it?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Well, I would at least take some fruit or cake to go with it."

"But I didn't want to."

"Why not?"

"Because SumJo was already going to bring the fruit that I wanted it to go with."

"oh~. Ah! that rememinds me, how did you all become friends?"

"Don't tell him!"

"Why not?"

"It's embarrising."


"And what?"

"You said he was a childhood friend. I'm pretty sure he's seen your embarrased side plenty of times."

"She's right."

"Ugh, fine! But I want Hyorin-a to tell it."


"Beacause she'll make it sound better."

"Hahaha. Fine, you tell it then Hyorin-i."

" 'Kay. then I'll start from the beinning. It was, what,  the first day of the new school year..."


*Flash back continues*

*First period bell rings*

Teacher: "Alright lets take our seats and get roll out the way. After lets play a game to help us get through class."

Hyorin:-He went through roll but then stopped at Sumjo's name.-

Onew: -Because he couldnt read her name huh?-

Hyorin: -Right! So she stood up knowing that her name will be the only name he will have trouble saying.-

Onew: -Because she's a foreigner.-

Hyorin: -Yepp! since she is a foreigner, the teacher made her do a full introduction of herself.-

Sumjo: "안녕하세요. 나 이름은 Kim, SummerJoi입니다. 미국에서 온요..." ("Hello, My  name is SummerJoi Kim. i am from the States.")

Teacher: "Waaah~ So if you're from America that means you can speak English right?"

Sumjo: "네." ("yes.")

Teacher: "Then can you introduce yourself to us in English?"

Sumjo: "Ah, Alright. Hello. My name is SummerJoi Kim. I am from the U.S."

*Flashback interupted*


Minzi: "Ah! the story is too long to start from the beggining! Sumjo farted, everybody got silent then we broke out laughing. She got embarreassed and left so we went to go comfort her and then she told us what happended so we ended up becoming friends because I did the same thing the next day and then Hyorin the day after and CL the day after Hyorin. so for the first week of school we had a fart fest."


Everybody: "hahahaha!"

*Time passes*

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chapter 5 &6 will be out next week


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...I know you have more~
Update soon...for noona pwease? :3
(even if i'm your unnie :P)
I Really Enjoyed it ^__^
ooooo~ interesting :3