Time to Restart

Design Me

Chapter Warning: In this chapter I go back and forth through a flash back "Blue words and quotions" mean i am in the flash back. -black words and dashes- mean that our voices are talking over and in between the flashback. We don't lose the picture until the flash back is inturrupted. after that it's back to the time we are in so the dialouge becomes normal.


*Flash Back*

Stepmother: "Yah!!! GET UP!! You are NOT spending another year in this house. It's a new year at a new scho-"

Me: "The school and year may be new but the people surely are not"

"Wah~! Such a quiet child can talk back to her mother?!"

"You're not my mom. You don't even care about me so why all the fuss?"

"HA! tch! Get Up!"

"가." ("Go.")



Me: -After you left, my dad remarried. How? I'll never know.-

Onew: --Does your dad still work as a cashier?--

-No, he got a new job as a hotel Director now.-


-Moving on...-



*Sound of the Bell*

"Huuu~, You know what, that Whitch was right, i can't stay in the house forever. time to start a new sheet!! BASHA!!!"

-The campus was huge compared to middle school so got lost on my first day.-

--hahaha I'm not surprised.--

-Right? But anyways, I managed to make it to my homeroom on time. Let me tell you the funniest thing ever that happened that day. In first period I had to sit in the center of the class. It was the only seat left. The teacher walked in and told us we are going to get along for the first 30 minutes of class and for remaining time he was going to tell us about himself and how his class runs...-

"Good morning class. I am-"

-The class was too loud and roudy though. Who could blame us though. We were excited and happy to be confined by the classroom rules again.-

--Haha, Lovely sarcasm.--

-Thank you.-

--So what did the teacher do to get everyone to quiet down.--

-He yelled of course...-

"YAH!!! SIT DOWN AND SHUT IT!!! You! What are yo doing on my desks? Get down before I sit on you for the rest of the day. You! Didn't you hear me say take a seat, do I need to help you? And you, do something about that shirt before I send you to the office. You guys will have 30 minutes to be deliquents after class."

"미안해요, 선생님." ("We are sorry teacher.")

"Damn straight you are. Now I could be the coolest teacher you have for the rest of the year or I can be the worst. If you continue like this I can become a nightmare. I have a short temper so it's up to you."

--Woah, haha he sounds scary.--

-Right? but we made a good choice of being good to him so we don't die. Also he was right he was the coolest teacher we had all year.-

--So what happened after that?--

"Alright now that I have you all squirming in your seats we can get stuff done. Who likes to play with beach balls?"

-The entire class raised their hands. Yes, I raised mine as well.-

--waaaah. You really did ain some confidence.-

-Yes I did. Moving on...-

"Good so now that I know your all erts we can start with a little activity that will help us get along with eatch other in the classroom. We are going on a picnic..."


"...Theoretically that is."


"Haha, Don't worry if your good, tomorrow I'll treat you all to lunch"


"So when the ball gets to you you have to say one thing that you would bring to a picnic. The same item may not be repeated, if so, then you are out of the picnic. After this game I have another to play so lets start!"

-The ball started at me. I got a little scared but pushed my courage ahead of it.-

--What did you take to the picnic?--

-딸기.- (-strawberries-)


*Flash back interuppted*

"OH! Kim SumJo?"

"Oh Minzi-a, Hyorin-a, and CL-i,.."

These three girls are my best friends from high school. They were the ones to help me come uo out of my funk I called a life.

"...What brings you guys here?"

CL: "We wanted to go shopping for a few things before next class. Ah, 이 남자, 그는 누구?" ("...And who is he?")

"Aha, this is Lee Jinki. He's a childhood friend of mine that I haven't seen in a few years. I was just telling him about our high school days."

Hyorin: "Omo! I wanna tell him too!"

Minzi: "Do you mind if we join you guys and chime in?"

Me&Onew: "Not at all, take a seat."

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chapter 5 &6 will be out next week


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...I know you have more~
Update soon...for noona pwease? :3
(even if i'm your unnie :P)
I Really Enjoyed it ^__^
ooooo~ interesting :3