You Call That A Lie?


Jong Hee Jin, a girl that can't stand or understand the meaning of Valentines day, gains the attention of the school when the other students find out who has taken an interest in her. Without knowing who, Hee Jin searches for her secret admirer while becoming worst enemies with her best friend, Kim Yoo Na. Haters, Supports, Fighting, and Loving all come together after this day. Will Hee Jin ever find out who her crush is? Will she be able to solve her problems with Yoo Na? Will she ever find an understanding to Valentines day? READ ABOUT IT!




I like stories where the girl is able to stay strong from beggining to end.

What does lying have to do with Valentines day? Just read and see. :D

Is somebody going to die? Maybe, i'll see how the story is.

Will the mean girl get punched in the face? YES!!


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xoxo-Shira-xoxo #1
uh :o can't wait to see how it goes!