Crash and Burn - Chapter 2

Crash and Burn

Heechul stood in the kitchen for a while, he leant against the wall and stared indifferently at the photo covered refrigerator. He couldn't help but wonder how long Cheon Ji had felt that way about him, his eyes wandered to the most recent photo of himself and his now ex-girlfriend.

He stared at her smile. Now he thought about it, her smiles had been lacking the warmth that he'd originally found so attractive for some time. Why hadn't he noticed earlier?

When he finally tore his gaze away from the Photographs he noticed the time and sighed. The others would be home soon, Leeteuk would most likely start asking questions - the Leader always worried too much - unless he retreated into the sanctuary of his room, but he couldn't avoid the other members for ever.

Heechul grabbed his car keys and his jacket, then left the dorm.




Sorry it's short ^__^ So much studying to do >__<''



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yulkris #1
heechul so yummy@@
ssapphire212 #2
Oh no!!! He's about to crash!!! UPDATE SOON!!!! :D
ssapphire212 #3
This is really good so far!!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!! :D