
I love you, even though you don't love me

I promised to a childhood friend of mine

That we will never be apart

I kept that promise for a long time

I also hope that he kept it too

I think he already broke our promise

He is now a star

His name is Choi Minho

He already knew lots of girls

That are pretty, rich and famous

I loved him and he knew it

Now, that he is a star

Does he love me?

I think the answer is very obvious

It’s a big NO

If he just knew how much I Love him

I loved, Love and will love you

I didn’t look at other boys

 Because my heart is already occupied

I still love him not as a fan but as a real Minho

He may forget me but I will never forget him

I will always go to his fan meetings, shows and etc.

I wished he notice me

But he didn’t

But I’ll be happy every time

I see him smiling, laughing and being happy

I believed that he don’t love me

I died in a car accident

As I was heading to SHINee’s concert

SHINee knew about it

They immediately went to my burial

As Minho looked

He was shocked

He had the loudest cry among the people there

They were all shocked

He immediately spoke up

Everyone listened silently

“Everyone, I’m Choi Minho, ~~~~ was a childhood friend of mine

We promised to each other that we will always love each other

I didn’t broke our promise even once

I was searching her every time I have fan meetings, concert, shows and etc.

I loved, love and will love her”

After his speech i cried aloud

My mother gave him my diary which contains all my experiences

Since the day that we were apart

He cried out aloud and he said

“I also thought you don’t love me anymore, but we were just both searching for each other”

s comforted him

I also cried a lot

I never knew that you love me

I thought you don’t

I just knew it now that I’m already gone

But always remember this Choi Minho

I loved, love and will love you

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this is so good :D it's so emotional and deep good job^^
Good job! <3 :3
OMG! Tears are already falling from my cheek! This is a really good one! Thanks for informing about this! <3
So good!!!!
I luved it plz write more of ur stories they r awesome!!!
I'm balling my eyes out and then my phome put on "Don't Say Goodbye" by Davinchi!!!!!!
pikachu16 #7
This made me cry. :'( But overall, i love it !
4everanELF #8
@taemintwatsonmilk thanks! :D
4everanELF #9
@heechulXxSuju Thanks for the comment! :D
Thank you!