Chapter 3

My High School Life
'Wow,this school is HUGE. Can't believe it's my school now.' Ryeowook thought.  "WOW,UMMA~! I think I'll get lost here!" "Yes,I think you're right Hae!" "Chullie,stop teasing Hae! Hae,just stick to any of us! Well,expect Chullie." "WHAT?! What did I do?!" "Eem,Unnies. Would you mind?" Kibum asked with her hands full of bags. 

The dorm the girls are going to stay in was just right. There's 4 rooms,2 bigger ones and 2 smaller ones.  Leeteuk and Heechul each took a smaller room,while Kibum and Sungmin shared a room;Ryeowook and Donghae shared the other. 

"Kibummie! Why is your things all so dull? You need some Pink in your life!" "Er,Unnie,there's blue and red things though." "Nah! Kibummie! Believe me,you need some pink. Aish,fine,take this Pink polka dots wallet. As a roommate gift from me!" "Its okay Unnie~" Kibum said,trying to reject her unnie's gift.  "Just accept it Kibummie! Remember to use it okay!" "Okays,thanks Unnie!"

"Hae Unnie,why do you love fishes so much?" "Oh Wookie,don't you think they're so cute?!" "But Hae Unnie,I prefer giraffes more!" "No Wookie! Fishes!" "No Unnie! Giraffes!" "Fishes!" "Giraffes!" "FISHES!" "GIRAFFES!" "FIS--" "WILL YOU GUYS STOP IT?! I'm trying to unpack my stuffs. Do you know that it's a very difficult thing to do?!" "Hehe,Sorry Chullie Unnie!"      

Finally,after everything has been set up,the girls decided to have dinner first before taking a walk around the school.  Ryeowook,being the chef that she is,cooked for everyone.  "Wow Wookie! It's really delicious~!"  "Thanks Hae Unnie! Dig in everyone~!"

Next to their dorm was the school,beside the school was the guy's dorm.  Behind the school is a sports building,equipped with a swimming pool,2 basketball courts,2netball/volleyball courts,a gym and a field. 

"Wow,our school was really big,I think we'll get lost here." "Yes,I agree with you Chullie Unnie!" Their school was really big,like some kind of palace.  Well,a palace school.  SM high was a high school where you will have to be given a scholarship for you to be able to enter this school.  Of course many rich kids will try to enter SM high with money because of it good reputation and facilities,but many were turned away because their studies were not good enough. 

Kibum was wondering around the school by herself.  Don't ask me why she was apart from the rest,you should know her personality. She was in the hallways,looking at  the pictures of the school events when someone tapped her. "Hi,are you new?"

She turned around and found a dimpled handsome prince smiling at her. "Erm,Hi. Yes,I'm new,Year 1 majoring in Econs." "Nice to meet you then! I'm also in the same year and major as you! I'm Choi Siwon." "I'm Kim Kibum,nice to meet you too." "Well,do you need a tour guide? I can introduce the school to you." "Sure,why not?"  Kibum smiled at Siwon.  They were walking around the science building when Kibum lose her balance as she stepped into a puddle of water.  She closed her eyes and was bracing herself for the impact but she felt that she was in a pair of strong arms.  "Kibum,are you alright?" She looked up and saw herself staring at a pair of beautiful eyes.  Both of them have no idea how long have they been staring at each other in that awkward position but soon,Siwon found himself inching towards Kibum.  He was about 2 inch away from Kibum when, "KIBUMMIEEEE~!"

A/N:It's seems like my story isn't that nice. Comments and subscribes really will cheer up writers. Now I know how they feel. I'm nice,I don't bite,so why isn't anyone adding me as friends? /sighs
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Update soon
Chapter 5: The girls are doing to meet the guys now!!! Author-nim Please update soon!!!
forevercupcake13 #3
Chapter 4: oh my!!! when i read this one..

"It's really fine with me,because there's an Appa in our group too!"
"Oohhhh. It's match making time~"

it popped to my head that its KangTeuk time!! and it make me jump on my seat can't resist to blush.. >///<
forevercupcake13 #4
Chapter 3: aw~.. SiBum romance.. how i love this story very much..^^
forevercupcake13 #5
Chapter 2: how i really love this part..

"WHAT?! No,of course you're pretty. But obviously,not as beautiful as me. *Flips hair* Believe in yourself,Leeteuk. A friend of Heechul must be confident in herself." "Oh...Okays,thanks."

it's really a LOl..^^ :D
forevercupcake13 #6
Chapter 1: oh my! author-shi! i would definitely love this story because of KangTeuk.. update soon.. ^^
siwon407 #7
please update more.ilove the story.pls pls pls pls.......................................................
CallMehhBubz #8
update please...