Chapter 3: Meeting the others

Don't talk

It took about 20 minutes to get to the hospital. When we arrived, JongHyun took off my helmet and we went inside the emergency room. We sat in the waiting room not for long, until a nurse came up to us.

'Hello, how can I help you?' She said and smiled and both I and JongHyun stood up and bowed at her. 

'I kind of scratched my wrist, uhm, and it won't stop bleeding...' I said shyly and looked at her. I couldn't say that I scratched it while trying to knock a window as I tried to get into a locked house, it would be too embarrassing.

'I see, then come with me' She seemed so nice and friendly, I couldn't understand how. I mean, I had always thought that the people that works at hospitals are scary and they sees death everyday, so how can they still be so nice and happy? It was a big mystery for me. JongHyun asked her if it was OK to come along, I felt happy when she said 'Yes', the last thing I wanted was to be alone now.


She led me into a room and asked me to sit down on something that looked like a, not so comfortable, bed, and I did as she said.

'May I look at your scratch?' She asked and I nod in answer, I looked at JongHyun, he sat on one of the chairs by one of the white walls, then I looked back at her smiling face. She unwrapped the scarf and put it on the bed, next to me. The wound started to bleed again, not too much though, but enough to make her look concerned . 'Hmm...' She said and looked at the scratch. 'It need to be stitched if I would be able to stop the bleeding' She took something that looked like a small towel and pressed it against the wound. 'Hold here' She said to me and I pressed the towel with my other hand. She went to a drawer and picked something out of it and came back. 'I'm going to give you a shot so when I stitch, it won't hurt as much, OK? The shot may just hurt a little bit, but it's over soon, I promise' I nodded and she stack carefully in the shot next to the scratch, it hurt a bit, so I closed my eyes in pain.


She took out the shot faster than I thought she would.

'There you go. Let's wait 2 minutes, then I will stitch for just 20 seconds, can you count for me?' Her voice and smile made me calm so I nodded. 'No need to be afraid, your brother is here and I'm not a monster, am I?' She laughed a little bit and looked at JongHyun.

'No, Ma'am.' JongHyun said and smiled back.

'Your brother and you can count together' She said.

'OK' I nodded. After 2 minutes she asked me to count, so both JongHyun and I started to count. For every second, it didn't hurt, it just felt like a mosquito bite when she stitched the wound. And when we had counted to 20 she finished the stitching.

'There you go' She put away the things she had used and took out a bandage. 'That wasn't too painful, now was it?'

'No, Ma'am.' I smiled and shook my head. 

'Now, so the wound won't open up again, I need to wrap a layer of bandage around your wrist, to protect the wound from dust' 

'OK' I said and she wrapped the bandage around the wound about 5-6 times and secured it. 

'It might hurt or be a little itchy, but that's just normal. It means that the wound are healing, and that's a good thing, OK?' She laughed and played with my hair.

'Hey!' I said and tried to take her hand away from my hair. She laughed and shook hand with JongHyun.

'Will this cost something?' JongHyun asked and looked at the nurse. 

'Go to the Check-Out and ask, I'm not sure. Hopefully not.'  I took my scarf and we bowed once more and said 'Thank you'.


We went to the Check-Out and then we went out from the hospital. It had cost just as much as two hot-chocolates cost, so I said to JongHyun that I owe him two hot-chocolates after this.

'Why don't we go and grab some breakfast for you and hot-chocolate for me, now? We have some time over' He said and looked at the watch which said 8.45. 'The others will hopefully wake up in an hour, so we have about 40 minutes or so.'

'Sure, Hyung, let's go buy some hot-chocolate!' I said. I gave him a hot-chocolate and I ate a big sandwich and drank a hot-chocolate. It was so cold outside that a hot-chocolate was the right thing to make me warm again. After we had eaten up it was 9.20 so we went home with his motorcycle again. 


We arrived to the house and the lamps inside was on. ''

'If they ask, let's just say that I took you on a ride to the store, or something. Because if they finds out about your wrist, they'll surly tell the manager, and it will be a hell for you. Maybe for me too, for hiding it.' JongHyun said after he had took off the helmet. 'Common, let's go'


We went to the wooden door and opened it. We took of our jackets and shoes and stepped into the hallway. I could smell food coming from the kitchen and when we stepped into the living-room, one of the guys that I hadn't met stood there and boiled egg and made sandwiches for five. When he saw us coming his smile went so big I barely couldn't see his eyes. He seemed very happy to see us. I hid my wrist so he wouldn't see the bandage.

'Oh Hello!' He greeted and dropped the butter knife on the sink. 'Welcome home!' He waved at us to come closer. 'Here, take a seat!' He pointed on the big round table that I hadn't seen yet, until now and we sat down. 

'It seems like you had a good night sleep, Onew Hyung' JongHyun said. Oh so this was Onew, the leader! I stood up an bowed.

'Nice to meet you, Hyung!' I said.

'Aniya aniya! No need to bow!' He laughed and went back to his eggs. 'Its very nice to meet you too!' He looked down on the eggs and took the salt and salted them a bit. 'When did you arrive yesterday? I didn't see you.'

'I missed my train so I arrived around 11. Everyone was asleep except for MinHo Hyung, he let me in.' I said and sat down at the table again.

'I see, I see...' He turned off stove and took of the boiling water. 'So where have you two been now? I thought that you two were sleeping in the bedroom' He poured the hot water out in the sink and poured cold water over the eggs.

'We went to the store to look for...' I stated and looked at JongHyun for help.

'... For... A toothbrush to TaeMin. Yeah, he had forgotten his toothbrush at home so he needed a new one.' Nice JongHyun, he saved me once more.

'I see, well, I hope you haven't eaten yet, because I have made egg sandwiches for you guys!' Onew smiled as he put the eggs on each sandwich.

'Actually...' JongHyun started.

'We haven't!' I finished, I didn't wanted to make Onew upset, plus that I wasn't that full yet. 'what the hell, one more sandwich cant harm, right?' But what I didn't know was that when he said 'Egg sandwich' he meant 'Egg smorgasbord'. He had put more than just a egg on the sandwich, and I felt bad for lying to him. On the sandwich there was butter, salad, a thick ham, cucumber, tomato, a little more salad and egg. Talk about first class sandwich.


'I'm going to wake the others up, the manager will be here in just an hour, and they need to eat before he comes' Onew said and went to the bedroom where MinHo and Key were sleeping. I now had the chance to unpack my long-sleeved shirt, so I could hide the bandage better, and so I did. I put on a red long-sleeved shirt and now I finally could relax.


When MinHo and Key came out from the bedroom, they both looked like monkeys, really like monkeys. They were all messed up when they came out in the kitchen. 

'Did you guys sleep well?' JongHyun asked laughing when MinHo and Key sat down at the table. They didn't respond, I guessed they were still very tired. 

'Hello, Hyung, I'm TaeMin!' I said and stood up and bowed at Key. He looked at me with sleepy eyes.

'Annyeonghaesaeyo' He waved his hand toward me and spoke slowly and sleepy. And then his head fell down on the table. I smiled and tried not to laugh and sat down at the table again. 'Man he's tired'

'Ya! Key Hyung, wake up! The manager will be here soon, you must eat before he comes' Onew said and pushed Key on his shoulder. 

'Yea yea...' Key answered and took his sandwich. I actually, surprised enough, managed to eat my whole sandwich. 


After breakfast, Key went to their room and got dressed and MinHo went to the bathroom, while me, JongHyun and Onew, who already were done, sat by the tv and watched some kind of drama that I had no idea what it was about.


When everyone was dressed and ready, the doorbell rang and Onew opened the door.




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Shizzness #1
2min!! great story!
You have to continue! Unnie, figthing!! \(^0^)/