Chapter 1. Silly Me

Don't talk

This was all new for me. All this time, I've been wondering how it is to be a star, a famous singer, and through all odds and even though I had caught a cold when I had my second audition, I came to this new group called SHINee. It was an amazing start on a new chapter in my life, I could finally do what I wanted; sing and dance. It was my passion, my biggest interest, my life! Without music, I would be nothing. Music had saved my life once and right at that moment, I knew what I wanted; I wanted to be big, I wanted to show everyone else that even though you're young, and even though if people will try to stop you, because they sure will, no matter what, you have to believe in yourself and be sure that this is what you want, and chase your dream, and catch it!

I took a deep breath, I knew that all the other four members had already met each other, so for me, stamping in to their house, which were going to be my house too now, would be tough. I just hoped they wouldn't mind if another member joined. The manager already told me that I am going to be the Maknae in the group, the youngest member. But I shouldn't be worried, they are probably very nice guys... I hope.

I knocked the big wooden door and waited with my two big luggages, we were going to stay in this house here in Seoul for a year, then we just had to wait and see what were going to happen. I probably couldn't be walking the streets after debuted on TV without being noticed.

'Ashh, this is going to be hard...' I said and shook my head and ruffled my black short hair and knocked the door again. 'Ashh, why won't they open?!'
I looked at my watch and realized that it had past eleven in the evening. 'Maybe they are sleeping?' I droped my luggages at the door and went to one of the windows. 'It's dark... And I don't got a key!' I hated the fact that I would have to wake them up to have a change of getting to sleep inside tonight. Plus that it was snowing outside, made me scared by the thoughts that I would sleep outside. But I thought that maybe there was another way around, maybe another door that wasn't looked.

I went around to the back of the house, and I saw that there was a light in on of the windows. I tried to walk up to the window, but it was higher up, I guessed it was the bathroom.
I looked around me and found nothing else but snow, so I grabbed a lot of snow and tried to push it to a small pile of snow and then tried to step on it, in order to maybe, perhaps just a little bit, come higher up so I could knock the window. I didn't wanted to throw a snowball, it could break the glass, because that had happened before and I got in really deep trouble for that.

The snow was so cold and I had no gloves on, silly me, I should have listened to my parents but hey, I'm just 14, what would they expect? It's just amazing that they really let me do this, they are always so over-protecting so it was a pure luck that I convinced them to let me debut. I have heard about the members, I know how they look like and I also know a little background about everyone and hell, I think that this is going to be a great experience for me and my future carrier, and of course my parents couldn't agree more than this is going to make me more mature. This was going to be a great year.

When I finally had made that little pile of snow big enough to reach the window, the room went black. I knocked on the window fast and loud and the light turned back on again.

When no one opened the window, I knocked again, but the little pile of snow was not too safe to stand on, and all of a sudden I fell right through the snow and scratched my right wrist on the window sill and fell on my .

The window opened and a head stack out.
'Who are you? A fan?'
I looked up and held onto my wrist to cover the scratch.
'No...' I said and the pain in the wrist made me realize that I couldn't hide the pain and the big scratch.
'Are you ok?' The guy asked and put his elbow on the window sill and the hand on his chin. 'Looks like you need some help.' His expression looked tired and I don't really think he cared much, after all, I was a stranger.
'No, no, I'm fine' I said and smiled and stood up fast. 'Can you please open the front door? I haven't gotten any key yet...'
'"Yet"? Who do you think you ar-- Wait a minute... Don't tell me you're our new member?'
'Yes, Hyung, brother, my name is Lee TaeMin' I bowed a little and hid my wrist behind my back.
'Aigoo...' He looked away and put both hands on the sill. 'Fine, I'll open the door' He backed from the window and closed it and shortly thereafter the lamp went off. So I went to the front door and saw him standing there with pajamas on, white and black striped pants and a black t-shirt with a green print with a penguin on it.
'Why did you have to come in the middle of the night? You're lucky I was awake' He took one of the luggage and went inside the house.
'I missed my train... I'm sorry' I said and took the other luggage.

It was a really nice hallway and it looked so clean and the walls had beautiful paintings and decoration on them.
'Wow, here's very nice'
'Shh~ The others are sleeping, so be quiet' He whispered and opened a room. 'Here is where JongHyun sleeps. This will be your room too, we share rooms. Me and Key are sleeping in the other room, far down this hallway", He pointed at the end of the hallway. "Onew, the leader, sleeps alone though, there can only be room for two in one room, so yeah. And he's the leader, so it's ok for everyone that he sleeps alone, the oldest and the leader, got it?' He said and closed the door again.
'Oh that must mean that you're MinHo, right?' I whispered and smiled.
'Yup, correct' He whispered. 'Now, because you're so late and JongHyun is already sleeping, you can't go in there, you might wake him up, and that won't be such a good first impression, right? So I guess you have to sleep on the couch, is that ok?'
I had hoped to sleep in a bed tonight, I was so tired and a bed would feel so good right now after the long trip. But I guess I couldn't complain, so I just nod and smiled.
'Ok, well...' MinHo said and went to his bedroom, 'TaeMin, welcome to the house, I hope it'll feel like home' He shut the door carefully after him.

I sighed, I finally could rest after the long trip. I wonder if they would accept me, I mean, they all have been living here for three days already, I guessed that they had gotten to know each other already quite a bit by now.

I went to find the bathroom, it wasn't that hard to find, because I knew where that window had been, so I found the bathroom right away.

The scratch on my wrist was bad, worser than I thought it was, but all I could do was to try wash it and put something on it to stop the bleeding, but what?
I looked through the mirror cabinet, but couldn't find any painkillers or bandage or anything. So I took a big piece of toilet paper and wrapped it around the wound, many times, and I was good to go.

I put on my pajamas and went to the couch. I found a blanket on the couch-edge and took a pillow from the couch and put it under my head. I turned off the floor lamp and went to bed, tomorrow would be the day I would meet everyone. I was so excited, but so tired and fell asleep right away.


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Shizzness #1
2min!! great story!
You have to continue! Unnie, figthing!! \(^0^)/