Chapter 2; Bloody Nightmares

Don't talk

I woke up on a green field with lots of white beautiful flowers. I sat in the grass and looked at the blue clear sky. But all of a sudden the blue sky turned grey, and then all black, and all the white flowers went brown and old. I could feel the cold powerful wind, like a tornado grabbing my clothes and hair. I felt that something grabbed my wrist and bit it, hard, like a snake bite. The pain was enormous, the darkness surrounded me and I couldn't se anything, couldn't breath, all I felt was the pain. 


Then I saw a long corridor, a very dark one, the light was flickering. I could only hear the echo of my own fear and shiver and was breathing very fast, just like if I had ran a marathon. Someone stood at the end of the corridor, I stepped closer and the pain in my wrist became stronger and stronger for each step I took. I stood three steps away from the girl, she had very long black hair, so long it touched the floor and covering her face. Her white nightdress were as white as her pure white skin, and her body was so skinny, it was frightening. I tried to reach her, but for each try the pain in the wrist went stronger. I couldn't bare with it longer and the girl suddenly looked up at my face with such a fast move that I fell back.


I were suddenly back on the couch, breathing fast and the room was bright and the birds were twittering. I looked at the watch. It said 7 in the morning. I sat up and saw that the brown couch had red spots on it, I understood that it was the blood from the wrist. 'Oh no! What should I do?!'


One of the guys came out through one of the bedrooms doors, it was JongHyun. He looked at me with a sleepy gaze. 

'Who are you?'

I covered the couch with the blanket and hid the scratch on my wrist and stood up.

'Hello, Hyung! I'm the new member, Lee TaeMin' I bowed and smiled at him.

'I thought you would come yesterday afternoon...' JongHyun went to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator.

'I missed the train... So I arrived here at 11.20. I'm sorry.' I said and looked at him. He had a green t-shirt and white pants and his hair was all messy. I guessed it had been a good idea that I didn't went into the room last night, he would be waked up, and I didn't wanted that to happen, he seemed like he was tired enough.


He came to the livingroom and stood toward me.

'Well, I'm JongHyun, nice to meet you' He reached the right hand toward me. I looked at his hand, I didn't wanted to shake it, he would see my wrist, but I still didn't wanted to seem rude. So what I did was just to bow, deep, so he wouldn't think I was disrespectful. He dropped his hand to the hips and bowed a little, too. 'Have you eaten yet?' He asked and didn't seem upset because I didn't shook his hand.

'No, I just woke up' I said and sat down on the couch. The wrist touched the couch seat and the pain rushed through the whole body and I bent down and a horrible sigh of pain went out.

'Aigoo, are you ok?!' JongHyun came toward me and put his hand on my shoulder.

'... Yea...' My breaths were heavy. '... Yea, I'm fine.' I couldn't look him in the eyes, so I covered the wrist with my other hand. 'Im fine...' I tried to relax and and bent backward to finally look him in the eyes, trying to convince him that it wasn't anything wrong with me.

'What do you mean? You're in pain, I clearly can see that.' JongHyun said and looked at my face.

'No really, no need to worry, I'm really fine' I said and stood up. 'I just... Need to go to the toilet, it was probably something I ate last night.' I smiled and went to the bathroom, I just hoped that he hadn't seen the bloody paper around my wrist. I locked the bathroomdoor behind me and took of the paper and it hurt so bad, the paper had got stuck in the wound, but I bit my teeth and my eyes got watery. The wound started to bleed again, it seemed like I never could stop that bleeding, I somehow had to go to the hospital without letting them to know about it, but how? I washed the wound again with water and then pressed my towel on it, then I took new toilet paper and wrapped it around the wrist again, this time a little harder. I looked me in the mirror and saw that my t-shirt I had slept in had spots of blood on it, JongHyun must have seen it. But I pretend and hoped that he hadn't, but the chance that he hadn't seen the blood, was small.


I comb my hair and went out to the hall and saw JongHyun sitting on the couch and the blanket were still there. 'Phew, he maybe hadn't seen the couch yet' I thought and stepped carefully in to the kitchen.

'You know... We don't need to talk with the manager or letting this out in the media...' JongHyun said and shifted the channel on the big tv screen. The tv were the biggest I've ever seen in real life. On the wall over the tv was another painting which colors matched the light blue wall.

'What... What do you mean?' I said and knew right away that he had find it out. He pulled of the blanket and kept the eyes on the tv screen while eating a sandwich. I just stared, I was caught, I couldn't hide it anymore. I guessed I could never hide anything from anyone now when we live so close to each other.

'I can take you to the hospital. Im 17, almost 18. I can pretend to be your older brother and just say that our parents are out-country, or something. I can drive you to the hospital.'

'I...' I didn't know what to say, he was way to nice. 

'Don't worry, I'm going to help you clean the couch before the others wakes up.'

'Why are you so nice?' I sat down on the floor and showed him the wrist. I felt I could trust him.

'Well, I have an older sister that helped me out when I was in a situation like this before... My sister helped me and kept it quiet from my parents...' JongHyun went to the kitchen and took a towel and wet it with water and soap. 'I just think it would be a pretty bad start on your carrier if anyone got to know about this so...' He went to the couch and pressed the towel to the couch cushion and rubbed it to make the blood go away.  

'Im sorry...' I said, still sitting on the floor and looked at the wrist, 'I just didn't wanted to be a burden...' 

'You're not' He said and went to the kitchen again and put more water and soap on the towel, 'You're one of us now, no need to hide anything or feel embarrassed. We'll be here for you. We're more than a band...' He went to the couch again with the towel and rubbed the cushion again. 'We're like a family' I looked up at him and he smiled back. 'Take of the paper so it won't get stuck into the wound.' 

'A-Alright' I said carefully and unwrapped the paper from the wrist and put it in my pocket.  

'Do you have a shirt that you maybe don't like, and can rip the sleeves of? A sleeve from a shirt would be much better than paper. Or just a scarf or whatever you got?' JongHyun stop rubbing the cushion and then he turned the cushion up-side-down so the marks were toward the floor. 

'I got a scarf, a thin one, in my luggage... Let me unpack it...' I packed up the scarf, it was on the top of all the clothes and stuff I had packed down there. 'Here.'  The scarf had black, dark grey, grey and white big squares all over it and was nice to have during spring, autumn and winter seasons. He took the scarf and sat beside me. He took my wrist and wrapped it around the wound that was all red by now. 

'There you go... Now let's get dressed and we have to hurry up before the others are waking up' He looked at his watch, 'Its just 7.40, so they won't wake up until at least some hours or so, for what I have understood, they all are sleepyheads.' JongHyun went back to the bedroom and got dressed, I took my white-black stripped t-shirt and blue jeans with me to the bathroom. 


5 minutes later we sat on his motorcycle, dressed in jackets and shoes and helmets and off we went. I just hoped he was a good driver and that the others wouldn't wake up while we were gone.




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Shizzness #1
2min!! great story!
You have to continue! Unnie, figthing!! \(^0^)/