

Before the end of the year, I moved on. Well, maybe a little. I can't lie to myself because I know there's still a part of me thats was longing for him.

One rainy afternoon, when I was lying on the couch watching the rerun of Music Bank, my door bell rang. I went to open the door revealing a wet Key with a bouquet of flowers and a chocolate.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and let him enter first before he die because of the rain splashing on him.

"Are you an idiot? It is raining so hard!" I said while getting a towel. I went back to him to wipe his hair and face. 

"You stilll care for me huh?" He said. 
"Babo. Why are here by the way ?" I asked. It looks like he was on a date but the weather did not agree.
"Will you accept my love again?" He asked. Is he an idiot? Why is he doing this to me?
"Huh?" I asked in disbelief.
"Look Eun Ah. I'm so sorry for what I have done before. I can't afford to lose you. I love you. I know I'm idiot for hurting you. I'm so sorry." He said and give me the flowers and chocolate. He even knelt on the floor.
I can't think of an answer. I know I still love him. But... I can't trust him anymore.

"I'll think about it." I said coldly. We waited for the rain to stop so he can leave.



The next days, he continue courting me. Even his friends helped him.



A year has passed and I still haven't give him my answer. I was planning on giving him today so I dialled his phone number.

"Yoboseyo" Key answered on the next line.

"Oppa, can we meet on the park where we hang out often? I have something to tell you" I said 

"Oh, yeah sure. I have something to tell you too. I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said then hung up. 

Feeling excited, I grab my best clothing on my wardrobe. This could be the best day of my life since I will be starting a new life with Key again.

I went to the park 5 minutes earlier. Then 5 minutes more, he arrived.

"Yo!" He said sitting beside me on the bench. I smile sweetly in response.

"So what are you going to say ?" He asked then smiled.
"You first" I said. I let him talk first to let go of the nervousness I am feeling.

"uh sure."He said then his smile fade away. I was having a bad feeling on what he was going to say. I look directly in his eyes which was full of sadness. But still, I bravely look into his eyes.

"You know what? I feel like our relationship will not going to last. I know that I wasn't be the one saying this becuse I was the one who was courting you. Let's just stop this. Things not working. WE are not working. Let just be friends. Let's forget about the past. Let's start a new life as friends. And by the way. I throw all the things you gave me, so throw the things I gave you too so we can move on easily." He said. I look at the ground feeling that tears are  forming in my eyes.

"I thought after meeting you today I will go home happy. Because you know what? I asked you here because I was planning on giving you a chance. And what did I get? I never knew that this was going to happen. Telling me to end up as friend? I CAN'T! Now that I love you so much? Now that you are my Life? NEVER! But if it was your choice. Then fine." With that I left him alone. 

I locked myself on my room and cried endlessly. Why is this happening to me? Why now? Now that I realized that I need him. Why?

A week has passed. He became the reason for my sleepless nights, for my fake smile. And it's killing me everytime I saw him happy, smiling... laughing. Does he even feel the same ? Why he's not sad? It is so unfair. He should feel the same. He should feel the pain I was feeling right now.



A news was being spread on the campus. It is said that Key and Nicole are now dating... Upon hearing the news, I feel like my heart was being torn apart. I guess that was the reason he let go of me. All he said was a lie. I knew I shouldn't accept him again. I'm so idiot for falling on the trap he made. But I know this was entirely my fault. On the first place things wouldn't happen if I didn't used him to get rid of Taemin. Is this what they called KARMA? But why does it seems like my Karma brought much pain than I give him? Why?




kyaaaaaa~ I hope you enjoy reading this...

YAY! Another fic was finished!

Thanks for reading! I love you all !

Please read my 2 other fics. It is about KEY again.



It's for the best [Complete] and Unpredictable Love




So let's go fangirling now. What do you think of SHINee's comeback? Theyare awesome right? 

When I first watch the mv I was like O_o . They are always AWESOME!! But more

awesome this time. I can't let my eyes off Key. Does anyone notice? He's much more

handsome. Right?  Especially when performing. SHOCKS!!! I can die now... *kidding.

So here are some SHERLOCK thingy.


Our sleeping Key. kyaaa~ He's so hot. 


Group photo..

Shots from the MV


And this ~


Thanks again. BUHBYE~ ♥    

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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
Chapter 4: Great story!! I hope that you continue writing!
the story is sooo beautiful in a sad way but amazing <3<3
keep it up on 'happy endings' :D:D
jonggggup #3
i meant the photos LOL
the story was really in a way sad ):
jonggggup #4
DaSangtaeIsDubu #5
KYAAAAAAH you should've continued this! It was so good!
Hey theeeere. You should continue this story. I'm totally subscribing, love fanfics like these. :)