Chapter 1



I'm Kim Eun Ah, a student in Seoul University, the school where I met Key. The man I thought would love me forever.




"Kim Eun Ah~sshi, I like you can you go out with me?" Key shouted along the hallway. It was break time so the hallway was crowded with students. The gaze of the students turn to me and now I was at the center of attention. My fellow students started cheering telling me to accept his feelings.

"I can wait if you don't feel the same." Key added with a reassuring smile. The cheering got louder. I think for awhile and give in easily saying.

"Sure" I said in response.  The cheering got even more louder that can cause an earthquake. 

"Really?" He asked and I nodded then smile. He hurriedly went to where I was standing and hugged me ignoring the presence of other students. 

I don't know why I accept that idiot. It is just a waste of time. I accepted him even though I know I don't like him back. Maybe to get rid of my recent heartbreak, he might help me with that.

My days in college changed. He always suprise me with things I didn't expect. I know I'm too mean to date him even though I don't like him back. That's why before the semester end, I broke up with him. I can't help it. My conscience is killing me. I thought breaking up with him will make my life back to it's normal  flow, but no. It caused me to be more guilty seeing him so sad despite the happy atmosphere surrounding him.

Days later, I started to develop my feelings for him. I know it's too late that's why one day I went looking for him. I apologized for what I've done and asked him if we could start again. God was so kind to me and gave me what I want, what I need. Key.

Our relatonship got deeper. I got to know him more. He's a great cook, he's a little bit nagger. I got to know his friends too, which includes Taemin. The guy who broke my heart. Taemin and I are not in a relationship before so I can't call him my EX. But I like him for so long but he never noticed me and started dating random girls that cause my heart to break. Oh whatever. That's already past, and PAST IS PAST. I have Key now. My Key.



One day, I was walking on the staircase of the school when I saw Taemin.  He went to where I was standing and asked me if I can come with him for awhile. Since I don't have any feelings for him anymore, I nodded and he dragged me to the bench behind the garden of the University.

"You know what?" He started. I looked at him puzzled not getting what he was talking about.

"Key hyung was cheating with you" He added looking at the gound. I looked at the ground too. I was having a hard time believing on what he had just said. Key loves me right? He can't do that.

"Nicole. It's Nicole" He said. I was speechless. I just can't believe it. Key cheating on me? And Nicole? She a nice girl, to be more specific, Nicole and I are friends. She knows that I love him so much. She can't do that to me, they can't do that to me.

"I'm saying this because I can't stand seeing you happy when hyung was cheating behind your back." Taemin continued. 

"No, they can't! I won't believe you! Why are you saying those!" I shouted at him and leave before tears run down my face. I won't believe him unless I saw proof. Why is Taemin doing this. Is he trying to break us apart? Why?

I was running so fast and my tears are blurring my vision so I wasn't able to see where I was walking then I bumped into someone. I wiped my tears and look up. I saw him. Key

"Hey baby, are you crying?" he asked. I shook my head and he held my chin up so he can get a better view of my eyes.

"Liar" He said then he hugged me tight. We went on a nearby bench. This is the best chance to ask him about what Taemin said. But he might say that I don't trust him. 

"oppa?" I said. He hummed in response.

"What's your relationship with Nicole? I see you two often." Yeah, that's true. I saw them often but I still won't believe on Taemin.

"Nicole and I are just friends. BFFs I should say. Why, are you jealous?"He said. I nodded in response and a smile was formed on his face.

"My baby is jealous~" He sang to tease me. Then he hugged me.

"Baby, don't believe on things others are saying. They are just rumors." He added and I hugged him back. But how come he knew that I heard that news? Nevermind. As long as he's not cheating on me.


The days went so fast. Things changed too, even Key. We don't hang out more. He's always busy. I was afraid that he will broke up with me. 

The day thats I was afraid has came. He broke up with me with an unknown reason. Maybe the rumor is true.

But I don't know, even this horrible day came, I can't get mad at him. I still love him...




Chapter 1 done. Thanks for reading.

ppyong~ ♥

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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
Chapter 4: Great story!! I hope that you continue writing!
the story is sooo beautiful in a sad way but amazing <3<3
keep it up on 'happy endings' :D:D
jonggggup #3
i meant the photos LOL
the story was really in a way sad ):
jonggggup #4
DaSangtaeIsDubu #5
KYAAAAAAH you should've continued this! It was so good!
Hey theeeere. You should continue this story. I'm totally subscribing, love fanfics like these. :)