Something soft and fluffy..

I'm so curious.

I was sitting idly on the couch, not knowing what to do next to surpass boredom.

Believe me— it’s better for me to work at these times than to rest alone. Or they, preferably he— could have just stayed in the dorm with me.

 I really wasn’t the type of person who’s going to make a big fuss over a problem, but I think they just don’t see right through me. Or at least that’s what I think.

I tried switching the channel for the hundredth time, wishfully thinking that there would be something interesting to watch— but much to my dismay, there isn’t any. How the hell those people earn money with those crappy shows? I groaned.

I just settled for what I thought was safe for me to watch— a cooking show. Though it still kind of bore me, it’s still something that interests me— just for the sake of killing time.

The middle aged woman in the show was cooking an Italian delicacy that’s pretty much my favorite—Pasta. My abandoned stomach suddenly created a loud growling sound, stating it’s already been playing the hunger games for so long.

As if on cue, the entrance door slid open revealing my bubbly hyungs and dongsaengs— carrying a couple of paper bags that screams food.

“You’re back!” I practically screamed in anticipation and flew over to greet them. Minho seemed to be taken aback at my sudden action as his eyes widened three times larger than its normal size. Was that even possible?

“Not sick anymore, eh?” Onew hyung questioned out of nowhere, earning a soft chuckle from Taemin who was standing beside him. I nodded in response.

“What’s up with the good mood, by the way?”

“Nothing much. I just missed you, guys. How dare you leave me here alone?” I interrogated and showed a faux pout. I wasn’t that upset, though.

“I’m sorry, Key umma. I promise to stay with you the next time you’re sick.” The maknae suggested with a thoughtful expression playing on his face. I pinched his slightly stout cheeks and chuckled at his adorableness.

“There’s no need to, Minnie. I won’t be sick again.” They chuckled to my statement as they started to prepare dinner for the night.

“We bought roasted chicken and white sauce pasta for dinner, hyung.” Minho suddenly stated, directing to me— while cutting the chicken into pieces.

“Pasta! Sounds yummy.” I mindlessly stated while my eyes scanned around— searching for a certain figure that’s not in sight. My heart dropped in disappointment when I found no one.

Just where the hell is he?

Just then, I started debating to myself once again if what happened earlier was real. Was I just dreaming? The distressing thoughts I’ve been trying to block the whole day were once again— coming back.

Sh*t. I cursed mentally.

I carefully leaned on the kitchen counter for support, trying my best not to show any discomfort. I don’t want the others to be worried-sick again about me because if that happens— my conscience wouldn’t be able to take it anymore.

Onew hyung must have noticed since he flashed me a worried glance, but I just forced a weak smile to dismiss it. I noticed him eye the other members in a meaningful way as well, but I didn’t have the intention to budge whatever it was about.

No. Frankly— I had. But it wasn’t my business after all.

“I’ll stay in the living room first. Just call me when dinner is ready.” I stated as calmly as possible and made my way to the other room with weak strides. I carelessly slumped myself on the couch— creating a loud huff, and took the chance to indulge its fluffiness. It helped me feel utmost comfortable— despite of the familiar agonizing tightening feeling in my chest.

Maybe he’s with her again..

I covered my face with a throw pillow and soundlessly grunted.

I thought he was already coming back to me.

Maybe— just maybe— I got the wrong thought once again.

I was about to burst into tears when I felt someone approach me. I wasn’t even eager to look up to scrutinize who the culprit was, because of my current situation. Not that I didn’t care— it’s just that I don’t want the other members to again see me in my most vulnerable state.

I felt someone took a seat on the end of the couch. That someone suddenlylifted and played with my feet— an uneasy feeling suddenly enveloped my whole body. I got utterly shocked by thesudden contact and shot straight up.

“Yah!!” I loudly screamed, trying to scare him— but I just received a soft chuckle in return.

“Yeobooo.” He spoke— his voice filled with undistinguishable emotions.

“J—jonghyun.” As dumb as it may seem— I stuttered.

He then flashed his most captivating smile making it feel like my intestines hinder into tight knots.

“I have something for you.” He slightly twisted on his side and reached for something hidden beside the couch.

Oh no.

My heart started to thump loudly— making it seem that it could jump out of my chest any moment he flash another breath-taking smile.

“Close your eyes.”


“Just close it. No peeking!” He playfully demanded— in a good way, though.

It didn’t take long until I felt him lift something in front of my face. I suddenly felt him wrap something soft and fluffy around my neck, sending electric shockwaves through my whole being. Due to my painfully irritating undying curiousness— I cheated and opened my eyes even without the director’s cue.

“J—jjong.” I touched the knitted scarf wrapped around me— feeling and taking in its smooth and cottony texture that can be barely compared to Taemin’s fluffy hair.

Jonghyun moved closer and closer, until I felt his warm breath ghosting on my right ear.

 “Key?” He affectionately whispered my name— sending shivers down my spine.

“Always wear this scarf so you won’t get sick, okay?” My heart skipped a beat.

Did he really mean that?

 “I visited my mom last time and asked her to teach me how to knit a scarf. Sorry for it’s not perfect.

“W—wow Jjong. You made it? Y—you really made it yourself?” He nodded once and placed a soft tender kiss on my cheek.

Honestly speaking, I didn’t expect it.  I was perfectly shocked.

He made it himself. For me.

Not for anybody else, but for me.

It was the very first timein my life that I became so touched by something – rather someone— that it made my tears really uncontrollable. My tears continuously brimmed down my face, but Jonghyun tried his best to let them stop.

“Thank you, Jonghyun. Really. This is the best gift, ever.” He hugged me even tighter as I let out another staggering sob.

“Jonghyun! Key! Dinner’s ready!” I heard Onew hyung call out from the other room, but neither of us bothered to make a move.

“Eating time, hyungs!” The maknae also interrupted, making me raise my head from our current position. Jonghyun just held me tighter, not even giving me a chance to glance at the other members.

“Let’s stay like this for a little longer, baby.” He whispered.







HEADACHE. -_- It's already 7 in the morning.


I didn't check this.. spelling, grammar, and sooooo. I hope you understood it somehow? HAHA.



Lol at this GIF. Have a good day/night. ♥

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luhans-vaqina #1
Awn how sweet. :D
But he's still a stupid guy... =.=
FFs are more readable when using mobile (iPod) I dunno, it just looks better. FOR ME :))
O.O Please update soon~ I want to find out what happens :D This is really good so far.
i still want to kill him.
Kill. Jonghyun. Nao. D:<
luhans-vaqina #7
He's actually cheating on key? Nuuuuuu. TT^TT
Someone needs to die.
i want to kill jonghyun. so...bad...
luhans-vaqina #9
I usually hate reading the little teasers on the forewards of stories, but I was actually getting into it this time. DDD:
Sooooooooon. Haha. ♥