Just tell me.

I'm so curious.

“Don’t come here yet, hyung!” Taemin whispered on the phone.

“Why not, Taeminnie?” I questioned.

“Just because..” He nervously muttered.

“Tell me.” I urged him.


“Just tell me!” I eagerly yelled as I round to a corner.


Just 3 more rooms then I’ll be in the practice room. What’s making Taemin say not to go there?



“Because what?” I was getting impatient.

“Jonghyun hyung is here.” He breathed.

“Aigoo, Minnie. I thought it was something serious!” I wailed in slight annoyance.

“It is.” He mumbled and I spotted him sitting on the floor beside the practice room.


He looks so fragile.


I quickly approached him and asked what happened, but he just shook his head.

“Taemin, just tell me what happened.”

“Okay, hyung. Just not here. Let go to somewhere else.” I nodded and helped him stand on his feet until something caught my eye. There’s someone inside the practice room.

I carefully walked closer to the frosted glass door and peeped inside.

And there it was.

I saw him and Jessica.




They’re kissing.


I know my eyes are not deceiving me. This is reality, Kim Kibum.


I felt my eyes sting, until I felt a strong tugging on my arm.


“Let’s go hyung! Please.” My legs became too weak to even stand on its own. l I felt myself being dragged out of the heart breaking scene by someone, but I didn’t protest. I was too weak to protest.

“Taemin..” I whispered, my voice shaking.

“That was Jonghyun, right?” He nodded his head once.

And that was it..

It felt like the whole world crashed on me.





“Hyung! You’re sweating! You’re crying! Stop crying and wake up!!!” Someone violently shook me from my sleep and I groaned in annoyance.


“You’re having a bad dream, hyung.” He said and sat beside me.


That dream.. It felt real.


“Tell me, what was it about?” Taemin curiously asked.

“Hey! How can you still be bubbly at these times?” I angrily asked.

“I’m not.” He tried to argue.

“Yes you are. But never mind.”


“What? Just get up and prepare for our schedule.”


“Yes. Don’t we have a filming in Strong Heart today?”

“Oh.. Yes we have! But manager hyung cancelled yours.”

“Okay.. wait— WHAT? WHY??”

“Don’t scream, hyung!”

“Then what?”

“Manager hyung cancelled all your schedules for today because you’re sick.”


“Just get well, hyung. I’ll be preparing now.”




I was left alone in the dorm.

No on to talk to, no one to lean on to. Our manager cancelled all my schedules, giving me some time to rest.

I didn’t need rest. I need someone to talk to.

Though I know responsibility always comes first, I was still selfish enough to think that they’d all stay by my side during these hard times. But I won’t let it be heard. I can’t bring them down with me just because I’m broken-hearted. I just can’t be that irrational.

But who am I kidding?

I only want a certain person to stay with me. And that’s you, Kim Jonghyun.

How can he not see how much I need him with me?

I’m just so curious.


A loud beep suddenly cut my train of thoughts as a silent gasp escaped from my mouth. If this happened before, I would have quickly fish my phone out from my pocket. But the thing is.. I’m not expecting much from you now.

Since a month ago or so, you’d rarely respond to my text messages unlike before. Truthfully speaking, I appreciate every single text I receive from you, though most of them are meaningless.

At least those times, I know you still think of me.

I carefully checked the new text message and read it.


From: Taemin

Hyung! We’re in the studio now. We’re gonna be filming in a bit. I hope you’re doing fine. ^^


I chuckled at my son’s sweetness and typed a reply.


To: Taemin

Of course I’m fine! You little maknae.. -_- Just do well in the filming and don’t let us down. ^^


Of course my diva side would have kick in. I just couldn’t let them see my weak side. Taemin had already seen enough.

I sighed and headed to the kitchen to get something to munch on.  I stopped on my tracks when I heard another beep coming from my phone.

Just who could it be..

I abruptly shook my head, trying not to get my hopes up.

As if it was of any help.

I carefully opened the message..


From: Minho

I heard about what happened, hyung. Are you alright? Just rest for the day. Take care. ^^


That kid!!


To: Minho

So Minnie told you about it, huh? Aigoo. I’m fine, Minho. I’m fine.


I internally groaned and pressed the send button. Just what’s with them?


Oh. I’m curious, Yeah.


Just who would call me this time? It’s not like they don’t have a filming to do.


“Hello?” I answered.

“Key! What would you like to eat?”


“I said, what would you like—“

“I know, I know. I heard you. But what for?” I asked.

“Nothing. We’d bring home food for you later.”

“Oh. Just not chicken, hyung. Please.” I suggested and I heard him chuckle on the other line. I smiled.

“Fine. Just rest well, okay? See you later.” Onew hyung ended the call before I could even answer.


Taemin texted. Minho also texted. Onew hyung called.

They’re just making me miss him even more.

But where is he? Isn’t he with him? Why didn’t he text me? Why didn’t he call me too?

Maybe he’s with her. They’re still off the camera, right?

I bitterly chuckled at the thought and raided the fridge. I pulled out some leftovers and heated it in the microwave. I hastily plopped down on the seat and rested my head on the table, not minding if it was dirty or not.

It’s not that I didn’t care. I just couldn’t care less.

I heard the ding sound from the microwave, signalling that the food’s done. I lazily got up to get it until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I felt my heartbeat race, making it hard for me to think and breathe. Not knowing what to do next, I just fished the phone out of my pocket.

1 new message.

 I shrugged and pressed the open button.


From: Jonghyun

Get well, baby. I’ll see you later, okay? I hope we finish the filming early so that I can be with you. I miss you, Kibum. :( Get well. I love you. :*


I stared at my phone’s screen for a good minute without even blinking.

The f”*ck did I just read?

I bit my lip, trying to suppress a smile, but miserably failed.

Did he mean that?


To: Jonghyun

Alright. I’ll get better. ^^ See you later. I miss you too, Jonghyun. I love you. :*


I sighed and placed the phone on the table, not expecting another reply from him. I poured a cranberry juice on my baby dino mug until I heard it again. I smiled to myself, half anticipating that it’s another message from him.


My guts didn’t fail me this time.


From: Jonghyun

Seriously. I really miss you. :(


To: Jonghyun

Just go and film, Jonghyun!


From: Jonghyun

I don’t wanna. :( I still want to text my baby Bummie.


To: Jonghyun

Seriously, Jjong? Stop that, babo. Just go and film now so you’ll finish early. See you later. :*


I just can’t stop the butterflies flying in my stomach.


What’s going on?

Why is he suddenly so sweet again?

I know it wasn’t a wrong sent message since it has my name on it in the first one.

Is this a new start?

What if this isn’t real?

What will I do?

How can he do it like that?

Butterflies in my stomach?

Heart fluttering?

He still loves me, right?

Jessica is just nothing, right?

Please tell me.


I started asking myself with never ending of questions.


Tell me, Jonghyun. I’m so curious.







Update! Hihi.

SORRY FOR ALL THE ERRORS. I usually don't check it after I finish writing. and I'M SO SLEEPYYY. I hope it's still understandable, though.

Feel free to ask if you don't get it. Haha. Thank you! ♥

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luhans-vaqina #1
Awn how sweet. :D
But he's still a stupid guy... =.=
FFs are more readable when using mobile (iPod) I dunno, it just looks better. FOR ME :))
O.O Please update soon~ I want to find out what happens :D This is really good so far.
i still want to kill him.
Kill. Jonghyun. Nao. D:<
luhans-vaqina #7
He's actually cheating on key? Nuuuuuu. TT^TT
Someone needs to die.
i want to kill jonghyun. so...bad...
luhans-vaqina #9
I usually hate reading the little teasers on the forewards of stories, but I was actually getting into it this time. DDD:
Sooooooooon. Haha. ♥