Drabble 3 - Junhyung Mini Diary

Beast Drabble ~ Their craziness begin


Dear Diary,

this is da almighty super cool poppin' dragon junhyung..



today iz da dey uri beast can take a rest in da dorm.. We got 5days off.. but not for me.. :( Shinsaadong tiger hyung want me to go to his studio, he want me to compose a new song for him. It's easy of course!! since i'm the almighty super cool poppin' dragon junhyung..


12:43 PM iz my time to rest after struggling with some music, rap, and bad voice from shinsadong hyung new girl group.. Hufft.. Beast r very lucky to hev yoseob as main vocal.. And of course me as the talented rapper.. :DD


When i eat my kimbab, i could hear there's some voice from my smartphone.. I grab it and found yoseob was singing @ our group chat box.. I could only smile while knowing he was lonely.. Wait lonely? >:( how culd he get lonely when he is in da dorm wif other members? Jeez dis kid..


Those words.. Isn't it lonely lyrics by akon?if i was him.. I'll write lonely lyrics by 2ne1.. it's more cool eniwey~ that's why i mad @ him.. But pretending to get disturb by his bored chat.. Khekhe..


But yeeeah i got my karma immediately..


First dey call me by my name.. Srsly, junhyung iz my name.. not only jun.. I also feel weird wif dis name.. My friend always call me hyung even he's older den me!! Dats why i cried to umma when i was 7 years old.. I want to change my name.. *Sigh.. Why don't dey gave me name lyk geun seuk or min ho..


But da worst thing iz.. today my bandmate call me appa..

they call me appa..


a word with  A.P.P.A inside.. means an old man who already have a child..

oh pweaseeee... this super handsome guy become an appa?

btw diary, did u alrdy married? do u have son?

the bad news is my son are this person..


-_______________________- *CRAZY KID IZ JUZ CRAZY*


and my new wife..

I dun mind having hyunseung as my wife *cough**cough* but those two problemtic kids.. Haaaaaaaaaah..


and of course i admit hyunseung is pretty.. Many people flirting wif him.. >:(



and the worst thing.. He's so close with gdragon from big bang..

Till now i still hate him.. First because he's close with hyunseung.. Second bcoz he has "dragon" in his name.. Hey dragon is my nick! i got it first.. But til now i can't undesrtand why he's more famous den me.. :'( that's why i change my nick bcome joker..


I dunno why my heart is in pain while i see hyunseung reply top's message on twitter. I offer myself to be hyuna's partner on change music video not because i'm thirsty of popularity, since i dun want hyunseung partnered wif her. But hong's sajangnim made them be a partner on troublemaker mv.. Haah.. If i was not busy composing beast new song, i will offer myself agein so dat can't get closer to hyunseung.. and that gdragon.. He commented dat hyunseung dance iz too ~~( ¯.¯)~~ ..Not only dat.. He also could hug hyunseung freely.. When i see dat scene my heart hurt like got stabbed by sharp knife..


Wat iz dis actually? I dunno why my feeling was lyk that.. Did i got a new disease? My face turn red wen i see him smile, my heart hurt so much wen see him crying.. Maybe dis iz only a disease which a cool, handsome and talented guy could infected??! Yeah.. I'm eternally swag!! hehe..


seriously.. i alrdy have a girlfriend.. But i neva feel that fewling i got with hyunseung while dating her.. That beauty y naughty y girl.. oops..




i'll just tell this story to you, but u can't tell everybody about this!


yeeah that girl always make me buy something for her..... >:( and must a brand new one! you dunno how much i must spend my money because of this chanel bag.. she want that bag for her airport fashion and command me to buy one... the thing that i knoe is, she just use it once, in the airport. After that she give that precious bag to her band mate, nicole. pffft.. u think i dunno,??


sorry woonie i can't give you money to buy deokbokki, ramen, and lalalala u want.. i hev no money in my wallet nao!! *oh feel lyk wanna crying :'(( i feel guilty can't give u those.. such a bad hyung I am.. but of course i'm still da almighty super cool poppin' dragon junhyung..


Suddenly shinsadong hyung call me to continue composing da new song.. And duh.. Once again i forgot to logout my facebook account.. I just set my chat to offline mode..


I can hear da noise let out continiously from my smartphone.. But of course i can't reply their chat. Hyung alrdy waiting for me.. And i can guess dat person who spamming in chat box agein..-____-


It must be yoseob..


19:00 PM.. Finally my work finished.. I bowed to shinsadong hyung and go to da dorm.. In my way, i check my smartphone and found many notifications and messages on my fb account, looking my group chat once more.. I read it and could only smile..


U two miss me raite? hehe..


Dat 2 drama king.. I mean dat drama queen.. They must stop to watch drama.. BANZAI for doojoon hyung who prohibited them .. Srsly who can bear them shouted "aaaaaw", "gyaaa!! How cute!!","waaaa!!" in da night.. But now i realize why yoseob and hyunseung suddenly could reach their high note while singing.. Those scream.. -_____- should i try it? but i dun love drama tough.. Oh maybe i hev! POKEMON.


I arrived @ home @ 21:32.. When i open da door i could hear yoseob n hyunseung was screaming and begging in front of doojoon.. I could see pouting and whining everywhere.. I just realize dat was da time 49 days on sbs re-airing.. *sigh


I decided to sleep early since i'm so tired.. But before i close my eyes, i hear some "kyaaa" sound from da living room.. Poor doojoon hyung, he must be threatned can't get dinner lyk me or da worst thing can't sleep in dooseob room.. 


oh jeez i can't sleep.. They're so noisy.. Dats why nao i write u.. Khekhe..


Dats my story!! Now iz 22:39PM.. Finally i can't hear their noisy voice agein.. Nao i can close my eyes.. See u tomorrow diary.. Love u.. :*



wif luv,

almighty super cool poppin' dragon junhyung.. no one can beat me.. khekhekhe..




finally i could post  dis drabble,, wohoo~ \(^o^)/

i got an idea to make junhyung's diary cause i just write my mini diary @ smartphone ;) haha..

here contain da day he take a convo with members on facebook chat (read drabble 2).. now you know why he leave the group chat, raitee??

INFO: junhyung set his phone so he still could hear notification sound when his chat go offline..

and Junhyung.. I could only say da disease u got iz called LOVE <3

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 4: Uwaaa...so sweet!!!!
can i request dooseob please?
I can't stop laughing reading this...this is so funny and cute !
oh my ~
hahahaha jun got a serious disease and lol at seungie seobie. those cute dorky beast. and jun's children woonie and seobie you guys naughty XDDD
this is hilarious :D
seung and seob is so funny. lol at 'arrasso.. if u die den i'll die with chu.. '
PigRabbit1912 #7
That made my day! Teehee...
Daetheidiot #8
I loved this so much! UPDATE MOREEE! ><