Drabble 1 - Meanwhile @Yahoo Messanger

Beast Drabble ~ Their craziness begin

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: iz enibody here?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: hello..

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: I’m

Arabian prince says: I’m hungry.. :(((((

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: -____-

Hyunhyun says: dinner iz almost rdy..

Arabian prince says: jinjja?

Hyunhyun says: AS IF you help me in the kitchen..

Arabian prince says: dun wanna.. my lazy won’t muuuf :(((

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: wht’s for dinner?

Hyunhyun says: chicken soup with kimchi fried rice..

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: kimchi fried rice.. again?

Hyunhyun says: should I erase the word ‘fried’ and made it to kimchi with plain rice instead? ottae?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: *gleek*

Arabian prince  says: shireo!!!! X(

Hyunhyun says: den help me here!!!

Arabian prince  says: iz there sumthing I can eat? :D

Hyunhyun says: we only hev an ice cream, strawberry cake, and chiz cake..

Arabian prince  says: wooow..i’ll be there hyuuung!!

Hyunhyun says: I should tell him earlier.. -___-


Prince aegyo has been added to this conversation


Prince aegyo says: hi doojoon hyung.. :DD

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: …..seob… -_____-“

Prince aegyo says: wuuut?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: you’re juz centimeters beside me, duh..

Prince aegyo says: sooo? :3

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: ………. nothing….. juz do whatever you want…


Arabian prince has changed his name to iLURVEcake

y abs has been added to this conversation


Hyunhyun says: is dat you kwangie?

y abs says: the iest man is come~~

iLURVEcake says: and the babo-est..

y abs says: mwoo? Say it again n I’ll tackle u.. 0.o

iLURVEcake says: baboo~


y abs has changed his status to Wait me Dongwoon…

y abs is now idle


iLURVEcake says: noooo!! Hyungs.. jebal! Don’t tell him where I am!

iLURVEcake is now idle


Hyunhyun says: arasso…

Prince aegyo says: poor you… :’)

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: …..

y abs says: where’s woonie? I can’t find him in the living room…. >:(

Prince aegyo says: alrdy search him under the rock?

y abs says: duh I forgot! Thanks seobie!


y abs is now idle


Hyunhyun says: babo..

Prince aegyo says: lol .. He srsly searching under the rock? ‎​(⌣_ ⌣!!)

Awesomeleaderizawesome says : kwangie babo… -___- why dun he juz scroll to the previous convo?

iLURVEcake says: see see? Dats why I call him babo o.0

Hyunhyun says: he already go down to a park.. lol


20 minutes later…

y abs says: Yaaah!!! I couldn’t find him >:(

Hyunhyun says: ……..

Prince aegyo says: I dunno….

Awesomeleaderizawesome says : in the name of friendship, I can’t tell you where’s him…

y abs says: I’ll give you $50 if ya tell me..

Awesomeleaderizawesome says : he’s in the kitchen..

Hyunhyun says: doo… -___-

y abs says: thnx hyung! ;D

y abs says: aaah.. Don’t forget you owe me $100 last month! Pay back my $50!

Prince aegyo says: LoooooL

Awesomeleaderizawesome says : ..

iLURVEcake says: thank you hyung.. thank you!!! (∏ ù ∏)

Hyunhyun says: you’re now a dead meat woonie..


5 minutes later

y abs says : yaaah!! whu eat my cake?

Prince aegyo says: u don’t say..

Hyunhyun says: ( ¬_ ¬) maybe iLURVEcake could explain..

y abs says : you eat my cake, dongwoon-ah??!!


iLURVEcake has changed his name to datsmycake


datsmycake says: I’m not..

y abs says: duh.. it’s obviously you..

Datsmycake says: I’m not! >:(

y abs says: rlly? (¬˛¬”)

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: it’s juz cake, ppl.. stop acting lyk a child..

y abs says: okeei.. let’s juz eat ice cream then.. (¯―¯٥)

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: wut? dats mine!

y abs says: it’s just ice cream hyung.. stop acting like a child.. *troll*

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: .. dun ya dare eat my ice cream!! (” `ç´ )_,/”(>_)

y abs says: I alrdy it.. should I put it agein in freezer?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: (&^(&^%*%^$*% juz… eat it..

y abs says: thanx :*


I’m the joker has been added to the conversation


I’m the joker says:  oh my.. who add me to dis chat?

Hyunhyun says: stop texting hara and help me in kitchen!!

I’m the joker says: you.add.me.coz.of.this??

Prince aegyo says : I’m the joker <-  your nick iz so gaaaaay~ :DD

I’m the joker says: wut did u say?

Prince aegyo says: so gaaaaaay~


I’m the joker is now Idle


Prince aegyo says: where’s he going?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: watch your back seob.. -____-“

Prince aegyo says: wuutt? WAAAAAAAA

Hyunhyun says: What’s going on there?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: Joker tickle prince aegyo…

Hyunhyun says: Oh I see..

y abs says: weeeew…

Datsmycake says: Poor yoseob hyung.. :’)

Prince aegyo says: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Hyunhyun says: what the hell!! How could he typing while junhyung tickle him??

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: jeeez.. -____-  it’s juz his hand was accidently press ‘a’ button..


I’m the joker is now available


I’m the joker says: done… wuuuf…

Prince aegyo says: oooh my cute belly… TT^TT

Hyunhyun says: jun! help me prepare dinner! *angry*

I’m the joker says: neh neh.. arasso..


I’m the joker has left this conversation


Hyunhyun says: doo?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: neh?

Hyunhyun says: tell everybody to go to da dinning room.. dinner is rdy..

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: srsly.. everybody iz here.. they could see your word!

Hyunhyun says: uh ttly frgot.. YAAAAH!!! Dinner iz rdy!!!


Datsmycake has left this conversation

Prince aegyo has left this conversation

y abs has left this conversation


Awesomeleaderizawesome says: so everybody alrdy logout?

Awesomeleaderizawesome says:…

Awesomeleaderizawesome says:…

Awesomeleaderizawesome says:…

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: I’m

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: awesome…

Awesomeleaderizawesome says:…

Awesomeleaderizawesome says:…

Awesomeleaderizawesome says: finally I did it!!! XDDD wohooo~~


Awesomeleaderizawesome has left this conversation

Hyunhyun says: (¬_ ¬) babo leader is babo..


Hyunhyun has left this conversation



I know it's not funny.. XDD

I just imagine if this convo actually happen between them.. 

I got this idea bcoz of A.Jamie.. I kinda remind she ever post IM conversation between ZE:A… :) 


PS: you know who is who in this drabble raaite? ;D

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 4: Uwaaa...so sweet!!!!
can i request dooseob please?
I can't stop laughing reading this...this is so funny and cute !
oh my ~
hahahaha jun got a serious disease and lol at seungie seobie. those cute dorky beast. and jun's children woonie and seobie you guys naughty XDDD
this is hilarious :D
seung and seob is so funny. lol at 'arrasso.. if u die den i'll die with chu.. '
PigRabbit1912 #7
That made my day! Teehee...
Daetheidiot #8
I loved this so much! UPDATE MOREEE! ><